BigRigTravels LIVE | Tracy către Ripon, CA (21.12.22 05:44)

BigRigTravels LIVE |  Tracy către Ripon, CA (21.12.22 05:44)

Călătorește prin America în timp ce BigRigSteve își transmite LIVE aventurile cu camioane! Traseu: I-580, I-205, I-5, CA 120, CA 99 Marfă: combustibil pentru barca cu pânze 0:00 Tracy, CA 3:40 Oprire cafea la Valero 11:10 Plecare din Valero 38:30 Lathrop, CA 42:00 Manteca, CA 54:20 Love’s (Ripon, CA) Steve găzduiește o petrecere de ceasuri în timp ce așteaptă o nouă călătorie. BigRigSteve este un șofer de camion american care își împărtășește rutina și experiențele zilnice în timp ce își trăiește viața pe drum liber. Vino să explorezi interstate cu mai multe benzi din marile orașe până la drumurile negre cu două benzi ale orașelor mici ale Americii, din perspectiva unică de pe parbrizul său mare. Site-ul său de la are toate informațiile actuale despre călătorie, inclusiv date dinamice GPS transmise site-ului web, cum ar fi un vitezometru, altimetru, vremea la locația camionului, hărți interactive, blog și multe altele. Acolo, puteți găsi, de asemenea, informații despre călătoriile anterioare, aflate în secțiunea Jurnal de călătorie. Sana vitală a unui camioner este cafeaua – dă-i o ceașcă lui BigRigSteve aici: Vino alături de noi pe pagina de Facebook Road Crew la 183265405558688/ Întregul site web și canalul YouTube sunt potrivite pentru familii și în siguranță pentru copii. Suntem listați pe site-ul web aprobat de Școala Națională pentru utilizare în sălile de clasă din America. Regulile pot fi găsite la: #trucker #america #roadtrip #californina #tracy #manteca #ripon


5 thoughts on “BigRigTravels LIVE | Tracy către Ripon, CA (21.12.22 05:44)

  1. This stream ran from 5:44 UTC-8 to 10:24 UTC-8 (14:44 UTC+1 to 19:24 UTC+1), of which a minute was buffered out; it is entirely in California (and thus at no more than abouth 89 km/h, exactly 55 mph) and Central California Valley (bordering on the Central California Foothills and Coastal Mountains at one point). It starts and ends in NWS Sacramento (STO) county warning area. The first chapter is Tracy, CA. After unloading Steve goes to a truck stop and waits for further instructions.
    3:40: Coffee stop at Valero chapter.
    3:50: Coffee stop. Valero near Tracy, formerly a Shell.
    5:50 (UTC-8, 14:50 UTC+1)
    11:10: Depart Valero chapter.
    13:34: Entering I-580 West.
    15:21: 6:00 UTC-8, 15:00 UTC+1.
    15:41: Leaving Stockton CA MSA, entering NWS San Francisco Bay Area/Monterey (MTR) county warning area and San Francisco/Oakland/Berkeley CA MSA. No access to I-205, Steve has to turn around at the next exit.
    16:06: Uh-oh… there's a jam coming from I-205. It also spills onto our ramp, and we hit it at 16:41.
    19:29: Steve frees up from the jam and turns around.
    22:51: Leaving San Francisco/Oakland/Berkeley CA MSA, entering NWS Sacramento county warning area and Stockton CA MSA again.
    38:03: End I-205, merge onto I-5.
    38:30: Lathrop, CA chapter.
    39:26: But not for much time. Steve takes a section of the Tioga Pass Road (CA 120) in which trucks are allowed (Yes, I know the Tioga Pass Road is only the section across Yosemite NP).
    42:00: Manteca, CA chapter.
    48:02: Entering the "Large Shield Freeway" (CA 99).
    54:16: Love's near Ripon. Steve parks and waits for further instruction, he hosts a watch party in the meanwhile.
    54:20: Love's (Ripon, CA) chapter. A further annotation reads "Steve hosts a watch party while he waits for a new trip".
    1:15:21: 7:00 UTC-8, 16:00 UTC+1.
    2:15:21: 8:00 UTC-8, 17:00 UTC+1.
    2:17:52: Road crew member Dave S attempts to meet Steve, but leaves without meeting him believing he was asleep (he was in fact out for coffee, if Dave had waited just a bit more he would have met Steve)
    2:40:03: A Cheetos truck pulls into the truck stop.
    3:15:21: 9:00 UTC-8, 18:00 UTC+1.
    4:15:21: 10:00 UTC-8, 19:00 UTC+1.

  2. We start from the previous delivery in Tracy, CA via local streets to I-580. Then West on I-580 (Arthur Breed Jr. Fwy.) briefly to a local road to turn around. Then back East on I-580 (Arthur Breed Jr. Fwy.) briefly to I-205. Then East on I-205 thru Tracy to I-5. Then North on I-5 to CA-120. Then East on CA-120 thru Manteca to CA-99. Then South on CA-99 to the Love's Truck Stop in Ripon, CA where Steve awaits his next trip and we have a watch party in the process.

  3. Does he not show pickups, deliveries, or interaction with customers? Watching a guy drive down a highway and not say anything for hours isn't the most compelling video.

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