O aventură cu cafea italiană. Croazieră cu un Trawler la nord de Țările de Jos, pt7; S3/E02;

O aventură cu cafea italiană.  Croazieră cu un Trawler la nord de Țările de Jos, pt7;  S3/E02;

Română: (Nederlandse ondertiteling hieronder) De la zona lacului Kagerplassen din Țările de Jos până la orașul naval Den Helder din nordul Țărilor de Jos. A fost un tur frumos până acum și astăzi ajungem în Den Helder. Dar înainte de a ajunge acolo, voi împărtăși o poveste personală „Cu mult timp în urmă”. Apropo, există un motiv să țipi la mine? Ei bine, o persoană crede că da. Mulțumesc că ai venit! Vă rugăm să lăsați orice întrebări sau comentarii mai jos. Acest canal urmează un format: „Join Henk-Jan, while he cruises with Lady Liselot”. Asta este. Aceasta înseamnă automat: fără tur cu barca și fără joburi cu barca. Aceste subiecte nu se potrivesc cu formatul. Așadar, îmi propun să vă ofer o senzație despre cum este viața la bord pentru mine și sper să vă bucurați de ea, poate să vă raportați la ea sau poate chiar să învățați ceva. Dar este pur și simplu povestea mea și felul în care fac lucrurile. Nimic mai mult, nimic mai puțin. Nu uitați să: ╔═ ╦╗╔╦╗╔═╦═╦╦╦╦╗╔═╗ ║╚╣║║║╚╣╚╣╔╣╔╣║╚╣═╣ ╠╗║╚╝║║╠╗║╚╣║║ ║║║═╣ ╚═╩══╩═╩═╩═╩╝╚╩═╩═╝ ca o dovadă că ai citit această secțiune. 😉 S3/E02; 50ft Trawler la nordul Țărilor de Jos, pt7 Nederlands. Waarom ik alles in het Engels doe? Omdat ik bootjes video’s kijk van Fransen, Denen, Noren, Spanjaarden, Portugezen, Duitser s én heel veel Engelstaligen die allemaal Engels lullen. Vrei alleen dan kan je je ervaring wereldwijd delen. En wat bljkt? Mijn video’s worden in 127 landen bekeken (zie S03/E01 voor de lijst). Veel van mijn kijkers en abonnees zijn Engelstaligen die mijn video’s helemaal top vinden, omdat ze óf family hebben uit Nederland, of hier jaren geleden zijn geboren en door omstandigheden nu elders op de wereld wonen. Van de Kagerplassen in Nederland tot Marinestad Den Helder in het noorden van Nederland. Het was een leuke tour tot nu toe en vandaag komen we aan in Den Helder. Maar voordat we daar aankomen, zal ik een persoonlijk ‘Lang geleden’-verhaal delen. Kan jij trouwens een reden bedenken om tegen me te schreeuwen? Het gebeurt echt. Weet je dat Nederlandse onderiteling aan kan zetten? Doorgaans zo’n 4 uur nadat de video is gepubliceerd. Faceți clic pe videoclip, în care uit de iconen die rechtsonder verschijnen dan voor [ondertiteling] și alege olandeză. Apoi, chiar și engleza mea de cărbune (frumos, nu-i așa de la acei băieți și fete YouTube) va fi tradusă în olandeză. SOCIALE: Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/mvladyliselot Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/mvladyliselot Tiktok: https://www.tiktok.com/@mvladyliselot #boating #yacht #cruising #yachting #yachtlife #boatlife #sailing #liveaboard #thenetherlands #trawler #zaandam #noordzeekanaal #haarlem #zaanseschans #tripadvisor #noordhollandskanaal #noordholland #denhelder #marinebasis


27 thoughts on “O aventură cu cafea italiană. Croazieră cu un Trawler la nord de Țările de Jos, pt7; S3/E02;

  1. Many thanks sir for the video , always well received and so uplifting when under “ dark clouds “.
    Looking forward to your next instalment.
    All the very best .

