Nu va fi totul fără probleme odată ce Kyrie Irving se întoarce – Zach Lowe | NBA azi

Nu va fi totul fără probleme odată ce Kyrie Irving se întoarce - Zach Lowe |  NBA azi

Echipa NBA Today discută despre rolul de lider al lui Kevin Durant în acest sezon pe Brooklyn Nets și despre așteptările pentru echipă odată ce Kyrie Irving se întoarce din suspendare. #nbatoday #nba ✔️Abonează-te la ESPN+ ✔️ Obține aplicația ESPN: ✔️Abonează-te la ESPN pe YouTube: http://es .pn/SUBSCRIBEtoYOUTUBE ✔️ Abonează-te la NBA pe ESPN pe YouTube: ✔️ Urmărește ESPN pe YouTube TV:


24 thoughts on “Nu va fi totul fără probleme odată ce Kyrie Irving se întoarce – Zach Lowe | NBA azi

  1. Leave him alone, ur know how to put a black man down, he has achieved way more then all of u…we love u kyrie, we believe in u…don't listen to the bull focus on self

  2. stop the Nets are winning bcuz kyrie's out bs. JV has implemented a new defensive scheme and got seth back. they were also playing better defense as a TEAM. just leave this brother alone. stay out of his life and focus on basketball. geesh!

  3. 5-3 without Kyrie, should be 5-2. No excuse for losing to the Lakers. They are building, out side of LAL and SAC they have been playing great defense. Their offense is their issue. Kyrie may help that. Hopefully he won't mess up their defense.

  4. Boycott ESPN for overblowing that Kyrie post. Look at the news in Israel if you want to find antisemitism. Israel's gov't is the most guilty.

  5. These nba players acting like kyrie is in jail🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 kyrie is in TIMEOUT MODE.

    These the same nba players who got mad at Jeremy Lin who braided his hair and a certain group of nba players were APPALLED🤣🤣🤣🤣 like how can Jeremy lin, an Asian player, do that to us🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

  6. Isn't it ironic that all KD and most of these nba players want to do is "shut up and dribble" because this kyrie shenanigans are so stressful to talk about 🤣🤣🤣🤣 HYPOCRITES.

  7. Quiet as it’s kept, I think Kevin Durant is speaking what a lot of players are feeling. I’m enjoying getting paid millions of dollars just to go out here in bounce a ball. Do you want me to try to get this championship because that makes you get great ratings or give you a great story. At some point people just stop wanted to be the dancing bear.

  8. Kyrie is utterly insincere. His opinion hasn’t changed. This is the same uneducated, low IQ guy who thinks the earth is flat (really) and that vaccines will harm you.

  9. Exodus 4:23 KJV
    [23] And I say unto thee, Let my son go, that he may serve me: and if thou refuse to let him go, behold, I will slay thy son, even thy firstborn.

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