Noul Comandant Suprem Comanchero | Duax Ngakuru

Noul Comandant Suprem Comanchero |  Duax Ngakuru

#gridsparta #comanchero –––––––––– Noul An 2023, a început odată cu apariția unor poze noi cu Duax Hohepa Ngakuru din Turcia, mâna dreaptă a președintelui Comanchero Mark Buddle și noul comandant al MC Comancheros. În urma acestui fapt, motociclistul născut în Noua Zeelandă, despre care se presupune că a condus un imperiu global al drogurilor din Turcia, a devenit noul „Comandant Suprem” al clubului de motocicliști Comanchero, care este acum mondial. –––––––––––- Urmăriți Grid Sparta pe Coffee: /GridSparta Facebook: Instagram: Twitter: Reditt: https://www.reddit .com/r/Gridsparta Blog: Podcast:


32 thoughts on “Noul Comandant Suprem Comanchero | Duax Ngakuru

  1. The man fuk NZ gangs got nothing on these guys NZ gangs been here 50plus years jus starting to get a piece of the pie these guys show up for a year running the game I'll fkn join use and I'll take the risk it's worth it

  2. Another deportee for the TMG

    Traffic Management Gang

    He’ll be ranked and patched as Supreme STMS – Leader of the vehicles traffickers ✊🏾


  3. Wonder if new Zealand is really trying to bring him back home or you saying that so he changes his movements and some pressure on him to open an opportunity to arrest him🤥🤥🤥🤥 either way don't care good luck to both NSW police and commos both weak dogs .. bet that 400kgs of coke that went missing/stollen triggered a war wonder if anom app was used and monitored at the time police took the drugs and caused this mess believing and blaming hamzehs when all along due the stupidity of NSW police what the hell you think will happen knowing you took that amount out drugs didn't you think it would trigger a war or something will occur from it ? Or second is someone high within the commons did a dirty ripped off buddles blamed hamzehs and war was on buddles to stupid to think outside the circle and maybe blame police or his own before making some stupid decisions that will bring himself and now the whole club down !! Need to make a movie about this !!

  4. He's not in turkey I saw him new years eve at magic city strip club atlanta, he was popping champagne 🥂 bottles with some fine ass models

  5. Another f)&)$ing FOB go back where you came from stop teaching you grubby children ugly mentality you GRONKS!!!!

  6. Could someone please tell why these guys have take and post all these pictures? If they are capable of conducting any kind of business, so why this🤯? Is it ego?

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