Viața mea de navigație merge înainte… Explorarea opțiunilor ca o singură femeie marinar (Sailing Brick House #86)

Viața mea de navigație merge înainte... Explorarea opțiunilor ca o singură femeie marinar (Sailing Brick House #86)

Rebecca a simțit marea responsabilitate și riscul de a naviga și de a avea grijă de barca ei offshore/apă albastră Brick House, ca o singură femeie de marinar. Ar trebui să părăsească barca și să meargă să navigheze ca echipaj pe barca altcuiva în altă parte? Ar trebui să-și vândă barca? Ar trebui să-și parcheze frumoasa ei barca cu pânze offshore într-un port de agrement elegant ca apartament? Ar trebui să devină o altă femeie căpitan în căutarea echipajului tot timpul? Căpitanul sud-african Michael Hayward a părăsit SV Brick House și are acum propria sa barcă cu pânze… așa că Rebecca trebuie să decidă ce urmează pentru viața ei de navigator. Newport Boat Show o ajută pe Rebecca să facă niște alegeri grele cu privire la viitoarea ei viață de navigație și vă împărtășește planurile sale de navigație în acest videoclip grozav. O femeie căpitan și o femeie marinar care fac alegeri despre cum să-și navigheze barca…. după ce și-au pierdut căpitanul/soțul din cauza covid 19 în urmă cu câțiva ani, în Africa de Sud face un pic de dramă și lita pentru a învăța de asemenea. Notă: Am găsit un produs grozav la Salonul de ambarcațiuni de la Newport… un monitor de barcă simplu, rezistent, ușor de configurat și de operare ușoară de la Sensar Marine. Mă va ajuta să monitorizez tensiunea bateriei, adâncimea apei din santină, temperatura din santină, orice impact asupra navei mele, este locația GPS și dacă iese dintr-o zonă de gard geografic prestabilit, cum ar fi Dacă barca este furată sau ancorele târăsc sau piesele mingii de ancorare. Îmi oferă o mare liniște sufletească ori de câte ori părăsesc barca pentru o zi sau o lună! Nici măcar nu trebuie să configurez o cartelă SIM specială sau un router. Folosiți codul meu de cupon BRICKHOUSE pentru o reducere de 50 USD! ▬ Urmăriți-vă! ▬▬ ✩Instagram: ✩ Twitter: ✩ Facebook: ✩Blogul nostru: :http :// ✩Youtube: ✩Tshirts și altele: Sprijină-ne să continuăm să vină videoclipurile: 🍯(Tip Jar ) ⏩ PATREON: ⏩ Înscrieți-vă pentru un abonament GRATUIT aici: ⛵️ DOUĂ CURSURI GRATUITE DE SAILING: ⏩Începeți cumpărăturile pe Amazon aici: ⏩Tshirts and other: # sailingAfrica #PatrickChildressSailing #TravelsAnimals #sailing #sailboats Alăturați-vă acestui canal pentru a obține acces la avantaje: Music Credits Islandesque de Kevin MacLeod este licențiat sub o licență Creative Commons Attribution (Atribuire Creative Commons) Sursa: Artist: Santo Rico de Twin Musicom este licențiat în baza unei licențe Creative Commons Attribution ( Artist: http://www.twinmusicom.oroth the heo


26 thoughts on “Viața mea de navigație merge înainte… Explorarea opțiunilor ca o singură femeie marinar (Sailing Brick House #86)

  1. I watched to 1:43. Without watching any more I declare you able to take your boat anywhere in the world by yourself.

    Then I watched to the end. What can I say, Good on you , looking forward to the completion and the future of Brickhouse.


  2. Hi Rebecca, given everything you've been through, would it be best to close your circumnavigation chapter? I truly believe so. It's only 1k miles.

    I fully understand your latest "adventures"….anyway…let's just say "I've been there". Just do what makes YOU happy. I found this is the only key.

  3. Cleaning bed bugs from a boat is easy IF it is done professionally. The cost is moderate. So it is just knowing to do it. At most they need to come back once. The reason is hiding of eggs in difficult places.
    Finding that special one person. The first point. The one does not exist. There are many potential special people. The second point is there are laws like the law of gravity for relationships. Like the law of gravity, you do not get to vote on what they are. So the only thing is learn what they are. And if you and a reasonably compatible person and both of you live by these laws, then real lasting love is created. I teach these laws. I am not looking for students. I accept those that are willing to learn as students on trial basis. If they are apt and remain interested, then over time you will learn what I have discovered.

  4. There is plenty of very decent people to sail with, the hard part is doing the weeding,(human) parasites have a way to take roots and make you question yourself.
    You are the lucky captain of your own ship Rebeca your last word is the law, let it know!
    My only advise, be consistent! On Brickhouse we reef early or on Brickhouse we push it till is screams, no matter the decision seal it with a big warm and confident smile.

  5. Lovely to see you pursue so many different avenues going forward, all of which have turned out to be their own disasters. Only to hear you come up with a new set of 'what I want/ am going to do" which is normally just what people don't do who say this, or another set of disasters for another up coming video.
    In the meantime you've still got Richards ashes in the cupboard which means you have not let go of him and who you were together. Perhaps the disasters all stem from the character that is central to all the disasters and you need to stop 'resisting' what has been lost in your life, and give yourself time to deal with the unresolved trauma of loosing Richard, your identity, this YouTube channel, to deal with the ashes, and then give yourself time to recover and become the 'new' you, the single person that you've yet to grow into, and find your own dreams and desires for your future, without the public persona of being on camera, telling us what your going to do, without having resolved the past, and how your going to move forward while still carrying this baggage in the cupboard down below.

  6. Maybe it is a good idea to skip any boat with a butter knife! Hopefully you find that boat hook a lot more useful than a butter knife. 😊. Wishing you the best.

  7. I am glad you have arrived at my opinion of your capabilities. You are the captain. Certainly you know leaps and bounds more than many others happily settling off.

  8. Wow you are so a poster child for one o bet you could get a discount for a good dog but understand it’s a lot of work to train a dog to attack a human

  9. A lot of women are sailing by themselves with a companion dog. With your experience I know you could do it I believe a women is just as capable as a man.

  10. Rebecca….Absolutely complete the circumnavigation. That is an incredible accomplishment. You wan't regret it. I can only dream of doing something like this. I started the first stages (boat shopping) when lockdowns started and it's all been on hold since. Good luck.

  11. I really understand the stress of being unsure how to go forward. Four years ago I took the financial hit of early retirement and left everything behind to follow my husbands dream of being a full time cruiser. He changed his mind but I had no interest in returning to the US so am now alone on my boat in Bocas del Toro, Panama. Ddraig is 47 feet and not set up for single handing. Additionally, even though I asked many times, he never wanted me to learn or do anything with the mechanical or electrical systems. So even if I felt competent to carry on alone, doing so on her is honestly not an option. I'll put her up for sale around the beginning of the year and figure something out once she's sold. At 62 years of age, unfortuately my options are going to be less than those of someone younger but I''ve decided there isn't a right or wrong answer and will just go forward with what feels right for me. Best of luck to you and who knows, maybe our paths will cross somewhere out there!

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