Bun venit la episodul de construcție a catamaranului din această săptămână! Astăzi ne aruncăm o privire adâncă în compartimentul motorului, în timp ce aruncăm o privire la caracteristicile, accesul și funcționalitatea compartimentelor motorului. De asemenea, afișăm actualizări suplimentare ale versiunii și răspundem la câteva întrebări de la patronii noștri! Multumesc pentru vizionare! Vă rugăm să vă abonați și să lăsați un comentariu Pentru a ne susține munca
https://www.patreon.com/sailingrubyrose 00:00 Introducere 01:12 Engine Deep Dive 05:27 Actualizări de construcție 08:59 Răspuns la întrebările clienților Videoclipurile noastre sunt gratuite pentru toată lumea să privesc și mereu va fi. Cu toate acestea, avem o comunitate uimitoare de Patroni care, pentru costul unei cești de cafea pe lună, primesc tot felul de beneficii și avantaje. Acest sprijin ne permite să continuăm să vă aducem poveștile noastre, așa că mulțumiri URIAȘE pentru minunații noștri Patroni
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– Despre noi: http://yachtrubyrose.com/our-story/
– Contactați-ne: http://yachtrubyrose.com/contact-us/ Bună ziua! Suntem Nick și Terysa și am devenit complet obsedați de ideea de a naviga în jurul lumii și de a împărtăși experiențele și informațiile noastre prin videoclipurile noastre despre stilul de viață cu navigație. Ne-am întâlnit călătorind prin India și am fost de acord rapid că, în loc să ne „instalăm” și să facem ceea ce fac majoritatea oamenilor normali, am vrut să călătorim și să ne aventurăm și am început poveștile noastre de aventură în stilul de viață cu navigație, de atunci, am muncit din greu pentru a realiza visele noastre, iar acum le trăim în sfârșit ca stil de viață de croazieră cu vele! Vrei să știi ceva despre stilul nostru de viață de navigație sau despre poveștile de aventură cu navigație? Trimiteți-ne un e-mail prin intermediul paginii de contact http://yachtrubyrose.com/contact-us/ Sperăm să vă bucurați de ceea ce facem. Vă rugăm să vă abonați, să dați like și să distribuiți. Mulțumesc mult pentru vizionare! Vă rugăm să vă abonați, să lăsați un comentariu și să dați cu degetul mare.
Progres incredibil! Windows și compartimentul motorului meu DREAM!

38 thoughts on “Progres incredibil! Windows și compartimentul motorului meu DREAM!”
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i have seen a few boats that have been built , but the engine bay hatch looks too small to get the motor out if god forbid you have to pull it. Is this design that way?
One day it would be nice to see you guys meet up with the Wynns to compare boats & have a race.
Sure would be nice to see them install some LED lighting in the engine rooms.
Great advice
So Nick is both stylish AND functional! Noted!
Watched a cat video yesterday. Different brand. They were doing 12 knots into a head wind, have a relaxing ride dreaming/remembering the days over 20 knots.
You spelled FIBER wrong. =p
I was taught…always reef the first time you think of it
In your catamaran reviews you emphasized having the wiring passages filled to prevent fire spread and fire suppression systems in engine bays. You did not cover either of those item in your engine bay tour. Is Sea Wind plugging the wire runs and supplying a fire suppression system? I would suggest a hylon system.
As you see the build progress on hull 1 are there any things notice and would like to change or modify on RR2 before the yard builds your boat?
Great video as always.
7 knots on RR2 will feel like 4-5 knots on RR1. If going upwind hard is only time you gonna feel that 7 knots starts to loose comfort. I see HH and similar cats which will sail similar to your new boat going upwind at 9-11 knots and that is where comfort is slipping away fast.
These fuel filters: I'm a little concerned, as I heard at least in Germany – perhaps EU it is forbidden to have glass parts in the filters if they are located in the engine bay. Don't blame me – I would agree to Nick in having them, but some authorities think they could be smashed by parts from the running engine.
Alternator: I assume, there are a number of 'special' alternators with high output. But for me more important ( and your Mastervolt alternators will have) is the attached regulator.
Such a regulator will be mandatory if you use Lithium batteries, but they normally have a better voltage sensing and a dedicated ability to charge quickly.
Nick, I'm wondering – the cutoff switch of the engine battery – is it to code installing it inside the engine bay?
Sometimes I question myself why I watch every episode – everything in makes me jealous

Either the yard or that marvelous country and the fantastic food.
Agreed, function first but beauty as well please.
Nice to have you back lady. Having your grandpa
vlog is like watching paint dry in a hot sauna
Jeannuau 54DS have a beautiful single line reefing system, supported by a pair of powered winches either side of the companionway. Ease main halyard by hand and wind in tack and clew simultaneously with the powered winch, driven by the foot switch. The reverse to throw it out. In heavier weather, engine on, in gear and steer head to wind, George does the steering, you do the lines. Almost a stress free one person manoeuvre.
Can't wait for the catamaran upskilling series the boat seriously looks gorgeous
Your smile says it all Nick, Super excited to see it progressing so well
It’s a long process building the boat.
He talks reefing early, but after a few months behind the helm I can see Nick trying for a new speed record while Terysa's yelling at him to slow down.
Nick, have you seen Nicky and Jason's latest video, upwind in that HH50. They were getting 10+ knots going upwind, and the owners said downwind they've gotten over 20 knots. Now, I realize that the HH50 is more of a "Performance Catamaran", but are you expecting anything like that for RR2, and if so, do you expect to be able to utilize it?
Looking good Nick! Question? Will you put Auto fire extinguishers for lithium battery compartment/s?
In power boats with a 2 engine installation, the Port engine is counter rotated. Will RR2 have the Port Hull engine counter rotated?
Do you have an electromagnetic meter to see if the lithium batteries are giving some radiations that could be nasty to your health ?
Building a new boat,” it’s got this , it’s got that, yada yada , oh, electric toilets, by the way did I mention, electric toilets
!” Your enthusiasm is adorable, hell I’m excited just watching these videos , man I can’t wait, well, not for the electric toilets, for the sailing!
Starting to get to the interesting bits now.
Heads up – there isn't clearance to hand crank that windless.
This is not your boat
So very nice to watch sailors with maturity and wit, able to educate and encourage thoughtfulness. The excitement of it all is definitely building!
Hi Nick, loving the videos. What was the blues song you used to use for your titles – the one that ends “crossed my heart and hope to die”. I loved that!
We wanted to order a Ruby Rose spec 1350 but with a 5-6 year wait, and prices in USD. It makes it hard when you have no idea what the AUD to USD rate will be!
Going out on a limb here, Hull # 1 is your boat?
Dude, the size really ain't no big deal, except psychologically… It's way, way more stable then anything you've ever been in… obviously, don't take it to it's limit, but… Quit making a deal outa the size, it just ain't a real problem… I mean, are you telling me your eyes have a limit at 40 feet? NO… so just like Einstein's theory at the speed of light, it's just relative… calm down.
Why are you not showing us your actual boat?
Your talk about sailing about number and reefing early keeps you from breaking things and you are right about the boat will out perform you all the time. Comfort and safety over speed, something a inexperienced crew does not see in time when they are already in danger.
This is why it is so important to start sailing in smaller boats and experience heavy weather on them and even when you go out reef first before you leave, you can always let out the sails later if the weather and conditions allows it.