INFORMAȚII ȘI CONTACT SCHAEFER: Urmărește-ne Construirea unui iaht explorator @NautiGuys Alăturați-vă nouă în turul autoghidat;) Este un debut în SUA al noului brazilian Construiți iahtul cu motor SCHAEFER 450 FLY la FLIBS 2022. Ce platformă de divertisment plină de caracteristici, bine echipată și elegantă este acest iaht pentru doar 45 de picioare! Unele dintre caracteristicile mele preferate de pe acest iaht nou-nouț au fost: platforma inovatoare de înot, grătarul ascuns, flybridge-ul expansiv, cabina armatorului cu fascicul complet și prova decapotabilă… oh, omule, lista este lungă și eu nu vreau. Nu vreau să dau totul, așa că va trebui doar să-l urmărești! Prețul de pornire pentru acest model este de 1.100.000 USD. Bucurați-vă de Tur! Spuneți-mi ce părere aveți despre acesta, băieți, în comentarii. & NILS KAH Interesat de acest iaht sau de un alt #SchaeferYachts SCHAEFER INFORMAȚII & CONTACT: #YachtTour #MotorYacht #NautiStyles //ALĂTURĂ-TE ECHIPULUI NOSTRU NAUTI: De la De la început, am decis să ne păstrăm independența și integritatea, așa că nu acceptăm plăți pentru Yacht Tours și nu „lucrăm pentru închiriere”, astfel putem alege și doar Tura navele pe care le considerăm interesante pentru publicul nostru. Suntem aici pentru a ne distra în timp ce verificăm cele mai tari iahturi de pe piață și nu ne luăm prea în serios! MULȚUMESC PENTRU LIKE-URI, COMENTARII, COMENTARII ȘI SUB-UNĂRI! ACESTE 4 CLICURI SIMPLE FAC ACEST CANAL POSIBIL!!!
//URMĂȚI-NE: ○ Instagram: ○ Blog: ○ Facebook: NautiStyles/ //CUMPĂRAT NAUTI GEAR: //CAMERA UTILIZAT: ○ Camera – ○ Drone – ○ Microfoane wireless – ○ Microfoane cu fir – ○ Card SD – ○ Gimbal – ○ Lumină – //SUBSCRIBE AICI:… //WATCH NEXT: ○ UNIQUE YACHTS: =PL_MuaHEC2JeVkxJIS2lz_SeSQx4lnGSxM ○ BORDĂ ACCESIBILĂ: 0:00 Introducere 0:25 Exterior 5:45 Prora 7:55 Flybridge 9:48 Upper Timp: Interior 116:15 Interior 112:15 Stateroom 112:15 :50 Sala mașinilor 26:46 SPECIFICAȚII 27:02 Cabină echipajului 29:30 Reprize Vă mulțumim pentru vizionare! Ahoy, căpitanul V DECLINAREA RESPONSABILITĂȚII: Linkurile incluse în această descriere pot fi link-uri afiliate. Dacă achiziționați un produs sau serviciu cu linkurile pe care le furnizez, este posibil să primesc un mic comision. Nu există nicio taxă suplimentară pentru tine! Vă mulțumesc că îmi susțineți canalul, astfel încât să pot continua să ofer conținut gratuit în fiecare săptămână!
1,1 milioane USD+ SCHAEFER 450 FLY POWER YACHT TOUR / Yacht cu motor Flybridge nou-nouț

37 thoughts on “1,1 milioane USD+ SCHAEFER 450 FLY POWER YACHT TOUR / Yacht cu motor Flybridge nou-nouț”
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Hi Guys, can't wait to hear what you thought about this much anticipated Brazilian Build 45'! Let me know below
We are working on the new video for @NautiGuys, should be coming very soon
That is the coolest swim platform set up for a boat that size I’ve ever seen!
Just an all around well equipped and laid out boat.
how tall are you guys?
Anyone know how the build quality, materials quality and quality control compare with Schaefer vs. Galeon?
Dang, I'm 6'7" and I was going to buy one
Cute boat. Not that it looks like a boat that would sink easily, but I wanted to know what you two think or consider to be ways to prevent accidental loss. As an old Coastie and having rescued folks, What are your thoughts? Maybe an interesting video to work up, maybe? Boating safety with a large taught?
That's a nice boat.
Really nice.
You guys are awesome.
