185. Salvați cățelușul de plajă înfometat în Caraibe | Duminica navigatie

185. Salvați cățelușul de plajă înfometat în Caraibe |  Duminica navigatie

În timp ce navigam în Caraibe, am dat peste acest câine adorabil care era subnutrit și blocat pe o plajă pustie. Acest cățeluș era atât de slăbit și înfometat încât am luat-o la acțiune și am salvat-o de pe această plajă izolată din Carriacou, Grenada. Bucurați-vă de această poveste plină de căldură în Duminica Navigației, în timp ce salvăm acest pui înfometat! Vă va face ziua și va ajuta la creșterea gradului de conștientizare cu privire la situația animalelor neglijate și abuzate aici, în Caraibe. AJUTĂ-NE, AJUTĂ-I MAI JOS: DONAȚII DE ANIMALE DE STRADA: https://www.paypal.me/jacksonstreats –––––– SITE WEB SAILING DUMINICĂ: https://www. svsunday.com SAILING SUNDAY SHOP: https://svsunday.com/online-shop-home/ DONAȚII DE ANIMALE DE STRADA: https://www.paypal.me/jacksonstreats PATREON: https://www.patreon.com/sailingsunday SOCIAL MEDIA: Conturi de Instagram @sailing_sunday @brittnimoffatt @ryanweepers @jacksontheshepherdx @animalrescueyachtclub Facebook https://www.facebook.com/sailingsunday TikTok @animalrescueyachtclub


32 thoughts on “185. Salvați cățelușul de plajă înfometat în Caraibe | Duminica navigatie

  1. Hey Guys! We currently have 3 puppies on the boat at the moment, if you would like to support us, please SUBSCRIBE it really does help us grow our channel and its FREE! Check us out on facebook/Instagram, also Free❤
    Brittni has been up all night the last few weeks going back and forth to the emergency vet with our rescues, sometimes at 10pm! If you would like to support further you can also help by donating to Jacksons Treats: https://www.paypal.me/jacksonstreats for a 1 off donation ❤or joining us on PATREON https://www.patreon.com/sailingsunday

  2. ….superfunny Video…wonderful dog rescue Job,so lovely….looks very delicious Ryan…..stay safe during this "windy" season….have fun and take care….thanks for making the sunday again funny and happy with your video….🐾🐾👣👣🍀⛵😍🥰😃

  3. This is of course our favourite video by far!! (We may be a bit biased 😂)
    Watching how you rescued our baby girl made me cry. I couldn’t be more thankful for all you do and bringing her into our life.
    Her new name is ‘Little Bit’ and she loves having playmates now. She’s still crazy when it comes to eating, that may take awhile to outgrow.
    For anyone thinking of adopting a pothound – do it!
    They are so smart and loveable. Absolutely wonderful dogs.
    Thank you again Ryan & Brittni ❤❤❤

  4. You guys (including Jackson) have the biggest hearts. Your rescue efforts are amazing. ❤❤❤❤❤❤ Much luv and many thanks. You are making a difference, and not just to the puppies you save. Your warmth and generosity of spirit inspire all who watch.

  5. I want to see the Jackson Cam, today watch the Roxy Cam on sailing Sweet Ruca & it was good footage. I make bread also, even if it is not Keto. You all need to sail with Vet Tails, Chuffed, think you all speak the same language.

  6. I love how Britney laughs it off with Jackson barking as y'all come into an anchorage. My Maggie has gotten a lot better about barking at ppl. Other dogs, not so much. She met another dog this morning and I believe she started growling, I think I could feel it on the leash. And then it was time to separate. I was in the back working on the rudder and when I came up I was like, where's my dog? She was sleeping on the bow. And, ppl had walked by so she's gotten a lot better about being a boat dog at a marina. Love your videos. ⛵️🐕❤️

  7. You guys have the biggest hearts rescuing the little fur babies. But what happened to the film footage of the rolls being eaten? They looked so good but didn't see the mouth drooling yumminess . Great to see u having some fun x

  8. Aww..look how fat Peachy Girl is now. Happy & healthy. You two rock saving another precious life.
    Hey hey hey a cookbook you say? When’s the big launch?

  9. Once again you two show just how groovy and loving you both are. What you do with helpless animals, who would most likely die without your help and love is beyond amazing. Sailing Sunday has it all. Exciting sailing adventures to groovy locations, your off the cuff humor and love for each other, including Jackson, and of course, your none stop love for helpless creature. You are truly good people with endlessly caring hearts. YouTube should give you the Doggie Loving Award.

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