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31 thoughts on “Ep. 415 KITESURFING DOARE!”
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Kiting would be such great fun!
Careful Plucky don't want Steffy to fly away, we would miss her.
Ok, who saw the ray leaping twice out of the water at 4:27 in the background?
who would ever think that one day you could ripped apart by a kite , not in my day people , kites could'nt do that even if they tried to, but this thing as much fun it is , can .but most things that are dangerous are the most fun ,,,thats just the laws of the universe people , u can stay home and watch your brain go round and round which is alot of pain in itself or go out and have fun people ,,c ya peter hurry up with that greek boat ,thats going to be fun.
Plukkey, c'mon, you can't train somebody to kite surf with one hand. Put the camera down and do it right…
You would think they could come up with a emergency release pull a little easier to grab as your spinning like a rag doll
With this crew… so close… but yet so far… to seeing all the beautiful coral…
Damm, that looks hard work but allot of fun, definitely need good upper body strength. Happy New Year Peter and crew.
I've seen tons of croc shit partner, I'm an Aussie and we got crocs all over the fekn' shop as you'd know. Especially where you sank your cat, that would've been a few watchful nights. I remember when it was legal to blast them into oblivion, back in the day when I got my gun license, when I turned 15. I couldn't legally drive or drink or vote, but I could own and use a 44 mag lever action. Next birthday my father bought me a 30/06. I had to wait till I turned 18 for a hand gun license though, weird eh?
You can do callouts to donators, that will get you more I think. Yoru email adress doesn't seem to show anywhere anymore.
That was the most exhilarating and funny teaching of kiting. But Steph did pretty well. Hugs from Texas sweeties
Best instructor around the world

you're a good teacher. nice work.
Please pick up some of the flotsam and jetsam when on those lovely beaches.
I thought you went easy on Steffi during safety training, if Katrina hadn't been sick, for authenticity, I'm sure you would have had her chucking buckets of water in Steffi's face while you were dragging her around

A Dutch beginner kiter died yesterday in Cape Town when he was dragged down the beach. Best get the quick release in your head ASAP. Good training Plukster.
great education of the kite sailing . can't wait to see her take off !!
Hey plukky. Used to kitesurf. Had a 9m 12m and a lovely blade vertigo 14m I miss that kite. I've only got power kites now. 4.9 twin line no brakes
a 3.6 power ànd a 2m which is mental in strong winds. 
Oh yea Happy new year to you and the girls that's to all who have been out on your boat. Hopefully next year il have my beveria 38.
Good training Plukky. Good work Steffi!
You are a good instructor.
Very good teacher.
Awesome day one kite training
Oh poor Steph. Geeze your a hard task master Plukky
. Good on you Steph. Kudos Plukky for your down to earth training.
they ate most of the crocs, people
awesome instruction… good on ya
Happy new year maaaaaaate !!!
Peter what a pleasure to work with such a motivated pupil…..cheers Stefi, you got yoourself the worlds smartest teacher…that was really interesting
Awesome video
Loved and enjoyed the info and detailed explanation
Thank you for sharing with us. Looking forward to the next video 

Great training. Best before dead. Reminds me of my sea survival training.
Big kite, small girl.
Maybe she's got rocks in her head