Sailing Safar Ep7 – Flying Under Colors (Solo Spinnaker Sailing Gibraltar Strait)

Sailing Safar Ep7 - Flying Under Colors (Solo Spinnaker Sailing Gibraltar Strait)

În acest episod, îmi fac ultima navigație a sezonului. Din păcate, trebuie să mă întorc la muncă pentru a finanța următorul set de aventuri, așa că navighez în Safar până la La Lina, Acaidesa, unde va fi ulterior transportată la mal și pregătită pentru o scurtă perioadă de iarnă. Tocmai am creat câteva conturi de rețele sociale pentru Safar, așa că asigurați-vă că le verificați dacă doriți să fiți la curent. – Episodul bonus cu filmări Boat Tour și Haul out vă vor veni în curând!


21 thoughts on “Sailing Safar Ep7 – Flying Under Colors (Solo Spinnaker Sailing Gibraltar Strait)

  1. Well you really cracked the drone shots, beautiful boat and well edited. Most impressed by the way you manage to video so much of the action on board. I need to get some more camera mounts so that I can attempt to keep up with you. A very enjoyable video. I loved the commercial text additions, one gave me a big laugh, I guess you know which one 😀 Are you going to keep up with us once you're back in the U.k.? If you're ever up in Derbyshire, it would be great to meet up. Take care .. Dave

  2. Another great video and thanks for posting but dont know what I am going to watch now on a Sunday and you now have two followers on fb. Hopefully you have a good few months back in reality and look forward to your return to Safar. 😀

  3. Another great video, thanks for sharing it with us! Enjoyed seeing the setup & problem solving. Those shackles working lloose is a bit of a wake-up call!! Good spot!
    Drone shots are getting really smooth and interesting.
    Look forward to seeing you back in early in the new year

  4. Great drone shots! What drone do you have and how do you recover when singlehanded? Does it have legs? I’ve got a DJI mini 3 but I’m not sure how easy it will be to recover safely!

  5. Hello from Los Angeles!! 
    Great videos and awesome spinnaker drone shots.
    I am thinking of adding a spinnaker type sail to my boat but was not sure how to attach it to the bow, so thanks for showing us your setup!
    By the way I noticed that you had an anchor swivel attached to your chain which was a couple of feet before the actual anchor. You may think of attaching it directly to your anchor and then you would eliminate your shackle loosening problem. 
    All the best Richard

  6. Oh mate! I feel your End of Season pain 😢. Anyway another really enjoyable and informative video – nice one and Thanks👏👏👏Let us know how you find your winter layup yard choice👋

  7. Thanks for yet another great video. I really appreciate when you describe your hardware setup and methods. That’s how we learn from each other’s 🤓⚓️👍🏼

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