  2. Henk-Jan, Good morning from the northern latitudes of Minnesota. Well, I see it’s Kings Day in Holland. You’re all decked out in orange, laundry deposited, engines started, mooring lines cast off, throttles advanced and here we go heading north to Den Helder. Interesting journey, Henk-Jan, but I do have one question about when Holland is Holland and when it is not. So when is it appropriate to refer to your wonderful country as Holland or is it the Netherlands?

  3. Henk, gelukkig nieuwjaar. Your English is excellent but just one thing, when you are welcoming us into Den Helder, it is "welcome to" not "welcome in". My philosophy? I hope I learn something every day". Happy sailing…

  4. Another enjoyable video. With over 6,600 subscriber now, it is nice to meet one of you viewers. I think you could have done a stand alone video of the museum ships and their history's. and information on the museum itself. It might help you get more subscribers who at first was searching for the museums.

  5. Yet again I leaned that it is dangerous having my morning coffee and at the same time watch your vid, almost “drowned” in my cup from laughing…. reminded me of my dad who had the mocha maker from Italy that made the same kind of coffee, it was his pride and joy, it tasted amazing, but when I tried for the first time (and last) it gave me palpitations for hours… ever again:)… Just an amateur question, I am seeing these old barges and other boats equipped with that interesting shaped equipment – I am guessing they used as rudders – on either side, been looking for more info on them but cannot find out the name to be able to search properly, help me please?

  6. Henk Jan, het aller beste voor 2023 en veel mooie vaar trips. Ik zag dat je in Rotterdam onderweg was op de vlog van Arie en Calorine van de Hanriqe.

  7. Ohhhh please no, not the upper lip grin. We used to have a black Labrador called Tweed and whenever you ask her repeatedly what she was doing, she would grin and show her teeth. You did a brilliant imitation 😁

  8. Hallo Henk, weer een video die ik met plezier ga bekijken. Ik geloof dat Koningsdag een van de grootste feestdagen van Nederland is. Hallo, uw boot is niet oranje versierd of in ieder geval een oranje vlag !!! 😀. Heel erg bedankt dat we met jullie hebben kunnen navigeren tijdens dit geweldige feest. Gefeliciteerd en tot de volgende video.

  9. Hello Henk-Jan,
    I recently came across your YT channel…. and am impressed… so actually I am a little jealous ;-). Between Christmas and New Year … and until today I managed to watch all the videos, wonderful pictures, intreresting information, scenes and impressions spiced up by a commentator who brings in homor and doesn't take himself too serious . I love it!!!
    But, in one place I must correct you, it is about the kilometer stones on the river. You said that it is the kilometers from the source. For the Rhine and the Rhine delta, this is not correct. The kilometer marking begins at the bridge in Constance, so at the point where the Rhine leaves the upper lake of Lake Constance. From the msource to this point it is about 200 km.
    Greets from Aachen

  10. Hi Henk-Jan Thank you very much for your woderful and interesting vlog about the Dutch Waterways and Lady Liselot. We are a German Couple and also boaters & vloggers. The last 8 years we cruised in England & Wales with our traditional narrowboat "ANGE DE L'EAU" and since August 2022 with our Classic Motoryacht "OLD GILLY" (Gillissen Spiegelkotter 11.85, 52 years old) we are exploring the Netherlands (Marina Ijsselstein / Utrecht). Our two YouTube Channels are "Kanalboot-Abenteuer in England" and "Old Gilly's Reisen" and maybe you like to watch some footage from our cruises. We hope to meet you somewhere in the future and will follow your journeys with great interest. Fond regards from Wolfgang & Marlene

  11. I remember Den Helder very well and yes have visited the museum there and really had a enjoyable day out as maritime stuff is my scene and thank you once more Henk-Jan for bringing me back those memories. It was also great to see those Tulips blooming in the fields whilst travelling on the North Holland canal, it was a great day for me and for you as well, see you in the next video Skipper, Cheers from Tasmania.👍

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