Acest episod se deschide în minunatul Honeymoon Cay din Marea Cortez Mexic, unde Bill și Grace s-au reunit recent după o separare de 4 zile. Grace sărise la bordul Delos pentru a ajuta când prietenul nostru Kazza era bolnav. Acum s-a întors, și mai bine, așa că este timpul să sărbătorim pentru că este ziua ei și cu 3 bărci prietene aici, asta înseamnă un singur lucru. . . o plută în sus! Încercăm câteva manevre diferite înainte ca bărcile să fie confortabile și sigure și apoi nu pierdem timpul intrând în modul petrecere. Folosim toate jucăriile noastre plutitoare și ne bucurăm de după-amiaza petrecută împreună. Mai târziu, Brian gătește niște burgeri suculenți și ne bucurăm de prăjitură. Pe măsură ce soarele apune, sărim de pe bărci și ne răcorim în frumoasa apa limpede de aici. Acest ancoraj este cel mai frumos pe care l-am văzut până acum!!! A doua zi dimineața este o trezire grosolană, când o furtună uriașă a venit peste noapte. A venit mai devreme și mai puternic decât se prevedea, iar vânturile puternice smulg de fapt unul dintre panourile noastre solare chiar de pe bimini top!! Separăm rapid bărcile și luăm ancora pupa care este săpată foarte adânc. Este o dimineață ploioasă, dar în cele din urmă vremea se așează peste noapte și a doua zi dimineața plecăm, de data aceasta încercând să depășim un uragan care s-a format și se deplasează. Strategia noastră este să alergăm spre nord pentru a încerca să trecem deasupra casetei de uragan în care ne aflăm. asigurat. Din păcate, întâlnim niște condiții noduroase, iar tunetele și fulgerele ne năpădesc toată noaptea. Facem foarte puține progrese, așa că schimbăm direcțiile pentru a scăpa de mările agitate și vântul pe nas. În același timp, primim o alarmă de motor cu ulei scăzut și apoi trebuie să ne îndreptăm spre siguranța unei insule fără ajutorul motorului. Ne hotărâm să ne odihnim câteva ore și să așteptăm să se schimbe vântul, dar mai întâi ne adresăm motorului care ajunge – din fericire – să aibă nevoie doar de ulei. Îl testăm înainte de a pleca câteva ore mai târziu și vedem că cele mai recente modele arată o schimbare în calea uraganelor. Ne hotărâm să schimbăm direcțiile complet în lumina acestor informații și să ne îndreptăm spre continent. . . ramane de vazut daca aceasta este decizia corecta!! 0:00 Introducere 1:43 Instalarea plutei noastre cu trei bărci 7:20 Raft Up Cu succes, petrecerea să înceapă! 9:05 Realitatea dură a plutelor! 11:58 Fugând de uraganul Kay! 15:43 Schimbări de vânt, este timpul să căutăm adăpost! 16:15 Probleme cu motorul, trebuie să navigăm spre ancorare 20:45 Calea furtunii se schimbă ~-~~-~~~-~~-~- Vă place canalul nostru? Luați în considerare să vă alăturați echipei Calico Skies Patreon pentru doar 2 USD pe lună pentru a obține o mulțime de bunătăți suplimentare Mediul marin este dur pentru echipamentul nostru de cameră, ajută-ne să filmăm ! Verificați magazinul nostru și cumpărați produsele noastre la skies-gear/ Tricou unisex cu mânecă scurtă nou Spinnaker Patreon prea mult de angajament? arată-ți sprijinul și cumpără-ne o bere sau niște motorină
Fugând de un uragan…Fără un motor funcțional
(Calico Skies Sailing, Ep 163)

48 thoughts on “Fugând de un uragan…Fără un motor funcțional
(Calico Skies Sailing, Ep 163)”
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Dried echinacea or oregano in a tincture (vodka or whiskey) are natural antibiotics. Just do 2/3 of dried, and 1/3 with the alcohol. That way you won't have to rely on being near a doctor. Be aware that the oregano is gag worthy though, but it got me through c****d and the flu with just one dose each.
Want to watch more?! The next episode is available on patreon right now!
Happy New Year! Always looking forward to your new episodes.
Happy New Year Bill and Grace, Andy Northern Ireland.
Another very cool video capturing sailing life and friendships!
As always, a great episode! Love the music, love that you keep is so real for us, and always wish you safe sailing. Happy New Year!
It's good to know you 2 are safe. Thank God Bill is handy. Hoping your vacation was filled with Joy & Laughter with friends and family. Blessings
Happy New Year! Let it bring all you wish to you! BTW so good to have so great friends as you! Nice community!
Happy New Year! Many blessings for you both in 2023!
