AMEL 60 |  MAI MARE... dar MAI BINE?

➡️ ABONAȚI-VĂ la The Admiralty Show pentru mai multe videoclipuri: URMĂȚI-NE PE: INSTAGRAM: FACEBOOK: https: // SITE WEB: MAI MULTE DESPRE NOI: Adam și Andy își croiesc drum prin lumea ciudată și minunată a navigației. Pe de altă parte, ei găsesc de obicei o parte obscure a lumii pe care să navigheze (Adam) sau încearcă un nou rom pentru scopuri de „mărfuri viitoare” (Andy), totul în timp ce încearcă să dezmeticească apele din jurul bărcilor și bărcilor cu pânze.


22 thoughts on “AMEL 60 | MAI MARE… dar MAI BINE?

  1. I am at a loss for words while I eat my snails and drink my bitter espresso, I would have the 50 over the 60 but there are so many buts that the comment section is not large enough for this big French but, are we still talking about the Amel. Here's the thing chaps it's an exclusive club and just because you brought the car and can read the brochure does not mean you belong. Once again I would have the 50 over the 60 but I will give you all my reasons in a 20-minute video after and during our test sail of the Amel. Now, where did I put my baguette?

  2. Hey boys, how about your chart works the way a couple of my crusty mates score women when cruising along the street together. Dugong being the lower end of the scale dolphin being smoking hot , prawn, penguin, great white, sea slug etc, The world's your oyster really.

  3. Nice vid' and nice review guys !
    I liked Andy's efforts to put this boat into context :
    – Competition : Hylas, Oyster (could've mentioned Hallberg Rassy)…
    – Sailing program and type of customers
    You are entirely right when you said this boat is not meant for the very few rich people who actually enjoy ocean crossings.
    Seeing it as a Med boat that could occasionaly cross to the Carribean is indeed a more adequate description.

    Keep up the good work 👍👍

  4. What about reviewing a Najad, eg the N570 CC? I know RAN just sold theirs to build smthg 'better' for future needs/preferences, but still they seems to be capable OCs.

  5. Henri would be rolling in his grave with the current designs that have departed from his vision imho. That said, the 54 didn’t sell that many units compared to the SM. Maybe the market has changed but I feel they’re not the solid blue water cruisers that they once were.

  6. G'Day you rotten scoundrels!
    Subscribe to the channel if you want to chat with us!
    Leave a comment and let us know what you think about the boats!

  7. Just found you guys and enjoying the friendly banter, I love Amels and prefer the New 50 over the 60! but if i had money i'd bypass em both and go for the older 55 Ketch! i also like my motorsailors have you even done a discussion on the Nordhavn 56 MS? it would be a toss up for me Amel 55 or Nordhavn 56MS.

  8. Bryan…..WTF…. prefer a Bendy-toe to an Amel!??
    Have any of you sailed around the world or crossed oceans?
    However the Amel – no it’s not true ro Amel, after Le Capitain is dead, so not his fault.
    To me, yes an Amel owner, the last 2 great Amels are the 55 and 64 yes please do like either.

  9. Keel is weight below…..carbon mast is weight aloft. So makes perfect sense , if you know anything at all about boat design?
    Weight aloft induces healing and pitching, weight below is stability

  10. Bryn mate…,,you hit it on the head. Amels are to me the Landrover of the sea. Built to do a job and do it so well. No necessary pretty but a work horse.
    Unfortunately, just like Landrover, new models not as good as older ones, Amel fell into this trap with 50 and 60

  11. Bryn, scope is the same under anchor for any boat, that’s how it works, also a larger heavy boat will swing far less. On our 36 foot Jenneau Sundance at 3.5 tonnes we anchored at 5:1 scope with 8mm chain and a 15kg anchor. On our our Jenneau 45.2 at 9.5 tonnes we anchored at 5:1 scope with 10mm chain and a 25kg anchor. Now on out 53 foot boat, and yes it’s an Amel 🤣😂 Super Maramu, we anchor at 5;:1 scope with 10mm chain 2nd a 48kg anchor. So the point is as boats get bigger, the ground tackle also gets bigger, but the scope does not!

  12. One question though guys, have ever of you ever sailed an Amel?
    I have sailed many boats over 40 years of sailing. After sailing and living on an Amel. If I ever change boat again, it would only be another Amel.
    OK I admit, not past the 55 or 64 though. Henri is I’m sure turning in his grave with the design of the 50 and 60. Not to mention they have a mast missing!!
    That said be honest guys, if any of you were offered a strait swap you boat for an Amel 60? Yeah you know you’d take it 🤣😂

  13. Guys your all missing the main reason to go for the 60 over the 50….
    It’s for the garage ro park your Williams jet tender. 🤣😂

  14. Hit it guys, from an Amel owner and fan of Amel yachts. Amels stopped with the death of Henri. Prop on the back of the keel, skeg hing rudder etc.
    Unfortunately boats now days customwant interior volume and wide sterns, for this you have to have twin rudders

  15. You prefer the Beneteau. Their Oceanis 41 has a CSR of well over 2 and it‘s meant to be a blue water sailer. The Amel 60 ist 1.82. Anything over 2 for an „ocean going” yacht is not good. Went aboard the Amel 60 at the Düsseldorf Boat Show a couple of years ago. It’s really a truly wonderful yacht, well built but comes with a hefty price tag.

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