Bine ați venit băieți, mă numesc Júlio și astăzi voi vorbi despre cazul Dianei Quer. La 22 august 2016, o tânără de 18 ani a dispărut în orășelul A Pobra do Caramiñal din Spania și a primit o atenție semnificativă a presei. Cazul a rămas nerezolvat timp de 500 de zile până când agresorul ei a decis să atace din nou. Sunt doar un tip brazilian care a decis să facă videoclipuri cu crime adevărate în engleză. Rămâneţi aproape!!! Contact: Vă mulțumim pentru vizionare =) MUSIC BY CO.AG – #missing #solved #unheardof
Rezolvată doar pentru că agresorul ei a decis să atace din nou

45 thoughts on “Rezolvată doar pentru că agresorul ei a decis să atace din nou”
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Evil incarnate. So sad she lost her life. While it will never help in the loss of their daughter. I hope her family have some semblance of peace now that the case has been finally solved. Thank you for sharing this case.
Great Channel.

Excellent Content.
Hello everyone! Thank you very much for taking the time to watch the video. Have a great week!!!
I'm calling that bullshit. He wasn't stealing fuel when he was caught trying to kidnap another young woman. Piece of shit
Great job!

It’s not unusual for teenagers and young people to have arguments with parents. That’s kind of normal especially when parents divorce. I wonder if too much is made of it by rumors or even people trying to mislead the investigation
Police should not trust verbal alibi especially from friends and family
Evil murderer. I hope he’s in prison for life with no parole until he dies
All drugs should be decriminalized and regulated and take the distribution of drugs away from the criminals
Glad He was Finally Caught..R.I.P Young Deana,Way to Young to Die
Portugal is a country I am researching to move to and possibly retire as I think it is so fascinating and beautiful with a rich history. It is so sad and terrifying that even in the most idyllic and beautiful places, horrific people exist intent on destroying others. I hope she is in her own paradise now.
God bless Diane and her family. I hope they find peace. I pray this murderer never gets out of prison
You’re awesome…thankful for your impressive videos!!
What a puke.
It might be just my opinion but all sex offenders should be given the death penalty.
He is gross, his teeth look idiotic. Terrible dental work. Poor girl.
What is wrong with these stupid bloody wives.
We need to casterat these monsters
Another Awesome Video – I notice in the Text Messages the Victim refers to a "Gitano" – a Spanish Roma (formally referred to as "Gypsy") – was there an investigation into the local Gitano Community? Or was She just using a Slang term for a "Guy"?
This is a very horrible case and yes, in Spain there are just a few cameras and little sentences. All the murders with sexual motive are doing from released criminals. Spanish justice sucks!
Yes, the Chicle was a serial raper.
Spain is very safe country only few assauts happen to women safe in street in night I walk never felt like prey but I live in Barcelona South of Spain is bit dangerous as I've been in Madrid nothing happen to me but I always Been in center I had bad feeling being outside center like the victim its very shaddy there unlike here In Barcelona it's very safe thanks to catalán strict laws
I Found your channel today. Definitely subscribing! Clear and concise narration. Thanks for your research and presentation. Keep up the good work!
Where i am from…an angry lynch mob would come take this animal from the court after his sentencing and would never been seen again…
Stunning absolutely beautiful
This suspect should have got the death penalty!

There is something creepy about his smile!
This poor young woman's final moments at the hands of this sexual predator and murderer were truly awful. He should never be released from prison. Some crimes are just to awful to be forgiven,this is one of them.
His got really good true crime video
She is lovely
His face looks like if Lurch fu(ked a beaver.
They lie even when trying to confess the truth. He his target was that woman. These predators think like animals.
Stop discounting people because their spouse or parents give them an alibi!!
Why he wasn't in jail.. .
He saw that gorgeous woman and wanted her. Period! There was no other reason or excuse. He’s garbage and should’ve been locked away forever.
Diana, Deanna or Gianna????
Creepy voice!!
Jose’ head looks like a bucket of smashed crabs.
All these random floors outside where the ground should be never ceases to amaze me