Ocolim peste tot și vizităm câteva locuri de pe Insula Man pe care nu am reușit să le vedem în patru ani de vizite. –– Dacă vă plac videoclipurile noastre, puteți oricând să lăsați un bacșiș în borcanul nostru de cafea https://ko-fi.com/sailingyachtsaltylass –- Link-uri afiliate –- Mr D Cookware – https:// mrdscookware.com/product-category/thermal-cookers?wpam_id=1 –– Despre noi –– Am început o aventură pe croaia pe Bavaria 36, Salty Lass. Misiunea noastră continuă este să explorăm porturi noi ciudate, să căutăm bucătării și culturi noi pentru noi, să mergem cu îndrăzneală acolo unde ne duce vântul și să ne placă –– Urmărește-ne –– http://www. saltylass.co.uk https://facebook.com/salty.lass.1 https://twitter.com/sy_lass https://instagram.com/sy.saltylass –- Muzică –- Dan Lebowitz – Barilicious – Biblioteca Audio Youtube Tracktribe – Finlanda – Biblioteca Audio Youtube TrackTribe – Walk Through the Park – Biblioteca Audio Youtube Godmode – În 3 – Biblioteca Audio Youtube „A fost un timp” – Scott Buckley Această lucrare este licențiată în baza Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International Licență; https://www.scottbuckley.com.au/
Navigarea pe Marea Irlandei – Douglas – Castletown – Port Erin – Ballyholme – Belfast Lough – Ep. 268

14 thoughts on “Navigarea pe Marea Irlandei – Douglas – Castletown – Port Erin – Ballyholme – Belfast Lough – Ep. 268”
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1st viewer
Lovely to see Karen again
We anchored outside Castletown however it was really bouncy
Really relaxing vlog – thank you
Appreciate you adding in some sight seeing. Enjoy the Holidays. Merry Christmas!
Two summers ago we anchored in Castletown Bay after dark. Hold was terrible; think bottom must be slabs of rock. Next morning in daylight after a pretty sleepless night, we saw three uncharted/undocumented visitors moorings a short distance away!
Thanks for another great video
Informative as always.
That was a nice reminder of the "summer" sailing season that has passed. We are all eagerly waiting for what summer 2023 will bring us. Cheers.
Thank you
Happy Christmas greetings from the crew of Wavedancer westerly fulmar hoping you both have a wonderful time
Another interesting video… Thanks. Just out of interest… It feels like you've done the Irish sea crossing a few times now! How much (average) commercial traffic do you get crossing your path?
Great video along with the Hendrix music, trust Karen to stir things up.
Hi Lasses, welcome back Karen and looking smashing
Loved the intro music, then the last music when u dropped the hook, nearly put me to
U all look well an chipper. What's for Tucker on Xmas day? We jump in the dingy (tinny) we call them, small aluminium boat and throw a line in. Then munch on a prawn, mango, avocado, lime, lettuce, whole mustard seeds and egg yolk salad with a lime mayonnaise. Oh yeh it's really good. Thanks for taking me on that short sail, maybe u could do an overnighter soon, that be fun. Weell as Gaynor says, much love n hugs for Christmas, be safe and I'll raise a glass for u all. 

Great trip around the IOM hope you have a lovely Christmas and safe sailing in 2023. All the best Simon