Navigați pe linie dreaptă din Pakistan către RUSIA???

Navigați pe linie dreaptă din Pakistan către RUSIA???

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29 thoughts on “Navigați pe linie dreaptă din Pakistan către RUSIA???

  1. Random 15th century Pakistani sailor : "Let's sail to Russia through west instead of east"

    *stranded in Madagascar
    Natives : "Welcome to Mad-"
    Pakistani Sailor: "Ah yes! Russia, and i shall call you Russian"

  2. You miss your real content
    In india in Gujarat there is a ancient temple or a historical place where in a pole written that( their is no land of you go from their) and the pole is thousand years old

    and this written on in language Sanskrit

  3. Me a brit with a full understanding about how this theory might actually work :

    Me also remembering that my great great grandparents were probably doing this :


  4. I think it's still a curve
    U forgot the curvature of the earth

    C i did not wanted to be a nerd
    But u are the who was like
    Huhh do u know u can go completely straight from here to here
    U don't believe
    C a globe n all

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