NE-AM DĂRUT... SV DELOS ÎN SALVARE!!  - Episodul 183

În aceasta navigam mult, în timp ce ne îndreptăm spre nord, pe coasta Costa Rica, dar uităm permisul de croazieră (Zarpe) în Golfito unde ne-am cazat! Din fericire, SV Delos nu a fost departe de noi, ca să ne salveze vela lungă înapoi pentru a o strânge!! Apoi mergem să explorăm un râu rece care este menit să aibă crocodili în sus. Vremuri bune! Urmărește @Sailing SV Delos pentru a le urmări aventurile! SV Parlay este un catamaran Lagoon 450 avariat de uragan, pe care Colin l-a reconstruit împreună cu prietenii și a început să navigheze în jurul lumii. Au găsit avarii în peretele etanșului catamaranului lor din Panama, așa că au reparat-o și sunt aproape gata să traverseze Oceanul Pacific!! Pentru a ni se alătura pe Patreon și pentru a obține conținut exclusiv și șansa de a veni cu noi, faceți clic aici! Pentru a cumpăra marfa Parlay Revival faceți clic aici!! Toată muzica este de la sunetul Epidemic! Înscrieți-vă aici și obțineți o probă gratuită de luni pentru a vedea dacă vă place! Urmărește-mă pe instagram pentru actualizări zilnice! ​​Pagina de Facebook: Editat de @flippyhipped (instagram)


35 thoughts on “NE-AM DĂRUT… SV DELOS ÎN SALVARE!! – Episodul 183

  1. 20 years ago I was standing on the beach at Playa Negra and offshore was a sailing ship 4 master with the sunset behind it I was in love with CR at that moment and have gone back every year since. still surfing, leave to croc alone they bite. Check with a local shop in Tamo, Witch's Rock Surf Resort for surf forecaste to save you a heart break if the ROCK is on or the point is flat. But if you have real surfer balls try Playa Negra just stay clear of the castle rock, better yet go to Avellanas, not so must playa langosta, or Plays Granda all are presenting 3 to 6 ft. – 11-20-2022

  2. Looks like you need some sailing lessons! Tell me why are you knot using the main sail? You all are great, love watching the video. Started with SC Delos long time ago. An now the rest of you have been getting in the line up. Best to you all! Ps. When you put Main on one side, spinnaker on the other side It's called Wing AN Wing ! Fast ☺ Tom Curran. OuT

  3. here is some food for t ought colin, watch sail cargo, maybe in the future u will a skipper on one of those very big sailing vessels. find your gal , get married and raise ur family sailing the world with true comfort. remember this always, nothing stays the same forever.

  4. Funny story ….–- In CR on a river boat with about 40 people ,,,,, Counting crocks A very nice lady got my attention& pointed AT the isle – there was a bolt missing &&& water squirting yes squirting up !!! To panic or not – if you say something 1 / 2 of the dumb asses will jump overboard !!! Knowing a little about boats & pumps We chose to keep QUIET (good Call) pumps took care of the leak 1 had visions of people jumping & swimming with hungry Crocks ( yes all kinds of stupid human tricks) The real sad part no body noticed. We as a society are toooooo protected And expect to be protected!!!!!?????? Guess what Central America does not FOLLOW north american rules!!!!! BEWARE!!!! on your vacations, Don`t jump off of waterfalls,,, It`s a LONG HIKE to help, They seldom rescue you,,, YUP you are ON your own

  5. The more I watched the more I laughed– you guys are tourists– yup when you cross under a foot bridge & see several other boats… Sorry you are in tourist country!!! Granted very beautiful places But you are STILL in tourist mode… People pay every day to go there

  6. umm why have ya not taken Jorden out on a date?? perfection. well we know she is long gone now but. ya know just a call to breeyann & Kazza and if they give approves you could proceed with a proper date. :>Epicccc Match amde in heaven.much love yall happy safe travels

  7. Thank you for introducing me to Bocas Del Toro. I'm going to go in the next couple of months to check it out for retirement in the next couple of years. P.S. – Don't tell anyone else about this place. Let's keep it small…

  8. I wonder if you've installed a security camera yet. One of those $100.00 ones that have motion sensors that link to your phone to notify you if there's been a break in. They're good to check in on the boat when your anchored too.

  9. It isn't a good idea to use an electric winch for the furling line. If there is an undetected problem you may easily destroy the furler whereas if you do it with a manual winch you feel immediately that the load on the furling line is too high.

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