Specificații iahtului Sunseeker: Lungime totală: 77’5″ (23,60 m) Lungime: 19’6″ (5,95 m) Pescaj: 5’7″ (1,7 m deplasare: 118,140 LB (53,700 KG) Capacitate apă dulce: 370 US GAL. (1.400 L) Capacitate apă neagră: 106 US GAL. (400 L) Capacitate combustibil: 1.585 US GAL. (6.000 L) Motoare: 2 x AMN V12 1400 CP sau 2 x MAN V12 1550 CP Viteză maximă: 32 noduri Interval la 10 noduri: 500 de mile nautice
Tur de plimbare cu iahtul Sunseeker 76 2023

2 thoughts on “Tur de plimbare cu iahtul Sunseeker 76 2023”
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Parabéns felicidades
Sunseeker have really nailed the new 2023 design of the 76'. Previous 1 & 2 stairway down to cabins designs were really problimatic. This has addressed all that and now with the new quality finish is both beautiful and exciting. If we can just clean up the exterior flares and all extraneous bits of plastic and this is a World beater.