Aceasta a fost o zi mare pentru micuța Boemia, deoarece Elon a pornit în sfârșit serviciul de internet prin satelit al Starlink în Panama și am instalat micul nostru „Dishy” pentru a alimenta obiceiul de derulare al primului prieten! Am cumpărat sistemul RV care oferă un amestec bun (până acum!) de flexibilitate, preț și performanță pentru nevoile noastre. Ca parte a instalării, l-am conectat la sistemul nostru de 12 V DC, astfel încât să nu mai fie nevoie să rulăm invertorul în mod constant. Tot în acest episod: Am plecat de pe plaja Starfish din Bocas cu dragii noștri prieteni Matt, Fiona și Pippa la bordul SV Matilda… culminând într-o cursă de unghii! Detalii despre conversia Starlink DC pe care am făcut-o pot fi găsite aici: Dacă vă plac videoclipurile noastre și doriți să susțineți fila barului Bohemia, puteți face o contribuție la http:// Peter și Tom sunt marinari homosexuali care au învățat să navigheze relativ recent în Golful San Francisco, înainte de a renunța pentru a naviga în Mexic și a naviga în jurul lumii! Mulțumesc!
Starlink pe o barcă cu pânze! Sailing Boemia Ep.125
21 thoughts on “Starlink pe o barcă cu pânze! Sailing Boemia Ep.125”
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We have had starlink for a couple of months and we love it
Being simultaneously a sailing nerd, space nerd, and computer nerd this is the perfect trifecta for me!
Good for you guys, my friends on Britican also just installed StarLink.
I think it is a game changer for cruisers (YouTubers) world wide.
I've been living on my boat now for over a year and when it doesn't move one bit at night and you forget you're even on a boat is magic.
Fantastic guys!! Well done . Enjoy the Caribbean
lol @ "almost straight" Congrats on getting starlink. I can't even get it!
Starlink! How nice. Now you can do Live Stream Events from the Caribbean. 😁 Also, 200Mbps, wow!! My cable line is 300Mbps.
Great episode! And thank you for the shout-out!
the 2 mph race… so funny!! pippa is adorable. 🥰
I love the shell necklace!
Starlink is a definite game changer!! So happy for you!!
Another great video. If you don't need to go to bars to download videos, doesn't that do a way with your social life? Does that mean with Starlink you are becoming a teetotaler? I hope not. Starlink is great, a couple I buddy boat with have it and they have given me their passcode. There is always something more you want on a boat.
$5000 a month for Starlink? ?
I am open to text 24/7, he he.
I am off to Hawaii now, done with Florida. Free ti trade insults 24/7
OMG I’m so jealous on your Starlink setup, as green as the Grinch with envy. The water is so beautiful. One comment on the place names you mention, totally meaningless here in the UK. Would welcome a view occasionally of a map of where you are sailing if possible.
Congrats on Starlink!!! Be sure to set your phones up for "Wifi Calling"
Starlink just makes the dream so much more possible, i hope one day i can work from the boat and bel able to afford the cruising lifestyle.
I'm interested to hear more about your Starlink experience. You guys seem so happy in this episode… love it!
Do you have in motion or standard starlink unit? Good job with the videos- I always look forward to the next one.
I knew what was under that cover. 💅 Mostly because it says what it's was in the title. 😊