Atingerea bazei – Ep 194 – The Sailing Frenchman

Atingerea bazei - Ep 194 - The Sailing Frenchman

Viața înseamnă să mergi mai departe, uneori e mai greu decât altele, alteori imposibil, dar viața te mișcă oricum. Totul este despre mișcare și navigație. – Hanorace, tricouri și multe altele sunt disponibile aici: – Aflați mai multe despre Mini Transat pe site-ul meu: =referral&utm_campaign=channel&utm_content=description ACTIVAȚI SUBTITRĂRI: pentru a activa subtitrarea, puteți face clic pe butonul CC din colțul din dreapta jos al playerului youtube și faceți clic pe rotița mică pentru a alege limba în care doriți să fie subtitrate. Acest link explică destul de bine procesul: Mai multe pe Instagram #thesailingfrenchman și pe pagina de Facebook:


22 thoughts on “Atingerea bazei – Ep 194 – The Sailing Frenchman

  1. Dear "Hugo The Real Boss" , all singlehanded sailors battle with the difficulties of balancing the importance of family, and the call of the Sea.
    I was at sea both times when my parents died and as an old man now, it's one of my biggest regrets .
    Take care of those at home the Sea ,and the 129,000 in your "extended" family will be there when you return.

  2. thanks for the news. You are a very interesting person and I will sure continue to follow you with your video until you stop because I'm very curious and love sailing. All the best Hugo !

  3. Hey great video and thank you for sharing. We wish you all the very best with your new endeavors. Remember my friend the only thing that is permanent is everything is going to change 😎. All the best🤙

  4. Hugo, I’ve been following since your days of cruising which I love and miss. But I am a fan for life whatever travels life takes you on! Whatever you do, don’t stop sharing with us!!!

  5. Stop racing , start exploring , so many amazing places on this planet you'll be missing.
    You started out as a cruiser , racing is to limited and to competitive with minimal rewards.
    Rewards are not measured in $ but in the experiences you have on the way.

  6. salut Hugo,
    Je suis un triple A de la première heure (Addicted An Alé)
    avec tous tes projets et voyages.on en prend plein les mirettes.
    Question du jour
    le sweat multicolore: je kiffe
    une adresse?

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