Navigare înapoi la Santa Cruz de Tenerife S2 ep 43

Navigare înapoi la Santa Cruz de Tenerife S2 ep 43

Din păcate, a trebuit să iau o decizie grea de a naviga spre nord în loc de sud, săptămâna aceasta navighez spre Santa Cruz de Tenerife.


28 thoughts on “Navigare înapoi la Santa Cruz de Tenerife S2 ep 43

  1. I honestly believe that when I we get past that 50 ish age that we are as healthy right now at that point in time as we'll ever be. We all know it's only downhill from here. Obviously we all listen to our Doc's but I'm also a great believer of doing what our desires wants to do. Enjoying our own lives how we want is the best medicine. Slowly dying at home on a couch regretting the choices made or not made is not a great place to be in mentally. Ask me how I know. Just like car mechanics Doctors can find problems all the time depending how hard they look. Go live your dream or you never will.
    "Que Sera, Sera
    Whatever will be, will be
    The future's not ours to see
    Que Sera, Sera
    What will be, will be"

  2. For the first time I hear sadness in your voice. Your always such a positive person the type that sees the glass half full not half empty. It’s like I’m this journey with you.
    You’ll bounce back and the Atlantic will be waiting. So will we. Cheers mate. Take care of your self.

  3. Dang it, Peter! I am gonna worry about you till I hear from you next. You better have good news is all I can say.
    Safe travels, Peter. You are in our prayers.

  4. Oh Peter, I can feel your disapointment deep in my heart. I feel so sorry. When things like this happen, changing of plans, I try to focus more on the new ahead of me. It makes the dissapointment easier to cope with. Wishing you all the best and Peter!

  5. Hello Peter, oh dear iam so sorry to hear that you have to return home for now with health concern. Iam disappointed for you and with you and I know it's a setback but don't give up the dream. Hold onto the dream. Look forward to hearing your news and plans going forward, best wishes and following, sandra.

  6. There will be rewards for you Peter in journeying home and if health is the immediate reason, you can be sure you will enjoy family and friends at this festive time! Life has only wonderful things for a man who stays in the flow! Whatever your circumstances you always make me feel good! ⛵️

  7. Oh blimey man…..I really feel your bitter disappointment but as you said, health comes first. It was through ill health I had to give up my motorhome touring in 2018. Ok I have loads of photos and fantastic memories, but i'd hoped for a few more years at it. It's partly the reason I now follow YT vloggers like yourself who have an adventurous spirit. I hope and pray for you its nothing too serious. I don't know what you do at times like this but for me music heals the spirit, heart and mind….and theres lots of great music clips on YT!! 😄
    Keep us all updated Peter. ❤

  8. Well, no surprises here.

    I anticipated and predicted this outcome a few weeks ago. See my previous comments.
    It was either Christmas in the Canaries or Ireland, and the door was left open to return for Christmas.
    The latter won the toss.

    Had no intention of heading South. The same M.O as the phantom Whale last year.
    We are taken right to the brink and then the excuses flow. Seen all this last year also.

    Sponsors and genuine followers are disgusted.
    Carry on privately and quietly if needs be, but stop asking people for money and support towards this badly organised and poorly planned event.

    It will be interesting to see where Christmas is spent. Unlikely in Annascaul ??!! Lets see how this pans out….K

    This is Day 112

    Days at anchor
    / in Port 98

    Days at sea. 14

    Who will sign this off as a worth while round the world trip ??

  9. very sorry that you have had to make this move. Life is a roller coaster of emotions, decisions disappointments and joy. Sailing seems to exaggerate those. Keep well and looking forward to the journey being continued.

  10. Thinking of you Peter, don’t worry I know you will work through this, we are all sending love and strength to you. Christmas with the family this year won’t be too bad at least. All the best for Christmas ❤

  11. I could see from the opening "Welcome back" intro that something was up. You looked quite emotional. We are all with you, Peter. Health and family come first, second and third. We will be here when you return.

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