Dacă doriți să susțineți cu donații unice, faceți clic aici – https://www.paypal.me/Plukky Da, miniatura se potrivește de data aceasta…. Nimic decât calitate, echipajul distrându-se printre paradisul din sud-vestul Caraibelor într-un regiunea Panama numită San Blas. Frumoase plaje și insule curate, literalmente în mijlocul nicăieri. Uneori fetele sunt în bikini, alteori navigam, alteori pescuim și facem grătare pe plajă. Practic, distracție la soare. Am menționat apele cristaline, corali și insule pustii? Există și asta. Doar uitați-vă la videoclip… nu pot să-l dezvălui pe tot. Dă-i cu degetul mare dacă ți-a plăcut acest episod! Sistemul de direcție automată a vântului din Atlanticul de Sud https://www.south-atlantic.com.ar/index.html Cod:WYE6IEY8 Acesta este deschis numai pentru primele 50 de aplicații. Ia-ți tricoul Sailing In Freedom Crew: https://teespring.com/stores/sailing-into-freedom Vrei mai multe? Deveniți patronul nostru și obțineți acces la conținut exclusiv. https://www.patreon.com/sailingintofreedom Dacă doriți să susțineți cu o singură donație, faceți clic aici – https://www.paypal.me/Plukky Vedeți câteva echipamente pe care le avem pe barcă: Invertor https:// www.amazon.com/Xantrex-PROWatt-Inverter-Model-806-1220/dp/B002LGEMOQ/ref=sr_1_5_mod_primary_new?dchild=1&keywords=marine+inverter&qid=1616102481&sbo=DF3%2481&sbo=DF3%2481&sbo=DF3%2FV2&sbo=2%2FV2&sbo%2F3V2 5 radio portabil https://www.amazon.com/Standard-Horizon-HX210-6W-Compact/dp/B07KN6LKVG/ref=sr_1_6?dchild=1&keywords=marine+radio&qid=1616102542&sr=8-6 Asociat câștigați din achiziții eligibile și apreciez foarte mult sprijinul dumneavoastră!) Urmărește-ne și pe Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/sailingintofreedom Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/sailingintofreedom Site-ul nostru: https:// www.sailingintofreedom.comDă-i cu degetul mare dacă ți-a plăcut acest episod! Ia-ți tricoul Sailing In Freedom Crew: https://teespring.com/stores/sailing-into-freedom Vrei mai multe? Deveniți patronul nostru și obțineți acces la conținut exclusiv. https://www.patreon.com/sailingintofreedom Și acum pentru ceva complet diferit. Acest canal este similar cu canalele de la Delos și Vagabond. De asemenea, o mențiune notabilă sunt Gone with the Wynns, Sailing Uma și Sailing Doodles. Și doar pentru a varia conținutul aici, am pus asta.
Ep. 409 Războaie de bușteni în junglă cu crocodili

41 thoughts on “Ep. 409 Războaie de bușteni în junglă cu crocodili”
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Live the life, full throttle laughs along the way. Salud!
P.S. Cool a 6 AM laugh happened for ya… the response has me grinning still. Rock on, Plukky. You've a great crew this round. They're great!
Mate you really changed for the better. There where a time i worried about you but you pulled through. Can't wait to see the challenge videos.
These ladies are fearless! I'm impressed.
So young ladies how would you sum up your time on freedom ? SHITS AND GIGGLES my good man.
so fun watching reruns without the same content.. like Gilligan's Island…. same stuff but ohhhh so different… the Elcono challenge is going to be soooo much fun!!!!!!
Well done funsters
You are One Lucky Doggg!
I love this Plucky.. What a bloody day. Any chance the girls have an insta for their photos? Perfect bird photography conditions.
Im surprised, u have a long video mate
i wish all f ur video is ganna be like this, longer..
You are like a kid in a toy shop with them two young girls
3:45 what engine is on that Plukky, I remember you trying a Chinese motor, surely that not it is it?
Crocodile Pluck-ee?
What fun, wish I was there too.
boring video like usual
verry boring channel dude
Top quality episode!
Your not going to win America got talent with that song and voice. Sorry
Oh, that croc was a beauty! Wow!
Funny vblog, great crew full of life.
Nice choice of crew, Pluckky. Full of energy & laughs. The thought of crocs doing doggie style, caught me by surprise. But it's all good peepole. Carry on.
Great video Peter, new crew are great and like the adventurous side of them.
My ears!
Fun times!
The most patient person in the world does not disappoint in another exciting Caribbean training video! Good on ya M8!

Great Video Plukky. It's good that they're taking loads of photos as they'll always have some wonderful times to look back on.
Enough of the giggling teenagers. How about some serious Mumby building commentary & footage, please?
Crew self entertainment capacity is so high capitan is not required for more than survival of the adventure. Amazingly no fancy cameras or drone equipment were damaged in the exploration.
They are children.
Nice one. Used to do the same thing when I was young. Great fun.
The rule of ssss. I learned something.
Fun, fun, fun, fun. I’m so frickin jealous you got to have this much fun with a couple of giggly young girls. Priceless!
Fun vlog thanks
My favorite time watching a Plucky video. So much fun. Thanks for sharing.
Before I press play
I want you to know
my money is on
Miss Tae Kwon Do.
I was gonna bet the redhead
for her firey glow,
but only when we tally the scores
will we truly know.
I hope besides girls
we'll all get to see
little Miss Tae Kwon Do
flip old Plucky into the sea.
Jeez bro…. Hang in there
Wow, Jay Seigel may want to sign ya all up x
Fun video!
Hey Plukky, it looks like you and your crew had a great day! How does one get to become crew on Sailing into Freedom? I’m an aspiring cruiser and currently searching for my boat. I know you’d prefer beautiful young ladies as crew, but I think you’d benefit from an old grey beard on board for a week or two… LOL… Fair winds and following seas.
Hmmm…Don't worry, Captain, the singing (at 03:43) is so bad that I don't think you will have a YT copyright violation.
Hey guys be safe geeez. ????

Great show Peter
Hey Pedro. Look into purchasing a silky pole saw. Made of aircraft aluminum and you can get different sizes. You will Love it. It extends very high and the biggest is close to 30ft extended but the blade is big and razor sharp as well as too and bottom end is the sharpest to cut coconuts or whatever your trimming. The blade will last a long time and just take it off when stored. You can store it on the top deck or possibly below up above somewhere! Glad to see the subs went up! Hood on ya mate!