I too have treasured friendships as u do. Last night I came across Ted Talk by the now late Eddie Jaku “Happiest man on earth” His memoir not for faint of heart yet uplifting. Here is an anonymous quote Eddie shared. “Please don’t walk in front of me, I may not be able to follow you. Please don’t walk behind me, I may not be able to lead. Just walk beside me and be my friend.” Safe sailing! Happy New Year from
Another Excellent episode……love when the buddy boats get together
also love when Grace and the Nugget play around
and Bill… have to smile more lol
Oh those stern anchors can be such a pain. I had mine mounted right on the rail.
Grace are you the one who is going to tell Nugget that Mommie is Daddy’s girlfriend?
Happy new year.
Happy New Year!
Great video. The 3 SV tie up was awesome. Great to see my 3 most watched channels hanging out together. Looks like some excitement is on the way as you point her to the east. See you again soon

Gotta say I loved it when you all rafted together and them had to make a decision to leave but I also noticed the Captain Ron reference and you are not the only sailing channel that references one of my favorite movies re-watched it just yesterday.
I love how Bill doesn’t let anything bother him ,he just makes adjustments or fixes what breaks
So glad hurricane season is over here,none from 2022 in south Alabama.All that food y’all were cooking looked good too!!
Can you put a dip stick extender or extended dipstick
I really loved this episode! I just heard about Kazza and her bout with SAL! What do they say about Mexican food? Hmmmm The clip with the lightening storm was pretty intense. And to think, all this happened before the US Sailboat Show! It was very enjoyable meeting both of you there. : – ) BTW – HAPPY NEW YEAR! Are you back in the Sea of Cortez?
A diesel loves their oil, like a sailor loves his rum! Love watching you two. You are living the dream… sometimes a nightmare. But still, the best life. Your channel is so real and reflects what real cruising is about. I hope and pray that you have a happy, prosperous, and safe New Year. I'm going to DM you on Instagram or FB.
Fair winds…
Happy New Year guys! Looking forward to your awesome adventures in 2023
September. January 2
Chop chop
Bill is a good hand at whatever he does. I have nothing but respect for these guys that can keep a sailboat going . Its not easy to do….and the girls make it possible…thanks to both crews..
It's worth noting, so many parallels: great family, friends, people, engine problems, home mechanical glitches, vehicle issues, shifting levels of good and terrible weather: It took me 190 minutes on and off to get all the way through this 22:28 minute episode – and it started here in 32" of snow – it's so nice to share in your very tropical challenges – Save travels
man o' man, ya'll got it made in the shade…
Happy New Year!! I love your videos great editing and beautiful scenery.
Loved that you caught Delos! Go Sabre. Raft up action was fun to watch. Too bad about the storm, but y’all take it in stride. Happy New Year!
Got a spare oil pressure sender? Or a mechanical gauge to verify your oil pressure? Nice video as always. Keep calm and carry on.
Groovy filming as always. Love the comradery between you and Delos. You two are always a joy to watch.
Honeymoon Cove instead of Cay I suspect. Looks to me to be too high to be a cay, and isn't that name used only on the Caribbean side?
Good going guys, you're almost at 25k subs
It's not always just fun and games and ya'll show that quite well. Well done guys, great vid.
Awesome episode. Happy New Year!
Happy New Year to you Bill and Grace on Calico. Love to see every new episode!
Great video I really enjoyed it. We’re hanging out in a hotel in Loreto soaking off our sailor barnacles. I have a feeling your going to stop bird dogging for us. Our next anchorage is also honeymoon cove for us. Fingers crossed.
nice bvlog guys
Take a video about this , The world is now ruled by one community of people, the world Satanic elite, you can also call them the committee to meet the Antichrist and prevent the 2nd coming of Jesus, Trump called them the deep state, at the moment it consists of about 10,000 people, the main ones there are Rockefellers, Rothschilds, Windsors, Baruchs, they, their ancestors, descendants and other people who enter there have the mark of Lucifer, which, if they bring the antichrist and do not allow the 2nd coming, they will receive eternal life after the x hour, and the rest of humanity, for all the time that they have lived, they won't get anything, They won't stop themselves
Hey guys , Brett here from Canada , absolutely love your videos. Thanks for sharing your life with us folks. I hit the like button , subscribe, and commented. Lol . Be gone for a month but will definitely hook back up with you folks when I get out . Happy new years and be safe. Sending love from Canada
That was a fun day. I really appreciated the invite. The evening swim with the distant thunderstorms was the highlight. As I said to Brian when we were floating around. This doesn't suck. Looking forward to your hurricane video.
Happy new year to you both
Idk if it was the TV I was watching it on, but the colors looked amazing in this episode. Also. . .substances. . .
Love your story and how you tell it. Thanks
It's the best blessing to have these two awesome buddy boats to sail with. But I couldn't help to notice the many times you mentioned Delos and not once you asked to subscribe ,like and share the videos on your own channel??
Always the best show. Thank you!
Wow, so beautiful, what a great anchorage. That is so cool, good fun. Glad you got your engine sorted. Stressful times dodging Hurricanes. Stay safe.