Mulțumim lui Kamikoto pentru sponsorizarea acestui videoclip! Obțineți o reducere suplimentară de 50 USD la orice achiziție cu codul MJSAILING, cu reducerile lor de pre Black Friday. Accesați și ajutați-vă la susținerea canalului nostru. În curtea de lucru, ne-am spart fundul în cort pentru a scoate lucrurile de pe listă, în timp ce încă avem capacitatea de a lucra fără ajutorul încălzitoarelor. Marele impuls al lui Matt pentru luna noiembrie este de a introduce cât mai multe dintre matrițele noastre pentru trapa pe punte. Odată ce au fost acoperiți cu sticlă (și sperăm că vom acoperi asta mai mult în episodul de săptămâna viitoare), el trebuie să măsoare și să taie spațiul din puntea unde vor sta ei – și apoi să-i pună în legătură. Facem o pauză. de la muncă și urcăm pe o barcă charter pentru ziua în care ne-am petrecut ultimele luni încercând să strângem bani pentru Fish For a Cure. Pe Golful Chesapeake, încercăm să prindem cel mai mare stâncă dintre toate cele 70 de bărci participante. Și avem o zi grozavă în timp ce încercăm. Apoi mă întorc la lucru, unde preiau ecranul și arăt o parte din carenarea la care am fost în carca principală. De săptămâni de zile abordez zone, încercând să le fac *pur și simplu perfecte* înainte de a primi un pont care acum va schimba totul. O vopsea albastră simplă care să funcționeze ca o haină de ghidare. Sperăm să vă bucurați! Link către barca noastră: Mulțumim MULT Patronilor noștri. Acești susținători extraordinari ne ajută să ne menținem pe barcă, echipamentele noastre de cameră la zi și videoclipurile care urmează. Fără patronii noștri, aceste videoclipuri nu ar fi posibile. Pentru a vă înscrie în rândurile Patreon, vă rugăm să vizitați sau Cumpărați-ne o bere prin PayPal! sau Ajută să contribui la construcție cumpărând Lista noastră de dorințe Amazon! Adresa de livrare: Kentmorr Marina 910 Kentmorr Road Stevensville, MD 21666 Vă mulțumim!, Matt și Jessica – Obțineți marfa: https:// Videoclipuri realizate de Jessica, cu Matt și Georgie. 00:00 – Teaser 00:17 – Introducere 00:45 – Tăierea MAI MULTE găuri în puntea noastră 04:16 – Formele pentru trapă se lipesc în 07:07 – Joyce prezintă Kamikoto 09:01 – Fish For A Cure 11:30 – We’ re Prinderea atât de mulți pești! 12:56 – Jigging lângă o navă de containere 14:53 – Ce a făcut Jessica? PUIUL TÂRGULUI!! 16:46 – Folosind Dykem ca haină de ghid 19:42 – My Cooking Buddy – Louisa! 19:56 – Muzica de închidere: Different Clouds – Helmut Schenker pentru motivație – CLNGR It’s All About Us – Jaslyn Edgar The Morning Light – LM Styles Pandemonium (Tribute Version) – The Mondays Camera echipament utilizat: – Panasonic Lumix GH5 – Microfon de pușcă Shure VP83F – – GoPro Hero8 Bărci anterioare: 1983 Trisalu 37 – aluminiu la comandă, construit în Quebec (Elements of Life) Unde am fost: 2,5 ani refit în Indiantown, Florida; Abacos, Bahamas; St. Barth; St. Maarten; Antigua; Saba; Azore; Irlanda; Scoţia; Norvegia; Anglia 1989 Sabre 34 Targa (Serendipity) Unde am navigat cu ea: SUA – Bahamas – Jamaica – Cuba – Insulele Cayman – Honduras – Guatemala – Belize – Mexic – Bermuda – Azore – Madeira – Insulele Canare – Sint Maarten – BVI – Software de editare USVI: Site-ul Adobe Premier Pro: Facebook: Instagram: & /mj_wayfaring/
Vopseaua albastră care îmi schimbă viața!! (MJ Sailing – Ep 258)

35 thoughts on “Vopseaua albastră care îmi schimbă viața!! (MJ Sailing – Ep 258)”
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Jessica, you are at least 3 decades off needing a blue rinse and perhaps twin set
Thanks for these videos, fascinating to watch it all come together.
Jess, I certainly hope Matt KNOWS how lucky a man he is! great job both of you.
The REAL Boat Wives of Annapolis?

