Familie care locuiește complet OFF-GRID pe REMOTE ISLAND! – (Episodul 190)

Familie care locuiește complet OFF-GRID pe REMOTE ISLAND!  - (Episodul 190)

Insula Great Barrier face parte din Noua Zeelandă, dar se află la 60 de mile marine în largul coastei Auckland. Nu există o rețea electrică acolo, așa că toată lumea trebuie fie să folosească generatoare, fie să folosească un fel de sursă de energie regenerabilă… SV Parlay este un catamaran Lagoon 450 avariat de uragan, pe care Colin l-a reconstruit împreună cu prietenii și a început să navigheze în jurul lumii. Au găsit avarii în peretele etanșului catamaranului lor din Panama, așa că au reparat-o și sunt aproape gata să traverseze Oceanul Pacific!! Pentru a ni se alătura pe Patreon și pentru a obține conținut exclusiv și șansa de a veni cu noi, faceți clic aici! https://www.patreon.com/parlayrevival Pentru a cumpăra marfa Parlay Revival faceți clic aici!! https://parlayrevival.com/collections Toată muzica este de la sunetul Epidemic! Înscrieți-vă aici și obțineți o probă gratuită de luni pentru a vedea dacă vă place! https://www.epidemicsound.com/referral/ym5nvt Urmărește-mă pe instagram pentru actualizări zilnice! https://www.instagram.com/parlayrevival_colin/ ​​Pagina de Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/parlayrevival Editat de Brittany – @flippyhipped (instagram)


35 thoughts on “Familie care locuiește complet OFF-GRID pe REMOTE ISLAND! – (Episodul 190)

  1. Nothing but mad respect for your dad. It's easy to see where you get your work ethic and common sense mechanical aptitude. Actually mad respect for the both of ya!

  2. wowo wow wow what am amazing island and so much natural beauty. Love you r family live thank you for sharing your visit with your family. Your Dad is a rock star

  3. Hey your turn is coming you must have all the ladies chasing you. I love your journey your part of my family as I love watching your journey. You are such a gentleman and a great human being.

  4. WOW, Thank you for sharing your time at home and family with us that was something truly special.
    You're definitely a chip of the Old Block it appears as your father is an amazing man who raised yet another amazing man.
    Fair winds, following seas, safe travels and God Bless.

    Don't worry young man she's out there somewhere you just haven't found her or she you, Yet…

  5. @Sailing Parlay Revival Colin is your mother Japanese? correct me if I'm wrong please! Just the houses look so similar to the styles in Japan, modern homes not more than 20-30 year old.

  6. Just saw Sterns interview with The Boss on Netflix. Discussing the past vs future of music and affection one take-home that stuck was:
    "You gotto change [through life] man!"

    So perhaps – in not too distant future – we'll have videos where Mr New Parley continues to rethink life followed by a couple of videos with tenders full of approaching partner/bride material. Then some day we'll be able to watch 'The Ultimate Surfers Union/Wedding' followed by the pregnant but all smiling parent videos, again followed by some on stinky but even funnier diaper themes. And we all agree you've fallen into the same cozy & organic, inevitable & normal sphere as most of the other yt sailing channels have done over the yrs, ie. vlogging the pathway of growing through life.
    Cannot wait until the day I'll experience Parley Toddler Revivals running around in that beautiful Family Castle on Barrier Island …

  7. Followed you from the beginning and this is your best episode to date to give us all a look into you and your family and your upbringing. Kudos to your Dad and all you kids for showing how family life can truly be a blessing and encouragement to so many others. Thank you Colin for this step thru the looking glass!…

  8. Your a lucky man collin.blessed with good family & Friends all around you. Your dad is a very clever man who can see past the now & into the future. He has obviously worked hard to get the things he's got. But he has also worked hard in order to keep it & that wouldn't happen without the support of a good wife & good family around him. Kiakaha brother. All the best for you & your family. Keep up the good work. It makes you rich. Not necessarily with money, but rich.♥️ SV Kiwi Lady Opua Bay of islands New Zealand 👍

  9. What an amazing family you have and what amazing skills and planning skill and determination that it seems everyone has in your family!!! You can tell that you were raised in a very loving and beautiful family. Thank you so much for sharing truly an amazing story

  10. I have always wanted to tell that your soeech at the beginning of every video is so true to me because now I am in my 70's I have way to many regrets from not taking a chance, but getting married and having kids early which I will never regret limited me to what I felt I could do. Be safe and happy and continue to keep in touch with your fantastic family

  11. Awesome that you went home to see your family if it was 10 weeks it would still not enough time flys… Everyone has their happy place your brother has his and you have yours and Colin i can see where you get im doing this from awesome… You make dreams a reality

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