Aceste iahturi merg oriunde vă vor duce în locuri îndepărtate uimitoare.

Aceste iahturi merg oriunde vă vor duce în locuri îndepărtate uimitoare.

Vrei să faci croazieră, dar nu vrei să stai în porturile aglomerate sau în ancoraje pline de bărci charter. Ceea ce ai nevoie este un iaht Explorer care să te scoată departe de locurile din cale pentru a găsi cele mai bune ancoraje pentru a te bucura de insulele nelocuite pentru a face plajă sau pentru a pescui sau chiar pentru a vizita stâlpii. Iată iahturile mele de top Explorer. Sunete Cars Beeping – Magic Spell – https:/ / Fairy Dust- https:// Swoosh – Surse .com/watch?v=myFacWdsbQs urmăriți?v=5ECcfrty9iE =odNVP2wqy7o https:/ / com/watch?v=-ArILUgbbxA Disclaimers: opiniile exprimate în videoclipurile noastre sunt pur editoriale și poate să nu reflecte neapărat pe cele ale companiilor pe care le prezentăm. Acest videoclip este un articol de opinie și nu trebuie privit ca o sursă primară. Telespectatorii sunt sfătuiți să facă diligență atunci când iau în considerare oricare dintre produsele prezentate. Conținutul nostru respectă termenii de utilizare loială pentru educație și comentarii, iar clipurile prezentate în editorialele noastre sunt deținute de deținătorii drepturilor de autor respectivi. Conținutul prezentat aici are doar scop informativ și necomercial.


16 thoughts on “Aceste iahturi merg oriunde vă vor duce în locuri îndepărtate uimitoare.

  1. The voice quality was sub standard. It sounded as though you were in an echo chamber and mad it difficult to understand. I liked your content. I will watch again.

  2. i was nordhavn all the way until you just shown me the Darwin, never seen them before will have to have a search and investigate a little more 🙂

  3. While I am certain ALL of these beauties are well beyond my pedestrian means, I would have liked knowing what each of them costs, giving me some kind of rudimentary idea of "value". Certainly enjoyed your video . . . thank you.

  4. The Bering looks toughest. The one with the pilot house very close to the bow would be very uncomfortable in large head seas – a bow rises up and down far more aggressively and actively than the center of a boat. Nordhavns are well-proven – dozens if not hundreds have prowled the world but I would feel safer in a steel or aluminum hull than in a fiberglass hull like a Nordhavn.

  5. The background music is too loud and it's difficult to listen to the speakers description. The camera is painting 2 quickly And not enough time spent on the galley. And lastly it should have been discussed the cost and the upgrades.

  6. Appearance wise only the Nordhavn appeals to me, the rest are ugly.
    The issue with Nordhavn is the lack of walk around side decks and only a starboard side access to the fore deck. There are facilities where you must tie up as directed by staff, so tieing up on port side as directed with no port side access due to wide body design rules Nordhavn out. ( getting supplies = tieing up in a marina or large number of trips in tender, cheaper on fuel to tie up )

  7. Finding myself in awe of these yachts and their fit outs. The why, it's quite some time since designing a kitchen and other wet room cabinetry for a house boat being fitted out in Melbourne. The task was to secure everything with enough free play to match the twists and turns as the yacht experienced rough waters. Was also privy to the huge task of it being dismantled in to three sections and then transported by road to Lake Eildon. Did enjoy your assessment of each vessel. Look forward to the next instalment!

  8. I really like the NuMarine… those Turkish builders did excellent job but would "push" for the 32 xp as it has steel versus 26 composite hull…

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