Cele mai mari planuri ale vieții noastre: Ne îndreptăm spre Capul Horn/Antarctica!!!

Cele mai mari planuri ale vieții noastre: Ne îndreptăm spre Capul Horn/Antarctica!!!

Obțineți o reducere de până la 1080 USD făcând clic pe acest link Site: https://bit.ly/3E3sX7q Amazon: https://amzn.to/3fXWCH7 Mergem în Antarctica, prin Capul Horn! Supranumit „Muntele Everest” al navigației, Capul Horn și pasajul Drake pot fi cea mai urâtă bucată de apă de pe planeta Pământ. Urmăriți și urmăriți în timp ce coborâm în această parte îndepărtată a lumii și luați câțiva oaspeți la fel ca TU! Ziua Recunoștinței fericită tuturor fanilor noștri americani!!!! Rezervați o excursie: https://sailingzingaro.com/ Lista de dorințe Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/hz/wishlist/ls/3ACPGOVCQ5KDA?ref_=wl_share Cumpărați-ne o plută de salvare: https://www.paypal.me /svzingaro Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/svzingaro Tricouri: https://www.bonfire.com/store/zingaro/ Jackery oferă reduceri fără precedent – REDUCERE de până la 1080 USD în timpul reducerilor de Vinerea Neagră din 24 noiembrie până în noiembrie 28 2022! De asemenea, rămâneți la curent cu tombola Jackery Crazy Monday cu premii în valoare totală de 250.000 USD în Jackery Livestream pe 28 noiembrie, ora 14:30! Fiecare comandă plasată în timpul reducerilor de Vinerea Neagră va avea șansa de a câștiga UN TRAILER DE CĂLĂTORIE.| Etichetă: @Jackery @jackery.inc Hashtag: #jackery 00:00 Faceți cunoștință cu James și Ana 01:00 Old Intro 01:47 PLAN REVEAL 02:38 Jackery Solar Generator (anunț sponsorizat) 04:23 PLAN REVEAL (continuare) 05 :32 RUTA Explicată 06:12 Regulile bărcii 06:34 CUM să rezervați o EXCĂTORIE! 07:59 Ce vei face la bord? 08:21 Întrebări frecvente #1: Am nevoie de experiență? 08:37 Întrebări frecvente #2: Facilități la bord 09:44 Întrebări frecvente #3: Îmi iau propriul meu pat? 10:04 Întrebări frecvente #4: Trebuie să fiu pe YouTube? 10:36 Întrebări frecvente #5: Putem suna acasă? 11:16 Întrebări frecvente #6: Cum suport? 11:35 Întrebări frecvente #7: Este acest lucru periculos? 12:26 Cum să navighezi cu NOI!!!


49 thoughts on “Cele mai mari planuri ale vieții noastre: Ne îndreptăm spre Capul Horn/Antarctica!!!

  1. I've been watching you for about a year now James, first time commenting. I love what you are doing here. I'm a marine electrician by trade up here in BC Canada and am refitting a ship that I plan to do a similar trip in one day. What you've planed here is brilliant. This will be amazing content for your channel, and will help fill the coffers to keep you going. I really look forward to watching your journey unfold and meeting the people you bring aboard. Ana and yourself seem to have developed a nice relationship together so far, and it's great seeing the happiness it brings you guys. Keep up the great work!

  2. You must feel blessed having a lovely lady as bright and sunny as Anna on board. Her smile and laughter and her jokes brought a smile to my face every time she spoke. Lucky, lucky man you are James. Great video and looks like an amazing voyage. BRAVO to you both.

  3. I'm surprised you seem so caviler about sailing in the southern ocean ! You need more than skill down there ! Good luck reaching Antarctica in a fiberglass boat !

  4. First thought…..there's no way he's getting to Antarctica. 🤣 Otherwise sounds like a great mad trip with lots of stuff breaking.

  5. Okay brother. I seen a video of sailing Ryan in his early days going around the horn. I absolutely think you should go at the worst possible time ever!!? That way you can get the full experience. Throw you a full milk crate little Dramamine. Mostly for the beginner crew. And maybe for you. I usually mix my Dramamine with the rum. Huh just kidding. However that might not be a bad idea. And those survival suits always take up too much room and you don't need those at all. again ha. And I'm pretty sure the oyster has a ice breaker hull on it so you will be fine. But don't forget that little line you throw off the back to slow your roll. Anyway don't overthink it go for it. Just make sure everybody comes home.

  6. James and Anna. Thats a mammoth undertaking. 100k in boat spares 100k in food. weather router, shore logistics, visas , medical contingencies et al. The big variable out of your control is the transitory nature of the crew. This is a major expedition. Im in awe.

  7. Would be amazing if you can coincide with Plukky from Sailing into Freedom on your trip… really liked those episodes with you guys together.

  8. Awesome! Great to see you back with Ana! Here in Punterenas costa rica (Puerto Azul) restoring 1975 Formosa tiger. Looking forward to your adventures. Love to meet you here in Costa Rica if time allows.

  9. Happy Thanksgiving day ! 😃 You Guys! Great to See you! Also I loved the Captain's log series! Have a Fantastic Holiday Weekend! Love ❤️ you all sincerely William O ✝️ Have Fun!

  10. Awesome trip plan! Ana seems like a great crew member for Zingaro, always smiling and a positive attitute! all the best for James and Ana on this new venture!

  11. Finally, an American Youtuber planning to make a stop in Buenos Aires!!!! Once in south Chile, you can visit Argentinian Patagonia from there. I'll keep in touch.

  12. James — Fun video! So glad this is up and running, and you have the trip all planned out. It is going to be an amazing adventure, and your enthusiasm to share it is fantastic!! Glad to have met you when the idea was in its infancy. Really fun to see it all come together and very excited for you! – Brian

  13. I’m going to enjoy that series. Rounding the horn using the Drake Passage in that little sailboat. Don’t know if I should call you crazy or brave.

  14. Dude I always appreciate your generosity sharing your knowledge your excitement about traveling. You are a master sailor and I would be blessed to ever get a chance to spend a week on board with you.

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