Locuri abandonate din MADAGASCAR

Locuri abandonate din MADAGASCAR

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26 thoughts on “Locuri abandonate din MADAGASCAR

  1. Madagascar is magical. in 2008 had 4 months cruising up the west coast from Toliara – terrible holding in the anchorage there, to Nosy B – so beautiful – then we went onto Tanzantia. Madagasies are kind gentle people – even though they are so poor, amazingly wild and soo off the beaten track. loved the markets. thanks for showing how it is today. such a contrast to Mozambique. if you are stopping in Moz be aware, stay safe, bribes will be the daily obsession…. Maybe we see you when you get to Richards Bay SA

  2. And your on a "desert" island at least by Madagascar standards ! When you actually arrive on the Mainland the trees and wildlife will astound you ! The little sail boats are amazing, speeding away with a bed sheet for a sail !

  3. Great video guys! Really interesting content on a place I know little about. Once again I appreciate how you treat the locals with respect and an honest interest in them and their way of life! 🤗💞

  4. Can't thank you two enough. This week we were riding cruiser bikes from the marina through a really sketchy neighborhood. Tamara said as we were pedaling along.. hey we have to just experience all of this. So we carried on. Smiled, waved, said a solid Canadian Howdy.. and the funny part is.. after we got back to the boat we had both thought of you two at that moment. Getting out of our comfort zones and appreciating a new culture and " the genuine interactions with locals"… your true adventurers and great role models for all of us! Cheers you guys! 🤙🇨🇦🍻

  5. The small boat reminds me of Jack Sparrow …😅😂
    Great to see you all out and about …
    No more boat maintenance repair 😬😬😬😬

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