Să știi când este timpul să te oprești | Navigare Ep 331

Să știi când este timpul să te oprești |  Navigare Ep 331

Ai renunțat vreodată? Te-ai întrebat vreodată dacă este timpul să te oprești? Ce ai face dacă ai fi în poziția noastră? ☝️ Trimite-ne un rapid „Ta foarte mult” prin Super Mulțumiri! ☝️ Când ne gândim la croazieră, adesea evocăm imagini ale idilelor îndepărtate, amplasate printre mări turcoaz și insule deșertice aurii și nisipoase. Un pic ca atolul unde eram ancorați în estul Sulawesi. Dar în lumea de croazieră, lucrurile pot deveni păroase. Să știi când este timpul să ne oprim nu este o decizie ușoară… 00:00 Navigarea prin vânt puternic și valuri 05:55 Ar trebui să ne oprim? Ce ai face? 11:31 Adăpostirea de un sistem de furtună de 3 zile 🤙 Sprijină-ne: PATREON | FTBMates | Fondul de rom – https://followtheboat.com/pub/ Vă mulțumim pentru vizionare, vă rugăm să dați LIKE și SUBSCRIBE, ne ajută cu adevărat să fim remarcați. Pace și vânturi bune! Liz și Jamie ▶️ CUM AM ÎNCEPUT SĂ NAVIGAM – https://youtu.be/lIUB0O5bqRI ▶️ SABAH LA LOMBOK [PLAYLIST]
– https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLoE3FmplhAXNpRGe8l3aOknFI21r6S8Yv ▶️ FIECARE EPISOD DE LA ÎNCEPUT [PLAYLIST]
– https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLoE3FmplhAXPXy5tvEO838yS2rFpAfRhp ▶️ SERIA PODCAST [PLAYLIST]
– https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLoE3FmplhAXOldLfhuOabS98hpDoznn9r ▶️ TOTAL REFIT SERIES – https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLoE3FmplhAXNsNWWZ6iTMzYYwKVtDanCr ▶️ REASON ▶️ NOT SAIL5 -_GU ▶️ 5 MOTIVE PENTRU CARE TREBUIE SĂ CUMPĂRĂ O BARCĂ CU PÂLE – https://youtu.be/NF4dvGuEip8 ▶️ CÂT SĂ NAVILIZAȚI ÎN LUMEA? – https://youtu.be/p35rfFOTqio ▶️ SUNTEȚI PREA BĂTRÂN PENTRU A NAVIGA? – https://youtu.be/iivHjZYJHCc ▶️ CUM SE CUMPĂRĂ O BARCĂ CON PLANIE – https://youtu.be/PQyn02VT1jY ▶️ CEA MAI BUNĂ BARCĂ PENTRU VELIER PENTRU LUMEA? – https://youtu.be/atYZTniOI04 🎣 Cele mai bune 3 sfaturi de pescuit ale lui Liz – https://youtu.be/4x3KDBDBUyE MARFĂ FTB https://followtheboat.com/shop SĂ CONECTĂM! FB – https://www.facebook.com/followtheboat/ Instagram – https://www.instagram.com/followtheboat/ Twitter: https://twitter.com/followtheboat Toată muzică de la Epidemic Sound BARCA NOASTRA cu vele Construită în 1989, SY Esper este un ketch Oyster435 LOCATION Atol Paradise – 2°06’23.3″S 123°14’49.9″E Pulau Bund (insula de siguranță) – 1°55’23.8″S 123°08’55.4″E URMEAZĂ-NE ÎN TIMP REAL CU AIS *http://www.marinetraffic.com MMSI – 235026188 #stormsailing #indonesia #timetostop


30 thoughts on “Să știi când este timpul să te oprești | Navigare Ep 331

  1. sv Florence does a great job of videoing waves.. I think they do it exceptionally well. always enjoy your videos. adventures for grownups!

  2. You take what mother nature gives you. Salty sailors have no fixed schedules and realize that forcing your way through tough weather is not worth it. You guys made the decision to keep your blood pressure, damage to the boat, and drama low. Smart!!

