Misterul din spatele cerceilor de 500.000 de lire sterline ai lui Meghan au fost deschiși: „Era a fost o fată de iaht pentru prințul saudit”

Misterul din spatele cerceilor de 500.000 de lire sterline ai lui Meghan au fost deschiși: „Era a fost o fată de iaht pentru prințul saudit”

Misterul din spatele cerceilor de 500.000 de lire sterline ai lui Meghan au fost deschiși: „Ea a fost o fată de iaht pentru prințul saudit” 👉👉Urmăriți cel mai recent videoclip la: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Cc91oFLDpCo&list=PL-VvWzpOaRkziPHPZHPJP Abonați-vă👉👉👉 canalul meu: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC8oh3_W9yiKmxWzpLJfmoYQ?sub_confirmation=1 Un raport al justiției americane a constatat că prințul saudit a autorizat crima. Personalul lui Harry și Meghan credea că cerceii opulenți au fost „împrumutați” de la un bijutier, dar noua carte a expertului regal Valentine Low, Courtiers: The Hidden Power Behind the Crown, susține că „Nu era adevărat” că au fost împrumutate. El adaugă că angajații lui Meghan au rămas apoi „nedușiți” de ideea că Meghan „ar purta cu bună știință cercei dăruiți de un bărbat acuzat că are sânge pe mâini”. #queenelizabeth #queen #princeharry #meghanmarkle #lilibet #princewilliam #katemiddleton #royal #princecharles


43 thoughts on “Misterul din spatele cerceilor de 500.000 de lire sterline ai lui Meghan au fost deschiși: „Era a fost o fată de iaht pentru prințul saudit”

  1. Her salary on Suits couldn't pay for these. BUT they came from…somewhere. Cracker Jack's doesn't offer them…but rich guys DO. BUT NOT FOR NOTHING…You don't get to be THAT RICH BY BEING STUPID.

  2. Not very nice for the children if this is blasted all over and people never forget a bad story for years and years if you are a public figure which Meghan has made herself and not a well loved one either

  3. The only difference between a crack wh*** and a yacht girl is how much they charge for the same sordid act. Harry married a lowlife yacht girl and now he's stuck with her until the day she fleeces him for half of everything he has. What a friggin moron!

  4. Before everyone runs to the conclusion that Meg is intelligent enough to have executed such a plan, I will remind you that by talking too much we can see by the way she speaks/reacts and the facts – She can't hide her dumbness (although some would argue it was her acting to make us think she is – I disagree because she is a bad actor and dumb so she couldn't execute that) along with the main actors that are the brains and she was the body that lacks everything else – I got the whole jest of what they were doing from the beginning as it seemed too staged. Seeing Beatrice and sister Eugine (pronounce YOU-GINA) look at the scar on my back as I'm a victim too for spending a week in a PRIVATE HOSPITAL PAID BY THE PEOPLE) – we were told they met via Eugine and no picture exists of Eugine with Markle (in public) before – I knew the little women and Daddy Andrew are involved – My own thought is that they believed we'd fall for this as Andrew was desperate and literally under house or castle arrest but even in a castle he wants to be IT. Possible royal coo??? I have always said – never to get angry as we can't do a thing but we do have magical powers???

    TIME – Time is Magic and if you're patient the truth will always prevail and time will make a wrong right again.

  5. It seems that the Saudi prince is only making a little sexual flirtation with Meghan
    rather than falling madly into her seduction like Harry. Between the variant of vice
    and stupidity, there is an intelligence to save the soul.

  6. Meg is very materialistic and a gold digger, she goes with the guys with a lot of money , she should not wore white dress on her wedding day because she was married a couple of times disgusting.

  7. I seriously doubt that the "Saudi Prince" was Mohamed bin Salomon! He's the CROWN Prince & no matter how good she was as a Yacht Gurl she wasn't THAT good that she'd be given to Mohamed bin Salomon! The earrings probably came from one of the other Princes, if at all! Rmbr how adapt she is about having replica jewelry made & stories to go along with them, so even if she was given the Real thing, greedy that she is, she'd sell them & get replicas made! Besides, as "broke" as they are, they couldn't afford the Insurance against Loss of jewelry worth what those would be!

  8. What is a yacht girl? Isn’t it a good looking girl who gets invited on luxury yachts through an agency to give sex for gifts to rich men and a form of prostitution?

  9. Where did she get those earrings? And what did she do to "earn" them on the yacht where she worked as a "yacht girl" paid "entertainer" aka prostitute.

  10. Good grief 🙈

    I suppose she’s gone for respectability over money but when the money runs out of their grift-scam Harry will be hung out to dry.
    Will we have him back? Not sure. KC will. Probably. Uncle Andy status definitely.

  11. Wondered why the constant smirk on cousin Za’s face during the wedding. Megagrift’s sleazy extra curricular yacht activity must have had close circle’s in stitches. No doubt disgraced uncle Andy became aquatinted with Megagrift before Hazza’s apparent sloppy seconds.

  12. @netflix, take note. Do a DOCUMENTARY on MM yachting days and the various 'clients'. Now that is a documentary I will watch!!

  13. So, even if you are a "yacht girl" (aka high end whore), how do you end up with earrings worth half a million dollars? Furthermore, how do you explain that to your spouse?

  14. Elle aurait dû épouser un prince du pétrole, elle serait encore plus riche ! Mais elle ne pourrait pas se retourner contre eux, au risque de disparaitre mystérieusement 😜

  15. I do believe Meeagain being a Yacht girl, met Prince Andrew during this time, and that is where his obvious disdain for Meeagain comes from. Both are leery of what the other may say.

  16. SPPRAY TAN markle how many more MEN did GINGER no all this . What a MAN EATER EPSTIEN ASWELL MUG GINGERS UNCLE ANDREW there before him look at your own life markle before pulling others down

  17. Obviously the Royals should have leaked her past way before wedding. No they wait to attack when she already is part of family??? Bad decision.

  18. She was sleeping with the Saudi prince she has been with him and many more men she will do anything for money slapper how could any man marry her for all the men she has been with for money yea sick of what she must have had a designer vagina as it must have been like the London bridge as she has had so many its like throwing a boat up the river Thames hhhhaaaa

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