Acum cinci ani am cumpărat o barcă cu pânze și am plecat de acasă pentru a merge în croazieră. Acum, după ce am cumpărat o barcă cu remorcă, suntem ATÂT DE ENCARAȚIȚI să ne întoarcem acasă pentru a merge la croazieră! Kirk a zburat în Florida pentru a ridica un trimaran Farrier F9AX pe care îl urmărim de luni de zile. Odată cu vânzarea încheiată, el este pe cale să remorcă noua noastră barcă de 31 de metri la 1500 de mile înapoi până la proprietatea noastră din nordul Michigan – unde Lauren și Renata o vor vedea pentru prima dată! Sper sa iti placa! Lauren, Kirk & Renata FILMAT: Iulie 2020 SOCIALE + BLOG Patreon: Instagram: Facebook: /sailingsoulianis/ Site-ul web: Instagram-ul lui Kirk: MUZICA Melodia tematică: Adventures by A Himitsu Creative Commons — Atribuire 3.0 Unported— CC BY 3.0 Descărcare gratuită / Stream: Muzică lansată de Argofox Muzică promovată de Biblioteca audio Toată cealaltă muzică : ARTLIST — — Folosiți acest link pentru a obține 2 LUNI GRATUITE de Artlist! Căutăm mereu muzică! Dacă dvs. sau un prieten, rudă sau cunoștință faceți muzică originală și doriți să o prezentați pe canalul nostru, trimiteți-ne un strigăt la CAMERA GEAR #trimaran #sailingcouple #sailboat
Ne pregătim barca pentru 1500 de mile pe uscat! | Sailing Soulianis – Ep. 116

25 thoughts on “Ne pregătim barca pentru 1500 de mile pe uscat! | Sailing Soulianis – Ep. 116”
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Really happy you folks get to work on your boat at you own house. So much more convenient and less expensive.
Appropriate pause point: @0.48 = Kirk & Dad at Exit 58, Needmore Road, (A boat this big does!) on I-75, Dayton Ohio. And Sweet Express Trucking (There's clearly something expressly sweet in bring the Tri home!) is passing you. [ Yes, I'm weird. I like to check out the highway ride portion, hence I paused to see where/what you filmed driving. I find it fitting.]
I’m super excited you going to be back on the Great Lakes too! It’s what first drew me to your channel in the beginning. Can’t wait to see what you do to the new boat. Happy new year!
i don't know how you got home using a bumper hit
Hi y’all, why did progressive cancel your insurance? I have the same boat. Actually it’s one of the first Corsair 31 so it’s factory built. I’ve had progressive insurance since 2018. I only have liability on the boat though. Did y’all have full coverage insurance?
Wow, this going to be soooo exciting to watch. Looking back at all of the other projects you completed, over the years, in the boat yard(s), this will be quite different. For one thing, this vessel is so much smaller. The scale of the projects should be much more manageable. Another thing to remember, going into this, both of you have way more skills than you had when you first dug into Soulianis. Not having to learn new skills will make completing your projects go much easier and quicker.
I am anxious to see how she feels on the water. Will the ride inside be much louder, harsher. I'm thinking there had to be more space between the water and your feet in the cabin of the old boat than this boat. On your previous boat, there was so more sound damping "stuff" throughout the entire boat: clothes, pillows, cushions, drapes, groceries, etc., etc. You know what I mean, just stuff everywhere. Of course, as she becomes your new home away from home, much of the old stuff will be brought back on board and the sounds of the boat and sea will be hushed all over again. You will become accustomed to her quirky rattles and squeaks just like you did on Soulianis l.
I think the biggest surprise you are in for is her speed. S1 was like a nice, late model SUV. Responsive, comfortable, classy all the time, the kind of ride folks respected. S2 will be more like a Porche 718 Boxer, BMW M3 Sports Coupe, or Audi TT Quatro. She will want run like a Cheetah. Getting from one port to the next will be more like beaming down to the planet, you will get there before you know it. She will be very nimble in water. I would also think she will be much more of a stable ride in rougher seas.
Lots of cool things to look forward too. Come on!!! Let's gets started!!! This is going to be so cool!!!
You may already know this but possibly putting on C5 leaf springs they are rated at 5000lbs per axle speaking from experience, I know they’re not always readily available. most places always carry 3500lbs axle leaf springs etc. I ended up having to get one set from one shop and another set from another shop. Of course I wanted them within a couple days. Oh by the way, I watched every episode since the beginning, you guys started your journey just before me! Glad and excited to hear about the projects. I need the motivation on my little project boat myself ha ha. Welcome to the traileurable
boat world!!

we share a common love: large sailboats on trailers! i saw from some of the images we also share a common problem… the bow is badly scuffed from the trailer bump stop. you can buy a rubber skid cover/plate to cover the bow and extend it down to cover the bottom part that grounds first when you bring it in to a beach. in boat terms its not too expensive.
I’m looking forward to seeing videos of your sailing adventures around our Great Lakes!
First time watcher. Kirk you sound genuine and it's a pleasure to watch / listen to you. Subscribed
Thought you guys where MAD buying a towable with being 3 now but this is a great roomy treasure that you got lucky with knowing the builder extra bonus HAPPY NEW YEARS!!!!!!
Flying f31.
Grandpa loving to share with the new crew! How often!
I like the idea of traceable sailing boats
, what kind of trimaran is this and the length
Progressive Boat Insurance once wouldn’t cover my boat accident. I told them I was going onto a popular fishing podcast and going to ask the viewers if I was wrong for thinking it should be covered. Got a email a hr later saying it was going to be covered now.
Well you know what they say life is what happens while you're busy making other plans
Get on the road and wreck the boat get even with the insurance company
If the two of you drive straight through you should be able to make it a day we used to come from North Fort Myers Florida to Mom's house in Columbus Ohio and about 18 hours back when I used to make that drive a lot
Haven’t watched in awhile. Why did you sell the tartan for this ?
Progressive is the worst. I had a forestay snap and they told me it was covered, then after a month on the hard they claimed it was maintenance related and I was stuck with the bill.
You now have your own "boatyard" to play in.
So cool. Looking forward to following along.
We had the same problem with Progressive when we purchased a Tartan. I totally feel your pain!
Unless I'm missing something, the issue with that trailer looks to be that the axle was mounted inside the leaf springs and not below them. That is putting a lot of weight on the shackle u- bolts. Probably done that way to make launching the boat easier on short slow trips to the boat ramp but would not make me comfortable for that long trip home.