Louisa does it for me !
Nice work on the commercial, Jess. You are a natural. Kamikoto knifes are a good product. We use ours every day, we've had them for a year now.
Tip: Sand at 45 degree angles that criss cross (like X). It makes for a very straight, even surface. Sanding in straight lines just means a lot more work to try to get a very straight/flat surface.
I have never commented on your videos before, but , wow, anyone who can make an add so entertaining deserves a huge gold medal, your content is great as well. brilliant guys.
Jess, Love the hair in curlers, and the blue dye is killer! In projects I've done fairing was the hardest thing to get right. With 11 layers of glass on the daggerboard case, that looks extremely smooth, only a little touch up needed. Great job, both of you!
Found ur channel again yesterday and had 9 months worth of videos to watch finally watched them all can't wait for the next video u have done such an amazing job keep up the good work
Just for your interest, the ship is a Cape sized bulk carrier – too big for transit through the Panama canal so has to go round the Cape, cargo capacity is about 180,000 tonnes L 292 B 45 metres. Piloted her sisters quite often .
Sorry, but how long is this going to take? I hope the money you have saved is worth all of this work!
It's a pretty rare occasion when I click the like button for a commercial, but I did this time.
so good to see y'all having some fun
Hey dolls! Your parody character segments are really getting fun and creative! You might have to spin off the channel for a solo gig!!
That blue dye technique is great. And I'm not sure how you can take credit for all the fairing since all I see is that strange white suited dude!
send corners first by hand when filler is soft
After a hard rain, or just from water/waves splashing over the deck won't water pool around the recessed hatches?
I’d be working out how I could pay one of the Vietnamese guys to come over for a month or two. Sanding and painting plasterboard is bad enough so I really hate fibreglass.
Sand in 45 degree angle to the floor then reverse and go in 45 degrees in the same place this gives you a cross hatch effect and the low and high spots will get sanded properly, if you use the sanding block in all different directions around in circles left right up down you inevitably will sand in the same spot too much and not enough in another spot and create more valleys
Have you considered using your "pasty bag" as a liner in your mixing cup. Use a rubber band to hold it if that helps but mix directly in the bag and then remove. No scooping, no waste and it saves the cup.
Just a thought. Keep up the great work it's really coming along.
Have you ever thought to use a vacuum bag?
Girl! You HAVE to buy a 6" and 8" gear driven mud hog! SO MUCH FASTER! I was a pro body man for 40 years. Hand blocking that whole boat is crazy.
Using a re-fillable spray bottle, fill with methylated spirits and add food colouring to use as a guide coat.
I absolutely love your ironic playfulness! Brilliant thinking and acting! I recognise how excessive sanding might give time for creativity. What’s the best value, the fair surface or the rough humour? Tough match!
Joyce, I saw you on Breaking Waves today. I didn't know you and Louisa even knew each other. Oh my, the stories you could tell. Sorry but I can't seem to get the accent right on this darn thing.
Joyce is cool. A real Vawdker and tawnic lady!.
First off, thank you for bringing us along with this build. But, I would rather hear the sanding block, power tools or frankly just the resin curing than the inane music that is played in some of your videos. Just talk, you don't need the music. It adds nothing. That said, you are about the last "sailing" channel I watch because you actually still do something related to boats and boat building. Many others just seem to take nature hikes, dive with their backsides hanging out or preach about how their vegetarian diet is the only way to live and how the oceans will dry up next Tuesday if we don't start eating bugs or some other nonsense. So please, show more of the boat build stuff and less fluff. I for one, think it is fascinating, and as you have likely surmised, I for one could careless about the other filler. Building your own sailboat is such a massive undertaking that requires so many different skillsets and talents, nevermind money, as well as great bravery, that I find it fascinating. So many of these tasks transfer into non marine applications as well, so that even those of us that will never undertake such a large project, can still learn something useful in your videos while still being entertained. Thanks again.
The words of the song "it's all about us " fits. Can you say narcissistic?!?
There is no way that just the two of you can perform the work on your vessel and do the required cleanup.
How much solar are you planing and have you thought about electric outboards ?
I'm famous!
Cookin on the boat with Louisa is too funny!
Great ad Jess!
Long Islanders are going: no, uh uh! UP'ers are going: WTF?

Great progress guys!! Awesome episode!
Ha ha ha was that a Brooklyn or Queens accent. Great tip on the blue dye thanks