When II was in the US Army, I was a diesel mechanic on a landing craft. (For training only. We did not actually use them for what they were made. But there was an issue with the possibility of an over-rev situation. That is, the engines could over -rev by taking off to unlimited speed do to rev which is like full throttle without being able to throttle them back. This would happen because the water has low resistance on the props. The only way to stop them, when this happened, was to put a board over the air intakes to starve the engine of oxygen and thus, stall the engine. Without that, they would rev to the point to where they would throw a rod from too high RPM. Do yachts have that issue as well and do they have something in the engine room to stop an over-rev situation either, remotely or by doing it in the engine room?
To the right of the oven opens too.
Thanks for the share Victoria and Rico. No way to hot dogs, brats! More a fan of the forward cabin over the master. Engine room was much lager then anticipated.
I’m Brazilian… chimichurri is Argentinian.
Wow, from the swim platform on!
Ha excellent crew quarter editing! LOL!! Great review as always, I have two questions, why 3 engine choices and do you know why it has a fabric cover instead of a hard top?
Kinda shocked at the price though. I could have afforded a 45 foot boat in the 80's, but now now.
Scissor berths like the forward cabin have been around for a while. Prestige yachts come to mind
Great to do a video of a yacht, without having a clue of what you are talking about, just because you are an eye candy.
still nothing on naughty guys on your new boat being built?

Chimichurri ist Argentinisch
Wet heads for a million+ ? Nope.
chimichurri is Argentinian, Brazilian barbecue is grilled only with coarse/rock salt
Márcio Schaefer, owner of Schaefer Yatchs, was recorded asking his employees to vote for Bolsonaro candidates in the first round, a practice that constitutes electoral harassment.
Bolsonaro, The government of President Jair Bolsonaro is the target of a new complaint sent to rapporteurs on Human Rights and Climate Change at the United Nations (UN). The document points to data on deforestation in the Amazon and Cerrado and on violence against indigenous peoples.
Experts say the president is the closest Venezuelan-style leader the country has ever had. It flouted basic human rights principles, shocking the international community. The insistence on praising South American dictators accused of crimes against humanity. It didn't take long for him to return to the center of international attention, this time on behalf of the Amazon. In a speech of just over 10 minutes to less than 100 Brazilian businessmen in Miami, President Jair Bolsonaro denied that there is an international economic crisis and insinuated that there is alarmism in the press coverage of the coronavirus epidemic, saying at the meeting 'It's fantasy'. , says Bolsonaro about the crisis caused by the coronavirus epidemic.
Bolsonaro family accumulates evidence of involvement with militias, Bolsonaro family has neighbors, friends and political allies suspected of involvement with paramilitaries. The origin of the militias is well known to Brazilians and is at the base of many serious problems that we have in the country: in the regions where the State.
So Nice review! Keep going
90 degrises F ?? In metric
Enjoyed the tour.
I’ve run the 510 GT part time for the past year along with many other different yachts in the 44-70 plus foot range.
I really enjoy the way the boat handles at the docks and underway. The layouts on the Schaefer yachts makes entertaining very easy.
Serviceability is easy also. The 510 GT is a year old now with almost 500 hours on it.
I’m sure buyers will love the 450
Not to appear uninformed, what is the Loop?
i love your vids i love nautistyles the idea as well as the dynamics between the husband/wife pair-
–i simply cannot watch other channels fumble through things that don't really matter-but im disabled living in a trailer, on fixed income, my roof leaks the flooring has weak spots pipes freeze every winter. i need $40k for a newer better home. my mind cannot image paying one million dollars for ANYTHING, much less a boat! you are truly blessed!Love you two! Will be me & my future bride, with our favorite subject
! Y’all are so cool & dare I say cute!!! Keep enjoying what you do!!!
another really awesome tour, well done guys
very unique little boat.
1.1M is hardly “entry level” but loved the vid and it’s a nice boat
Can you live on this boat?
I am in love with this yacht. But the dealbreaker is the galley sink. Too awkward to reach it. And its too small. How are you going to wash dishes for 5 people, 3 times a day in that? Would those plates on the table even fit in there? Love the built in trash. Love the shower configuration. How did they fail on the sink?
YouTube must be hurting for income they are now putting about six commercials to one of your videos. Where I used to be able to watch the whole video without a commercial. They've gotten so greedy that you could be watching music on YouTube and in the middle of the song they cut for commercial YouTube is short-lived if they keep this crap up!! PS I love your videos
looks like a very high-quality boat, nicely done.