Vremea în noiembrie Croația! După toate comentariile petrecute când am postat despre inițiativa turismului de iarnă aici, în Croația, pe care o promovăm, s-a decis că doar le vom arăta oamenilor care este vremea. Adevărat! Conectați-vă pentru luna următoare de rapoarte meteo pentru Coasta Croației în timpul iernii. Vino să navighezi cu 45 de grade! Urmăriți-ne la: http://www.45degreessailing.com/ facebook https://web.facebook.com/45degreessailing muzică pentru videoclipul de la: http://www.epidemicsound.com/ Filmat cu: Camera principală: Sony a7iii, FE4/16-35 Ziess Lens, încorporat în microfon.t Filmat și montat de Nick Hathaway, 45 Degrees Sailing
Vremea de iarnă în Croația
7 thoughts on “Vremea de iarnă în Croația”
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Hey Nick! Lets see what the weather brings. Are you planning to go sailing in the next 30 days?
Really interesting to see what is like to be sailing in Croatia during the winter. Waiting for the next videos! Could you please show us how the charter agencies operate during this season?
Hi, Nick, great idea! I try to motivate by people to go sailing in the winter. I will follow this series with great pleasure.
Can’t believe you got backlash. Your so right. If you can sail in the UK autumn / winter why can’t you sail in Croatia too. I was out only last week around the Isle of Wight. I’m sure was much warmer in Trogir.
Good luck to you, I’ll certainly be following you for the next 30 days who knows maybe I’ll make it out for some winter sailing in Croatia some time!
…what about coffe?!it's good or not…I.m a little peculiar…how just faoubolus You aree….
Looking fwd to the series. Can you post the playlist link pls?
I agree, November is still sailing weather in Croatia, especially if you are in the islands.