11 | Navigați pe Insulele Marquesas, Sea Hiva și Hiva Oa

11 |  Navigați pe Insulele Marquesas, Sea Hiva și Hiva Oa

Am navigat cu barca noastră clasică din lemn, Julia, spre multe ancoraje spectaculoase pe Nuku Hiva și Hiva Oa. Aceasta este navigația în Pacificul de Sud, așa cum am visat întotdeauna că va fi. Peisajul verde spectaculos al Marquesasului ne-a copleșit cu stânci înalte, plaje frumoase și palmieri legănători. Julia este o Ingrid Ketch, proiectată de William Atkin și construită în 1960. Este o barcă din lemn construită în mod tradițional, cu scândură de brad pe rame de stejar. Dinghy-ul nostru este piele pe cadru, proiectat de Dave Gentry. Credite muzicale: Sunset by Alex-Productions https://soundcloud.com/alexproductionsmusic Creative Commons — Attribution 3.0 Unported — CC BY 3.0 Free Download / Stream: https://bit.ly/3OVD7L8 Muzică promovată de Audio Library https:// youtu.be/JO-2jkjRYgw Libertate de Alex-Productions | https://onsound.eu/ Muzică promovată de https://www.free-stock-music.com Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License Wonders de Alex-Productions | https://onsound.eu/ Muzică promovată de https://www.free-stock-music.com Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/deed.en_US Earth de Alex -Productions : https://youtu.be/WAILVYjmeyY Creative Commons — Atribuire 3.0 Unported — CC BY 3.0 Tears In Rain de Scott Buckley Această lucrare este licențiată sub o licență Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International PAST de Alex-Productions : https:// youtu.be/ng3gCg07jPo Creative Commons — Atribuire 3.0 Unported — CC BY 3.0


27 thoughts on “11 | Navigați pe Insulele Marquesas, Sea Hiva și Hiva Oa

  1. Your videos are amazingly beautiful. While I know that no videos quite capture a place's beauty, (smells and breeze are missing) you two do a remarkably skilled job, whether it's ashore, beating into chop, or just a sunshine glittering on the sea. Thank you. Magnificent and safe travels.

  2. The Atkin ketch looks at home in that bay 29:19 . A beautiful, timeless vessel and place. Reminds me of Atkins's Vixen. These boats have an organic appeal that sharp lines and fiberglass does not.

  3. Enchanting imagery such attention to detail, composition, lighting, and form and what a timeless adventure, how blessed you both really are, thank you, fair winds, and following seas…

  4. After I moved to a remote forested area, where many wild pigs were known to be, I googled if they were dangerous.
    "Only when they have piglets."
    When do pigs (wild bore) have piglets?
    "all year round".

  5. Nicely done. A few of questions if I may. Did you arrange for a long-stay visa before arriving, do either of you speak French or make time to learn and what were The Customs Officers like on arrival?

  6. If I explore a new place I never think about listening music. Why is it necessary to have music all the time in a video about natural place?

  7. Congratulation for this beautiful video. I visited those islands by airplane. Diving auround by car ,but your videos show a more amazing way the beauty of those islands.
    Memories come back. Thanks for taking us so far. Greetings from Switzerland.

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