În acest episod, Colin călătorește la Los Angeles pentru a face câteva podcasturi cu alți membri ai distribuției de sub punte și, de asemenea, pentru a ridica o grămadă de piese de schimb pentru barcă, deoarece transportul în Costa Rica este ridicol de scump. Când se întorc pe barcă, echipajul trece printr-o procedură destul de cuprinzătoare de schimbare a uleiului pentru plăcerea dvs. de vizionare! Podcast Hannahs: https://www.instagram.com/tv/CctweQQPtxV/?utm_source=ig_web_copy_link Podcast petrecere Pita: https://www.instagram.com/tv/CcTlNkhhGkU/?utm_source=ig_web_copy_link SV Parlay este un uragan deteriorat Lagoon 450 catamaran, pe care Colin l-a reconstruit împreună cu prietenii și a început să navigheze în jurul lumii. Au găsit avarii în peretele etanșului catamaranului lor din Panama, așa că au reparat-o și sunt aproape gata să traverseze Oceanul Pacific!! Pentru a ni se alătura pe Patreon și pentru a obține conținut exclusiv și șansa de a veni cu noi, faceți clic aici! https://www.patreon.com/parlayrevival Pentru a cumpăra marfa Parlay Revival faceți clic aici!! https://parlayrevival.com/collections Toată muzica este de la sunetul Epidemic! Înscrieți-vă aici și obțineți o probă gratuită de luni pentru a vedea dacă vă place! https://www.epidemicsound.com/referral/ym5nvt Urmărește-mă pe instagram pentru actualizări zilnice! https://www.instagram.com/parlayrevival_colin/ Pagina de Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/parlayrevival Editat de @flippyhipped (instagram)

27 thoughts on “MINI REUNIONARE SUB PONTE ÎN LA! – Episodul 180”
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Try cracking the eggs on a flat surface – Gordon Ramsay
keep up the great videos
you had Daisy on before GARY??????
Hannah is still looking beautiful.
HOLY SH#%T! Just you and Jamie on the Boat? I'm glad you did the boat jobs as the video before the party got started! Were there any little senorita's around Gulfito?
Hi Colin,

I am glad to see that everything seems to be going well for you. I have some friends who use that kind of cook top and she loves hers. The feature she likes the best is selecting a temperature and it maintains it. In your case you would not have to get the four position model. They make two and three position models. Good luck I think you will like them very well.
So did you ever get all your electronics replaced?
Nooooooo! Jamie cut the muff diver off….
Fuel doctor Aussie stuff best out there stick that in your tank and smoke it!
Great video loved it
I love Dani Soares , absolutely a beautiful person
Eye infection , most times healed with colloidal silver.
the moment you or the dogs have anything going on just wash out with colloidal silver water.
Simple to take anywhere…
2 thin silver rods 4/5 inches long can buy ebay or jewellery shop.
Just bend ends to fit over glass.
conect 9 v battery with 9v Battery Snap Connector to Dual Alligator Clips .
dont touch rods together just place in glass of water for 2/ 3 minutes.
you will see silver coming off rods is few seconds.
Can use for ear infection etc.
Hope this helps …
Filter should be hand tight and only use new oil to coat the seals
It is good to see that You Tube life has not dimmed your skills
Happy Birthday Colin!!

amazed watching you & your boat life ! interesting & watching you do an oil change

i can watch you over & over !!

Engineer, captain,….
Hey Colin, the best investment you will ever make in the longevity of your engines / gensets is setting up a bypass filter that filters down to 1 or 2 micron. These types of filters can also be used for diesel fuel as well. This is not new technology but VERY effective at removing all contaminants down to 1or 2x micron. There are many marine, transport & rail engines operators who swear by these bypass filters for the cost savings + the benefits from having super clean oil lubricating your diesel engines.
Just like motor companies to not put an oil plug for easy access to drain the oil. How hard is that to put something that will make a job easier,same thing with transmissions Yeah? Ah the joys of engineers that never turn wrenches developing motors. Fire them all and get mechanics in there designing motors! That will make too much sense!
Didn’t have any idea on how much power induction takes….now I do. Thanks for the lesson. I even watched you changing the oil, not sure I could do it as a 74 year old grandma, but it’s never too late to learn. Happy Birthday Colin !
Is the WhatsApp massage a scam or what
Jamie need subtitles

Love it
Hey Colin, I want to thank you for the reply and the fact that you picked me for a gift but as I am not on any social media, it is much too dangerous with all the loss of privacy I would like to say I enjoy your videos but I don't need to be awarded a gift for watching, I am living my dream vicariously through your travels, keep up the great videos, thank you Ed…
FYI if you have something in your eye that you can’t get out. Use the corner of a hard pack of cigarettes. There is a angled
pice on the top of the pack. And pluck it out with the pointed side. It even works on metal and fiberglass. But always where Safty glasses 
This is such a glorious channel, I have recently discovered it and have watched all of the episodes in a couple of weeks already
and love it so much
So inspiring and just some really amazing vibes, thank you so much for that! 
Also Happy birthday, Colin! All the happiness to you and Keep living your dreams and inspiring people all over the world!
relax enjoy
Just so you know, I like the "real" boat life videos as much as the "fun" boat life ones. Keep up yhe great work!
In a pinch, you can punch a screw driver into the filter to get it loose. Messy but very easy and effective.