Outbound 46 Review

Outbound 46 Review

Outbound 46 câștigă cu adevărat titlul de barca cu pânze cu apă albastră. Este făcut pentru a naviga într-un mod în care multe „bărci cu apă albastră” moderne nu sunt. De asemenea, vă va oferi un grad bun de confort ca o barcă de croazieră pe termen lung și are câteva idei grozave despre împachetarea lucrurilor de care ați putea avea nevoie ca croazieră. Credem că este o barcă grozavă, ce zici de tine? ––––––––––––––––– ––––––––––––––––– ––––– Urmărește-ne pe Instagram #svfairisle –––––––––– ––––––––––––––––– –––––––––––- Vă rugăm să vă abonați-nu vă costă nimic și ne ajută să ieșim cu tubul You ALGORITM ––––––––––––––––- ––––––––––––––––– ––––– Mai degrabă vezi videoclipurile noastre fără reclame?… Există o modalitate… PATREON: Există o modalitate de a vedea videoclipurile curente fără reclame înainte ca acestea să fie fii eliberat publicului devenind membru de onoare al echipajului și alăturându-te grupului nostru Patreon. Veți avea patru sau cinci zile pentru a vedea cel mai recent videoclip înaintea oricui. Există, de asemenea, o mulțime de videoclipuri suplimentare disponibile pe Patreon și ne puteți contacta direct la bord. De asemenea, avem acum sesiuni lunare Zoom cu Patreons, ceea ce este foarte distractiv! Continuarea producerii acestor videoclipuri depinde de patronii noștri și suntem foarte recunoscători pentru sprijin: https://www.patreon.com/sailingfairis… ––––––- ––––––––––––––––– ––––––––––––––– FACEBOOK: Poți Urmărește și pe facebook unde actualizăm constant ce se întâmplă: https://www.facebook.com/svfairisle/?…. ––––––– ––––––––––––––––– ––––––––––––––- SITE WEB: Multe mai multe informații despre site-ul web; http://www.sailingfairisle.com –––––––––––––– ––––––––––––––––– ––––––––-


25 thoughts on “Outbound 46 Review

  1. I disagree Steve, MORE wittering please. These facts are really interesting, very important for the safety of seafarers. Agree with you both on your conclusion and surprised the Outbound only 44' usable length. Thanks for posting.

  2. Excellent point about tankage and stability. The OB46 is a well conceived ocean cruising yacht. Anyone wondering where the space is at is clearly looking at the wrong boat.

  3. Hi to you both,the OB46,a practical looking boat,I like the layout.It is also a good looking boat.50 years younger and deep pockets and I would seriously consider one.Thank you for the tour.Roly 🇬🇧.

  4. Very nice boat but old design and more a cold climate one. Very small cockpit with no table. At least you can walk around the single helm, no need to climb over a bench to get to it. Agree with you on jerrycan sitting on top. I like a clean deck when sailing too. Not really for my sailing program. I plan to sail where the water and weather are warm.

  5. I have a friend that completed a circumnavigation just a few years ago on an Outbound. Both he and the boat survived after hitting a whale! Also the boat is surprisingly speedy.

  6. Beautifully built boat, loved the hard dodger and the workroom, but in fairness to you, you pointed out the one issue I wasn't so keen on in the first sentence. That rudder looks like an Orca snack to me, granted only a minor geographical issue, but even though it is in-line with keel, nets could snag it. Suppose you can't worry about every eventuality though.

  7. Hi there. Enjoyed the video. I would love to live on that boat. I think so would the lovely Judy. Nice to see you sporting the ne w jacket there Steve. It looks good on you. … keep up the great work and do email me if you would like a male and female crew for a trip. Deb and I would love to. 🥰

  8. The first real sailing boat that you have reviewed – moderate displacement, fin keel, spade rudder. Hydrodynamics from AFTER the world wars! Schumacher was right on to it. A friend has just sailed another if his designs, an Oyster lightwave 48 from Noumea to Bundaberg at over 200 miles/day average…with no sacrifice of safety and comfort.

  9. Interesting boat. I like the encapsulated keel. Given the increased incidents of contact with whales etc. I wonder how much additional engineering goes into skeg, rudder and hull design. I note some boats have watertight bulkheads to isolate the steering area of the hull.
    Good to see a mention of the stats, I think the categorisation system should be changed to identify the limits of many modern production yachts.

  10. Always interesting to learn about other boats, but I wonder why you compare the Outbound to far less expensive European boats? On price I susepct she competes with many established premium European brands, so a buyer can then compare like with like. She looks impressive to me, but from what I can see the bigger 521 has a more conventional keel, so this is the only one in the range to have a semi integrated keel. And have you seen the new 5360? Open transom, twin wheels…

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