Navigarea Insulelor Feroe la Vestmannaeyar, Islanda I Capitolul 3

Navigarea Insulelor Feroe la Vestmannaeyar, Islanda I Capitolul 3

Obțineți o ofertă exclusivă NordVPN aici ➼ Nu există riscuri cu garanția de rambursare a banilor Nord de 30 de zile! Buna tuturor! În capitolul 3 navigăm pe toți cei 390 NM de la Insulele Feroe până la incredibilul Vestmannaeyar, Islanda. S-a dovedit a fi o luptă pentru a petrece 2 săptămâni în spital, în plus față de 1 săptămână de recuperare/ așteptare pentru vreme. Aceasta a fost o editare mare și o mulțime de povestiri de făcut, dar trebuie să spun că am fost foarte mulțumit de sfârșit! Sper că vă veți bucura! Mulțumesc 🙂 Tricouri și produse în interiorul UE: SUA și peste tot: Facebook: https:/ / Instagram: Patreon: PayPal: Site-ul meu:


37 thoughts on “Navigarea Insulelor Feroe la Vestmannaeyar, Islanda I Capitolul 3

  1. Erik people is killing me with paraplegia and not common sense people. They don t want me sailing. I need to quit from Barcelona every month because I can stand anymore here but no money after loose my ticket to Indo. So no turkey so if you could choose where you could choose to freedive. In Padova in an artificial pool or in formentera sharing again with Catalan crazyness. One is artificial but freediver company. Other is nature but Catalan sheet and Spanish sheet idiotasincracia. Lof!!!

  2. Erik a true Viking fighting adversity. A role model to all who suffer from this debilitating condition UC. My son has the same condition together with its companion PSC. He also does not let it define or limit him and he continues to live his life to the max. Good luck Erik and Bon Voyage 😁😁

  3. Glad your feeling better 🤍👍.
    Love the area's you sail ,unlike other channels that predominantly capture the warmer climates
    Beautiful cinematography as usual.

  4. Every minute of video you create is riveting. It always brightens my day to watch you soloing with a rail in the water. Heeled over and haulin'. Thank you very much. Best wishes and God bless.

  5. hy my friend, you are good with a boat and a camera but should improve on your diet
    stress will worsen such a symptom but not cause it
    bad diet would
    please no more ; can , cheap, transformed, animal, industrial; junk food
    so you and we all can enjoy more of your sailing

  6. Another beautiful episode Eric! Fantastic shots of all that stunning, rugged scenery. I know you've lost another drone – oops – but i think i can speak for a great many and say that we are very grateful that you keep on buying more of them! :)) Also grateful to hear that you are getting better in health. Good luck to ya, and thanks once more.Cheers! 🙂

  7. I love seeing the homes with the sod (green roofs) . In the US they are nearly unknown but an old idea that can be resorected to modern buildings.

  8. you popped up on my YouTube recommends – absolutely extraordinary! look forward to following your adventures. And stay healthy!

  9. Erik, there's got to be a way of attaching flotation gear on those drones and a gps locator. Sure it will cost, but how much does 20 drones cost over a period of ten years?

  10. Was definitely worth the wait and glad that you felt well enough to continue. The Faroe Islands look just Wow! Looking forward to chapter 4. Thanks

  11. Why do you never seem to use a safety line? Not such a great example – you have to be lucky 100% of the time and you know how that goes at sea. This is my only criticism – wonderful videos with great production values

  12. I sailed with my Dad, a sailing instructor, we were always tacking into the wind, of course. It seems modern sailors don’t like to tack. Thats a Big part of sailing.

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