  3. Once I was like 800 miles from nowhere the wind built to around 50kts I was reaching like a mad man but then the seas got so high I started to see the sun through the waves. Thought, "hmm I could roll the boat in this" so I turned down wind. Turned out I had 230 mile 24hrs fastest Ive ever sailed only problem was 150 of it was in the wrong direction. Funny it wasn't until that movement I had never realized what "blown off course" really meant… Oh yeah seeing the sun through the waves is really cool.

  4. There is always a sense of relief when you make a difficult decision – to be or not to be – and you both made the right one. Good thing you make your own schedule. Hope you are well.

  5. Smart move turning back when you think that’s necessary then it’s certainly necessary . There’s no shame in keeping safe there’s only shame in being reckless . You’re both terriffic sailors first class.

  6. That pod of dolphins jumping past were amazing. There was one group towards the end which formed a perfect in line arc as if they were all joined together like a train. Quite a buzz. What am I doing? Huddled under blanket on the settee berth with the heater going looking up at the rigging, its been -5 C here with ice forming, while suffering continuous coughing fits because some person shared the worst cold I’ve had in 5 years. Whatever your discomfort, it could be so much worse.

  7. I agree that it is difficult to catch the power of waves on video. Estimating the waveheight, however, does not require magic powers. On a boat you have a good estimation of the height of your eyes above the water. If the horizon is never covered by a wave, then the waveheight is lower than that.
    I "failed" to round the head of Kinsale when the seastate was high, the crew not yet adapted to the motion of the boat and we discovered that the halyard had high friction in the mast. If it is safe to continue and I am not on a schedule, then it remains to be asked if I (and the crew) like it or not. No shame in not liking it.

  8. Thanx for the new episode ! great again !
    A question "are there enough sandy anchorage in the attoll and how do you know you can anker there ? "

  9. Better safe than sorry. Also it is less strain on the boat and parts this way. It isn't a race or emergency and for me at least I have nothing to prove to nature.
    Just from the video it is obvious what power is brewing behind you, so yes you did the right call.

  10. It looks like our standard sailing conditions 😄But there is no "V 1" in sailing – you can always go back. 😉We watched this, cheering you on and saying things like "Hey look – they have white caps". Just remember our motto – "We prefer to enjoy sailing rather than endure sailing". Our acid test is to say "Do we really want to put up with another 8 hours of this?" and if the answer is "No" then we turn around and go back to our anchorage.

  11. Yeah okay, almost could be accused of “click baiting” 😂. But still another good episode, I’ve actually seen a few channels turn back over the year’s, enough for it to be not uncommon.. and i agree with what most people commented, why beat the crap outta yourselves and Esper, what’s the point? If you’re in a hurry or have a deadline to meet, sailing probably isn’t the right option to start with.. thanks guys!

  12. "Gentlemen don't sail to windward", comes to mind. Last month we visited Straits Quay in Penang. What a lovely place to visit. Downside is with 40 highly sought-after berths, when you are expected to vacate your berth there isn't a lot of wiggle room to negotiate a favorable weather window. This combined with the need to enter and depart the marina on high tide due to silting saw use leave with a potential 66mile slog to windward. One boat had left the previous day, spent 6 hours to windward, gave up and was back alongside in an hour. Plan B was to reduce the distance to our destination (Langkawi) and drop anchor 10nm away from the marina. Plan C was to slog it out to the islands to the North East (Palau Bunting). We departed at high tide (11:00) and slogged our way up the coast on Plan C. A 24nm trip would normally take us 3 1/2 hours. That day was 7. We didn't turn back, nowhere to go as the marina didn't have room and the high tide was long gone. Back we have turned back many, many times. It's amazing how much relief one feels when you ease sheets, the boat comes upright and you fly downwind to a safe anchorage. BTW the next day the wind moved to the North-East (the forecast was right) and we had a blistering broach reach across to Langkawi – our first real sail in months).

  13. I remember when off fishing in our fishing boat the weather was atrocious and decided to return home even though we were to meet friends. Later that day we found out that our friends boat capsized and they luckily got rescued. Confirmation that our decision was a good one. Xx

  14. Prudence should top adventure I think. You may not get there as quickly, but getting there intact is a little important. Enough maintenance needed already without piling more on. It is a boat after all. And yes it is hard to see how high the seas are, but it did look to be green gill inducing. 😎

  15. this particular episode shows just how you sailors sail by weather windows but even then how fast things can change and basically turn your life all around.

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