UPDATE DE CONSTRUCȚIE DE CATAMARAN: Unde este Terysa? & Când va fi gata RR2?

UPDATE DE CONSTRUCȚIE DE CATAMARAN: Unde este Terysa?  & Când va fi gata RR2?

Săptămâna aceasta facem un tur al celei mai recente actualizări de build și răspundem la câteva dintre întrebările tale arzătoare! Unde este Terysa și când va fi gata Ruby Rose 2? Multumesc pentru vizionare! Vă rugăm să vă abonați și să lăsați un comentariu ⛵️ Pentru a ne susține munca ❤️ https://www.patreon.com/sailingrubyrose 00:00 Introducere 00:42 Actualizare cabina 02:27 Cabină principală 04:04 Stație de navigație 04:44 Cabină pentru oaspeți 06:30 Actualizări Videoclipurile noastre sunt gratuite pentru toți să le vizioneze și vor fi întotdeauna. Cu toate acestea, avem o comunitate uimitoare de Patroni care, pentru costul unei cești de cafea pe lună, primesc tot felul de beneficii și avantaje. Acest sprijin ne permite să continuăm să vă aducem poveștile noastre, așa că mulțumiri URIAȘE pentru minunații noștri Patroni 😊 Faceți clic pe linkul de mai sus pentru a afla mai multe. Dacă Patreon nu este treaba ta, există o mulțime de alte modalități de a-ți arăta sprijinul (și nu te va costa nici măcar un ban): http://yachtrubyrose.com/say-thanks/ SOCIAL MEDIA Ne actualizăm Instagram aproape zilnic. Aceasta prezintă imagini cu noi, cu barca și cu împrejurimile noastre. Poveștile noastre de pe Instagram vă oferă o privire în „din culise” și vă reamintesc când apar noile noastre episoade, plus orice altceva ne-ar plăcea să documentăm! Link-ul este aici: http://www.instagram.com/sailingrubyrose Vrei să vezi blogul nostru? Toate intrările pe care le-am scris și toate călătoriile noastre înainte de a începe canalul nostru de Youtube? Ei bine, atunci aici trebuie să te uiți. De asemenea, vă puteți abona la newsletter-ul nostru! http://www.yachtrubyrose.com Vă interesează pagina noastră de Facebook? Din nou, postăm aproape zilnic cu poze, videoclipuri mici și povești din viața noastră de zi cu zi. Urmăriți-ne aici: http://www.facebook.com/sailingrubyrose Vrei să citești Tweeturile noastre? Imagini, videoclipuri și gândurile noastre, aproape zilnic? Ei bine, căutați aici: http://www.twitter.com/yachtrubyrose MUZICA Toate melodiile prezentate în acest episod sunt creditate la sfârșitul videoclipului, în ordinea în care apar. Obținem toată muzica noastră de la Epidemic Sound și Artlist. ⛵ – Despre noi: http://yachtrubyrose.com/our-story/ ⛵ – Contactați-ne: http://yachtrubyrose.com/contact-us/ Bună ziua! Suntem Nick și Terysa și am devenit complet obsedați de ideea de a naviga în jurul lumii și de a împărtăși experiențele și informațiile noastre prin videoclipurile noastre despre stilul de viață cu navigație. Ne-am întâlnit călătorind prin India și am fost de acord rapid că, în loc să ne „instalăm” și să facem ceea ce fac majoritatea oamenilor normali, am vrut să călătorim și să ne aventurăm și am început poveștile noastre de aventură în stilul de viață cu navigație, de atunci, am muncit din greu pentru a realiza visele noastre, iar acum le trăim în sfârșit ca stil de viață de croazieră cu vele! Vrei să știi ceva despre stilul nostru de viață de navigație sau despre poveștile de aventură cu navigație? Trimiteți-ne un e-mail prin intermediul paginii de contact http://yachtrubyrose.com/contact-us/ Sperăm să vă bucurați de ceea ce facem. Vă rugăm să vă abonați, să dați like și să distribuiți. Mulțumesc mult pentru vizionare! Vă rugăm să vă abonați, să lăsați un comentariu și să dați cu degetul mare.


33 thoughts on “UPDATE DE CONSTRUCȚIE DE CATAMARAN: Unde este Terysa? & Când va fi gata RR2?

