Acasă este locul unde este BARCA | Explorând Malta | S07E24

Acasă este locul unde este BARCA |  Explorând Malta |  S07E24

Viața pe o barca cu pânze ne-a dus în niște locuri destul de uimitoare de-a lungul anilor, dar Malta este, fără îndoială, una dintre cele mai unice. Pe măsură ce explorăm această mică insulă din mijlocul Mediteranei, ne pare că suntem în permanență înconjurați de fortărețe uriașe de piatră, iar fiecare alee pare ca a ieșit direct din Game of Thrones. Ceea ce ne place la stilul de viață de navigație este că, în loc să ajungem să vizităm acest loc incredibil, ajungem să-l numim acasă pentru o vreme.

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Ochelari de soare: Cod de reducere HPATTICUS Dinghy: Boom, Furler, Whisker Pole: Sails: https: // Ancoră primară: Pompă de urgență Edson Marine: Amplificator pentru telefon mobil, Weboost Drive X RV: /wilsonelectronics/51785478 Prognoza meteo: Keen Footwear:

Sunete epidemic


46 thoughts on “Acasă este locul unde este BARCA | Explorând Malta | S07E24

  1. Thank y’all. I’ve been watching for a few years and never left a comment. Thank you for showing the church. I am always super curious about the all of the religious architecture where y’all go. Please show more churches!

  2. Amazing WONDERFUL Beautiful Malta .. I have never been but just admit you two make Super Good Travel guides . I was a little nervous of all the candles but loved to ambiance. The John the Baptist Sainrs tribute was incredible. I have been an artist all my life and Caravagio is one of the most famous of his era…Thank you for this video. !!!!😊❣

  3. Something tells me that the cherubs are to invoke the innocence and virtuous nature of children? We'll let you decide if that's true about children in a couple years. 😂

  4. Great episode, Malta is one of my favorite places! There is another church near the center of the island with one of the largest unsupported domes in Europe. It was hit by a bomb during WWII that did not explode, a real miracle. The entire underside of the dome is painted in amazing detail, defiantly worth a visit. The entire island was awarded the George medal by the British government for withstanding the longest continuous bombing siege of anyplace during the second world war.

  5. Nice to see my country through a new set of eyes and getting international exposure. Hope that we have been treating you well!

  6. What is the meaning behind "Buddy"? You call each other and the dog "Buddy" all the time. Is there a story behind why you do this? Thanks!

  7. Wow yet another awsome video. So wish I could pop over for a pint with jordan and a coffee with Des. Long sail from the UK . Enjoy guys love u both loads x

  8. Like a typical American (from the U.S.) I know almost nothing of Malta. Guess I need to read up. Still, I expected you to do a brief summary of the island, the Knights, etc.

  9. Hi happy you are enjoying your stay in Malta. On Tuesdays if you go up the hill from your boat you'll find a very good market, and on Sundays another one at Marsaxlokk, which is a place you should visit. Traditional Maltese food, bigilla made from beans normally spread on bread with 🍅, olive oil and Malese gbejna made from goat milk. You should also taste our rabbit stew and hoarse meat.

  10. Hi there lovely sailors. Nice warm video about Birgu and Valletta, and there is much more for you too see. If you are planning to stay here for the next couple of months, I don't mind guiding you around the best places and beaches as a local sailor. Feel free to contact me. Welcome to Malta 🙂

  11. Wow! What a cool video! Thank you for the tour of a little slice of Malta! You both are hitting it out of the park with the quality and content of your channel. The days are getting close now to welcoming the new crew. Can't wait!

  12. John the Baptist is not Saint John who wrote 5 books in the Bible and was imprisoned on Patmos where he wrote Revelation.

  13. Your vids have always been very captivateing. It continues 👍 i envey your journies but upon retirement, i will follow your example – experience & appreciate the world !!!!!

  14. That’s weird you have to cover up your nakedness; yet all over the walls are sculptures of naked children and naked people exposing themselves instead you need to be clothed to observe the art…HUMM‼️

  15. Hi – a subscriber for several years, originally from Malta. Visiting family for Christmas and just saw Atticus II at the Birgu Marina while on the ferry to Valletta. Feeling a bit starstruck! Hope you are enjoying Malta.

  16. Very happy you both arrived in Malta safe and sound. Yes Malta is a very beautiful. A lot of my neighbors in Toronto are from there.

  17. Great video, beautiful job you two. What better way to spend Christmas Eve then to watch a tour of such a beautiful location. Maybe one day if years allow it would be a great place to spend a few days. Stay safe and along with tens of thousands we look forward to your special day. Your in good hands in Europe, I was born more than 75 years ago in my parents living room same as the rest of my siblings shortly after the war in Northern Europe.

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