Refacere barca cu vele DEZASTRU! Chila cade!

Refacere barca cu vele DEZASTRU!  Chila cade!

Episodul 3 – DOI PAȘI ÎNAINTE ȘI UN PAS ÎNAPOI Alăturați-vă nouă în timp ce rămânem blocați în reconstruirea iahtului nostru clasic cu vele; 1925, goeleta John Alden, aventurier. După ce am cumpărat-o online nevăzută în timpul Covid și nu am văzut barca timp de aproape 18 luni, acum știm cât de multă muncă este cu adevărat! Avem putregai de îndepărtat și înlocuit cu lemn bun, o traversă de reconstruit, există cusături de recafat și barca este disperată pentru o nouă lucrare de vopsea. Pe lângă toate acestea, facem toată munca singuri… Priviți cum combinăm restaurarea bărcilor din lemn cu o nouă viață de familie în inima frumosului țărm estic al Americii. Abonați-vă și sunați la 🛎 și un salut mare din partea noastră! LINK PATREON MAI JOS


34 thoughts on “Refacere barca cu vele DEZASTRU! Chila cade!

  1. Great job gal on the tranny. Thank god you're putting out these vids! Now keep going that's an ORDER cheers n beers Marty Australia

  2. I was watching and thinking what are they doing? So I read the description and realized it was a 1925 Alden and then it made sense. That is one lucky boat to have found you two. I once repaired a transom with fg inside and out. I literally vacuumed the old transom out of the bottom of the pocket then installed new wood. It was 100% dust but solid as a rock when done. Good luck with everything!

  3. She’s looking great but I’m really sorry to see the keel opening up like that – I hate to suggest it and no doubt you are all over it but it does suggest that you may have some more sinister keel bolt issues throughout that you should probably investigate before going any further. Not an easy job but if you are lucky (as I was) you may be able to access your keel bolt nuts and lift the hull off the keel enough to check the keel bolts at least all the way along the lead ballast to keel timber seem. Yikes with the chainsaw! You’ve possibly already worked it out but that front guard on the chainsaw that you were holding back while using it is intended as a kick-up brake – by holding on to it you are negating the safety aspect of it. The idea being that if the chainsaw kicks up that front guard will hit your wrist where you are holding the top handle and it instantly stops the chain and any chance of it slicing your head open (when you are leaning over it as you would often do). Is that 12mm ply transom a temporary fix or is that your permanent solution? I’m really hoping it’s only temporary and I’m kinda wondering how well it will brace the transom transversely where it was designed to have much more solid timbers. Those curved pieces of the transom that someone told you are called the “wishbone horns” are generally called the “fashion Pieces”.

  4. I understand you are wanting to go sailing so therefore you're not going to take the year and go all through her. However on the east coast of America there's many 27 to 30 foot sailboats for sale for 5k which would allow you to sail and restore this lovely old boat at the same time and when you're done with the large project you can sell the newer cheaper fiberglass boat. Not going all through the boat and fixing everything correctly would make me not want to go far and definitely not have my kid or friends aboard

  5. The Mrs's is quite the wood craftswoman … love those shorts she's would be difficult to get much done with her around dressed like that and being crafty as she is..

  6. I believe people want to help you out because it's a small amount to each person that really adds up after several have helped along with the fact that you're saving a wonderful boat.. she looks amazing as you were getting her off the stands

  7. Bonjour la famille. what a special treat to wake up to one of your vidéos. what progress you've made since your last installment. bravo !!! what i'm especially liking about your vidéos and channel is that you two/three and animals have a life. i love the transitions from boat work to family life with your son or your dog. i'm quite aware that the sailing vessel is important but being everyday people doing everyday things is important too. your inspiration comes from the balance between boat work and recreation. your motivation comes after the recreation with family and friends because the energy is there. they are 100 percent for you and love you. as for the keel, YIKES… that's unexpected !
    again many thanks for the vidéo, wishing you the very best in repairing the keel and nice touch with your son in the pram as you prepare him for constant movement on the sailing vessel. soon you'll be teaching him a bow-line knot 🙂

  8. That transom frame is called the fashion piece. Really.
    Please don't bodge the keel. Especially if you're putting that very cute kid on board – do it properly. Sorry if that comes across as preachy, but ****, your lives literally depend on that lump of lead not falling off, and this boat has enough other things going on as it is.

  9. Need to watch some videos on how to properly use a chain saw. Your hand goes in between the wrap around handle and the part furthest forward. When the saw kicks back, your knuckles will push the forward part, and it will engage the chain brake, stopping the chain. Even on one of the little battery powered ones, they are super dangerous if not used properly.

  10. Almost at the end and thought, what keel falling off and then, ooopppppsssssss. Guy's take the year if you can and do it right. Half hearted now to sail means more time later in the yard and re doing stuff twice. Keep going, you can do it.

  11. You guys appear very pragmatic. You are clearly making tremendous progress and do not appear overly stressing about the problems. Mixed views on the keel, as she showed her problem to you before you splashed. I've heard of a guy in Wales who splashed in a similar circumstances and sunk in the harbour. Far more advanced refit both external and internal than youselves. I just think that when a yacht tells of her problems early as you then you are on to a winning and lasting relation. Good luck and keep going!

  12. Great Progress and she is looking absolutely beautiful. Bummer about the keel, but I have feeling that you will get it fixed properly in no time.

    Question about the paint. Since there was not enough boot lac for the top side of the hull, what did you end up using?

    PS. Thanks for the videos. Love them!

  13. How to mark a water line ,, Level boat , get 30 feet of clear hoss 1/4'' , get a bucket of water , color the water in buck , set the bucket up on some thing so water level in bucket is at waterline , put a weight on one end of clear hoss, put hoss in bucket of water , suck water thru hoss ,,,, when water is fully in all of the hoss , the water in the end of hoss will be level , with the water in bucket ,,,,, walk around the boat and mark the water line.

  14. Great job, and I love your videos. Hope that you start to make episodes more often. The keel… yes, it is ##£%%^@@*> but if it had been OK on the hard and fell off in the water, you would have a serious problem. So let's say it was fortunate that you can fix it now. All good to you.

  15. Bringing a baby on a boat that's not sea worthy and repaired by substituting plywood for the wood that should of been used. Not finding the problem with the keel shows your lack of knowledge. Just because it looks nice with a coat of paint doesn't mean it's safe . Think about this before you get yourselves and that baby in serious trouble. The ocean is nothing to take half ass and it will kill you it doesn't care how pretty the paint job is.

  16. What a great project, keep up the enthusiasm guys.
    When you have sorted your keel bolts, talk to the travel lift operator about using four slings , it's really a must to try and minimise distortion of the hull when lifting.

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