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Adolescentul face primul tatuaj și se întâlnește cu alți YouTuberi de navigație | Sailing Catalpa

23 thoughts on “Adolescentul face primul tatuaj și se întâlnește cu alți YouTuberi de navigație | Sailing Catalpa”
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Good job

Taj learned a valuable skill!
Bam Bam Wow guys , nice it see every one

Why does Sara say "partner" rather than wife or girlfriend like normal people say? She makes them sound homosexual saying partner.
Sailing Catalpa With tattoos or stripper stickers… WTF, really not a family channel anymore, no more …..
Enjoyed our time together, at the Annapolis Boat Show, the crew of Catalpa II, Sara, Lee, Taj & Bella..
I quit enjoyed this little break from all your boat work. You never seem to have enough time when going to events like the boat show, but still fun to go. Looking forward to seeing you back slaving on "Catalpa" as you continue to ready her to play with the waves.
So glad you had a great time. Taj will be giving tattoos in no time. Hugs from Texas
Bella needs to dump the dead weight and start her own channel!!
Pluky talks smack about LaVaga on his channel. Glad Riley took the high road. IMHO, LaVaga's fans speak to their popularity.

It was great that you connected with so many wonderful people. Now, get back to finishing your canoe. I want to see you on the ocean again.
I absolutely love your family . Tell Taj to keep it up with the tattoos . It will be hard at first to find people willing to let them be some of his first, but in time he will get better n better . Bella is a amazing young lady . I been loving her youtube shorts . She needs to do more . Glad you enjoyed the boat show and got to meet so many other cruisers . Plckey , the crew of Onboard Lifestyle , Delos , Colin , and so many others . Now back to boat work so you can get off the dock .
Thanks Angus. Taj has really gotten tall, and Bella, you have become a very enticing young beauty. I can see you being swept off your feet by some sailor man before you turn 20. Lee, I don't know how you wade through all that crowd keeping such a cool head with a beautiful wife and daughter. I would be gritting my teeth and swearing under my breath! You could have bought a pack of chewing gum you know, instead of 777. And Sara, you shine like a star on high. I love all of you.
It's great you had a chance to meet up with so many other YT channels! You all did well, Annapolis can't be easy. For us sailors, it's the best show out there.
Bella You are smart, rather than play slot machines you want to own them.
That's it! There are Brazilians people in every where!

Love u Catalpa
This was a great and funny episode, and I also follow all of the other cruisers

OMG You met Plucky! As always thanks for sharing!
It was so awesome to finally meeting you in person!!

Well i guess you could expect La Vagabonde would get a fair bit of attention with 1.8million subs.haha. Looking forward to your adventures with the new boat, Cheers.
Ooga booga baby you guys are whipping it up now much love and happiness wish you gotget cold!!!

Nice one Taylor, Duka, and everyone involved in sorting out Taj. Makes sense, glad to see talent not being wasted. Brilliant!
I really enjoyed this episode. Very different perspective on a boat show.