Ne îndreptăm treptat mai spre nord. Vremea devine din ce în ce mai caldă, iar ancorajele insulelor sunt acum la îndemâna navigației. Vizităm destinația emblematică a Insulei Middle Percy, iar Aripa Mică devine membru al Clubului de Yacht al insulei Percy. M-aș putea obișnui cu viața asta de croazieră…
Navigați pe Insula Percy către Mackay – Little Wing Westsail 32 Ep09
3 thoughts on “Navigați pe Insula Percy către Mackay – Little Wing Westsail 32 Ep09”
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Good to see DominiKa back on Little Wing. Ben, when you started talking about the new spinnaker, I started thinking what you were thinking, and then you blurted it out! Our minds were thinking the same thing separated by 17000 miles! How funny!
Great scenery in this video, and the color of the water is amazing. The PIYC is really cool, what a shrine! Totally enjoyed… you two are so enjoyable 🥰🥰
Great video showing how well the WetSnails can sail. 👍🏻
Soft sweet easy adventures together. I am envious inside my aged body. Wishing I had done years ago as I watch you lovely people.
I am sort of jealous, but in a nice way Ben. Keep that Super Glue handy as Dominica is your First Mate!, and a beaut deck mate with your adventures…envy envy..ha ha Thanks guys.