Barcă cu pânze NOSTALGIC Abandonată de 45′ de murdărie ieftină!! Sailing SV Bohemian Ep. 43

Barcă cu pânze NOSTALGIC Abandonată de 45' de murdărie ieftină!!  Sailing SV Bohemian Ep.  43

Barcă cu pânze nostalgică abandonată de 45 de picioare ieftină!! În acest episod, Brian testează mai întâi motorul pentru o scurgere a garniturii de cap. A fost nevoie de mai multe încercări pentru a obține rezultate. Rezultatele au fost pline de speranță. După munca motorului, plecăm în curte să ne uităm la o veche veche abandonată. Această barcă este perfectă pentru cineva care își dorește o barcă de proiect și are o mulțime de timp și bani. Abonați-vă și urmăriți în timp ce lucrăm la Tayana 55′ Sailboat și navigăm pe Chesapeake. Vă mulțumim că vizionați Muzică: Epidemic Sound YouTube Music /


41 thoughts on “Barcă cu pânze NOSTALGIC Abandonată de 45′ de murdărie ieftină!! Sailing SV Bohemian Ep. 43

  1. Are you sure it wasn't simply an air pocket in the cooling system? One technique is to "burp" the system by running the engine with the coolant cap off, to release any trapped air pockets.

  2. Sounds like a head gasket or you have a leak between the raw water and coolant side of your heat exchanger. Since your coolant runs at about 15 psi and raw water is not pressurized. Coolant can be pushed to the raw water side and go overboard

  3. Cool boat tour and I appreciate your work ethic and determination to just, do the work that needs to be done. That is great to see nowadays. On the engine I'm not sure what your pumping into the water with your exhaust but seeing the condition of the heat exchanger, I wouldn't start that engine again without pulling the cylinder head. A milky liquid is usually emulsified oil or perhaps diesel. The antifreeze is going somewhere and removing the cylinder head will most likely tell you what's going on pluse it will go a long way to gaining confidence in the engine going forward. Good luck I look forward to your future videos. P.S. I would stop pumping that liquid into the water

  4. You can generally get a boat in this condition for free ($100,000🤯). My friend looked at one in the same condition for $15,000. Boat yards are happy to avoid the high cost of disposal. Looks like your raw water cooling system could be mixing with engine coolant, possibly through a damaged heat exchanger. You will know the boat well by the time your done tho. Lots of luck! 🙂

  5. listen to the engine, it doesn't run properly on all cylinders, you have to dismantle the engine's injectors one by one and pressure test them and the cylinder

  6. 100k for old boat 150k for refinishing, (?) might have well just bought a nice boat. Seems like a good guy to work on boats with though. If you need a mate to go to Europe let me know. I'm down

  7. Do you know if Bohemia was ever located in Grand Cayman in the name of an American who lived there? If so, I have some interesting info about the boat and the previous owner.

  8. Need to pressure test coolant side of cooling system I,E where the anti freeze is to make sure it’s not being forced in to the raw water side , to rule out heat exchanger remove raw water exit hose and see if anti freeze is coming out when you pressurise coolant system

  9. It is too bad you really do not know what you are doing…but there are plenty of people trying to buy or restore boats that have very little knowledge about what they are undertaking. You are just one of the many. Hope you survive the experience without going broke.

  10. Saved a bunch of pretty bad things made of wood, but that boat I'm afraid is dump fees from being restored… is bring back to us all the space it's taking up. Really sad for sure..

  11. Looks like you've got a break in the head gasket between the exhaust and coolant exchanger ports. This would explain where your coolant is going because you seen it in the water in the beginning. That milky stuff shouldn't be there in the water. Take the head off and you'll see it right away

  12. I don’t know how it works for diesels but I had an awful problem on my gasser and there was a milky look to the water. After spending a fortune turns out it was a faulty injector that was stuck wide open. Just a thought. Good luck.

  13. Very nice boat , lotrs of work but worth to save i think. Would be very interested in her and to know how much she would cost to buy. I will try contacting the yard to get an idea.

  14. The only real way to find out if there is water or antifreeze in the oil, other than getting it tested, is to put a drop on a piece of paper, the oil will just be a drop and the water will soak/spread out on the paper. I agree with others that the "milky" substance in the water is antifreeze either mixing with the oil or diesel. The other boat that has been sitting for 20 years, will sit another 20 unless someone can get it dirt cheap (less than the $4K you mentioned) or just was to fall completely in love with it. It needs EVERYTHING and would be a near impossible task for one person and without pros and the money for it. I don't even have to look at it to KNOW there is rot under that fiberglass. Peeling off the fiberglass would be a task not for the faint of heart.

  15. That’s an almost ideal layout of a boat I’d buy, tons of character and I bet it was beautiful once. But yeah that one is firewood unfortunately.

  16. It’s water through the engine not the motor. A engine takes fuel to run a motor is electrical. And it looks like you have either a bad head gasket or a cracked block or cracked head. And you can have a blown head gasket or crack block or cracked head and not have water in the oil but you can have oil in the water.

  17. I bought a 53 foot sailboat that caught fire and cracked the the haul. I spent two years fixing it. Replacing all the hydraulic pump gaskets and hoses. The wood woodwork in the master cabin. I got her sea ready and never got her out. Things happen in life and ended up selling her to pay for my girlfriend medical treatment. Much good that didn't. She ended up passing on after 3 years battle. Watching theses videos being back my old memoirs and my dream of sailing around the world. Thanks for sharing your video. Funny how somethings are more important than other things at the time. My friends as me would I have done something different if I could go back in time. I tell them I never ever regretted my decision of selling my boat. I got 3 extra years that I wouldn't of had if I didn't help. So some dreams aren't meant to be. Even if it was so close.

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