  1. So, Nick, it's getting there! Once you take delivery of the boat, it would be nice for you two to visit Thailand again. That area was staggeringly beautiful. Of course you'll want to make your way out to the South Pacific once you know that boat intimately. Could you do an episode on planning, not just an offshore passage, but an entire expedition? This could include going through Cornell's book "World Cruising Routes" or similar and then deciding which area to explore first. There has to be a number of contingency plans, and then a looser plan of where to sail as you head further into the waters you chose to explore. The 10,000 foot (3048 meter) view of planning has never been posted on YouTube to my knowledge. Thanks!

  2. Every week I see you sweating bullets from the heat and humidity, and I just assume Therese thought, "Damn! Way too muggy and hot there!" and was hanging out in Australia with family and doing all the editing. By the way she is a boss at editing!

  3. It's looking grand! We're getting so excited for you. Glad you had a good time at home with Terysa and that she gets to visit for the holidays. I can only imagine Christmas in Vietnam will be amazing. Are you still volunteering at the local clinics?

  4. Hull 1 seems to be moving forward by leaps and bounds at this stage of the build. With that in mind, it also seems logical that with the experience gained on hull #1 they will move forward slightly faster on RR2 completing the same tasks. The build team will probably continue to evolve with their build experience on each build and over time the start-to-finish timing will be reduced significantly. Tha was cute seeing Thrysa holding a Koala. Hopefully she will have more content to offer on those types of items in Australia.

  5. Just some friendly advice about your first season. Until you get all the bugs worked out the first season I would sail close to where the company is and or factory that way you don’t have to fly people halfway across the world to come look at your bost. And can get attention quick because your so close. Get all the kinks worked out after first season on the new boat . Then the world is yours.

  6. Yeah, I couldn't see RR2 in delivery before March or April of next year. I mean, it's going to take hull number one until probably mid to late December to splash and then a couple of weeks to work out the bugs, because no matter how detail minded you are, but will creep in.

    As to Terysa, thanks for the update. Looks like she found someone to snuggle with when you aren't there! LOL 😆😀 Glad you got to spend time with her for 10 days that was awesome. Looking forward to next week's video

  7. Hi Nick. Great videos. Thanks for sharing. After all the reviews you made to so many cats there was a list of "must have" on your ideal catamaran. Have they been carried into this project? It would be interesting to have a video with your explanations on how they have been materialized in RR 2. (Eventually such a video makes more sense when the boat is ready and at sea.)

  8. Every morning I imagine Nick peeking through his apartment blinds thinking. "Saigon… Sh*t, I'm still only in Saigon" 

    With all you've been through, your time spent and full immersion into Vietnam I think the birthplace of RR2 is where the journey should begin. I can imagine Saio Rap would be like a hellish mini Malacca Straits, but staring on a river in Vietnam would be epic…

  9. Progress looks steady even if there are some delays. Hopefully they’ll let you film a bit of the test sailing. Would be interesting to see how they test it and get your thoughts on the performance, etc.

  10. Enjoyed your rapid-fire, comprehensive review. It must be insanely exciting for you! Your channel is at the ethereal peak of all of YouTube! Thanks for a glimpse into a dream lifestyle.

  11. I have so enjoyed the VN segments both the info on the Dentist Helping local people and the beers, food, and breakfast that you have been so kind to introduce me to. It has made me want to visit VN very much. The RR2 and the build are an ongoing education in design and boat building. This is a once-in-a-lifetime series of shows. I doubt any company will allow this in the future. They are not as confident as Seawind or have a videographer like Terysa & Nick that they can trust with filming. Happy Trails from Florida … about to be hit with the last storm of the season…I hope.

  12. Nick, you've been ecstatic about the hardtop for the 1370 and for good reason. Not only is it a place for solar panels and rain catching but it gives great protection from sun, rain and cold, not to mention it doesn't need periodic replacing like a canvas bimini. With all these positives for a catamaran, would you have the same excitement for having a hardtop on a mono-hull or do you see negatives?

  13. Cruise Philippines and South East Asia. It’s not something you see a lot of as most channels stick to the Caribbean, Mediterranean South Pacific etc.
    please keep the technical stuff coming as that’s your sweet spot

  14. If it were me I would take delivery where you are and sail the coast of Vietnam whilst there. So much to see and so difficult to cruise Vietnam because of bureaucracy. Most neighbouring countries nearby are relatively simple to check in and out. Love watching the build progress, good luck with it all.

  15. Now that you are seeing hull #1 come together, have you made any changes to your boat design plan as a result? Is Seawind going to put together an RR option list so that others could order the same layout?

  16. I know where I would pick: the South Pacific is so beautiful, and definitely my favorite part of the world. Also not too inconvenient considering it's being built in Vietnam. Would love to see another joint video with the Wynns if you cross paths sometime.

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