Avertizare de furtuna de zapada!! Am fost singur săptămâna aceasta și aceasta este cea mai mare zăpadă care a căzut vreodată pe micuța noastră casă cu velier și de data aceasta s-a blocat! A trăi la bordul unei barca cu pânze ne ține aproape de vreme, dar nu văzusem niciodată așa ceva. O masă de aer arctică a adus temperaturi neobișnuit de reci (înghețate) și a transformat portul nostru într-un tărâm al minunilor de iarnă înghețată! Dacă v-a plăcut acest videoclip și doriți să ne susțineți direct, puteți primi acces la episoadele noastre fără anunțuri, comunitatea noastră de chat, actualizări din culise și multe altele la https://www.patreon.com/bluemoonlife Aceste videoclipuri sunt posibile prin generozitatea telespectatorilor ca tine și vrem să-ți mulțumim foarte mult că ești aici! Pentru oricine nou pe canal, locuim pe o barca cu pânze de 30 de picioare cu normă întreagă și ne-am mutat recent într-un acostare în afara rețelei în lunile de vară! Aceasta înseamnă că ne obținem toată puterea de la sistemul solar sau de la funcționarea motorului diesel și trebuie să împachetăm toată apa și mâncarea folosind mica noastră barcă cu un motor exterior. Blue Moon este o navă cu vele Catalina 30 din 1978 pe care am achiziționat-o în 2020. Un an mai târziu am decis că este timpul pentru o călătorie și am construit un Delica din 1998 pentru a traversa țara. Acum trăim la bordul ambarcațiunii cu normă întreagă, facem excursii de weekend cu duba și explorăm această lume frumoasă. Multumesc pentru vizionare! J+G Uimitoarea noastră comunitate Patreon! Chuck Croston Dan Currier Darren Waller Dave Hines Eiso Eric Smith Frecvență Albastru Gerald FitzGerald Gord Jamie Jesse Milam Jim M John Davidson Josh Klar Regele David Michael Bingham Caprifoi Paul Beadle Paul H și Linda L Randy Sears Simon Law Tom și Siri Tony Maronie –- ––––––––––––––––– ––––––––––––––––– ––––– patreon – https://www.patreon.com/bluemoonlife Instagram – https://www.instagram.com/bluemoonlife_/ paypal – https://paypal. me/bluemoonlife?locale.x=en_US PFD-urile noastre Mustang (primim un mic comision dacă cumpărați prin acest link :D): https://www.avantlink.com/click.php?tool_type=cl&merchant_id=c1629a4b-6c91- 4893-b136-7ba0ca4a1ba5&website_id=9ca5171e-6861-4268-bee4-2d668239ce28&url=https%3A%2F%2Fmustangsurvival.com%2F Folosim muzică fără drepturi de autor de la Epidemic Sound. Înscrieți-vă cu linkul nostru pentru a obține 10% reducere în primele 12 luni! https://www.epidemicsound.com/referral/sg84a6 ––––––––––––- ––––––––––––––––– –––––––––––
Singur într-o furtună de zăpadă | Viața de iarnă pe o barcă cu pânze de 30 de picioare
38 thoughts on “Singur într-o furtună de zăpadă | Viața de iarnă pe o barcă cu pânze de 30 de picioare”
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If your boat's hose is frozen just throw (lower) it into the sea for a while to make the ice thaw.
Doesn't look like global warming.
I enjoy the angles you shoot at.
Beautifully shot. I've done van life (as a climber), but even as an ex-sailor I've always wanted to do the liveaboard thing, but never have. You look to be making the most of it – congrats!
Incredible work. I love the phrase enjoying the calm after the storm. Thank you for sharing your private time and life on the boat!
YUP you were snowed in ../////
New to the channel: first of all compliments! A question: you seam not to have any condensation/moisture issues inside. Is it due to the boat (strong isolation) or any teechnique? Apologies if you already addressed the topic. Thanks, Massimo
Amazing footage. Thanks for sharing!
It's hard living aboard this time of year, I'm glad I have a diesel heater to keep the cold Scottish weather at bay.
Leave the snow as it will insulate the boat and keep the heat in . Just saying
That’s crazy. If I’m able to get a boat I hope it never sees snow, unless I actual get to traverse the northwest passage. That was, however, inspirational!
Join The Crew
Absolutely wild. Beautifully filmed. Great story. Can’t wait to follow along!!
Recently found your channel. We live on Gabriola Island (ferry from Nanaimo) and the snow this year, and cold temps, has been NUTS. We had to close our business 4 days, plus had an additional 5 days with no phone or internet. Ugh!!
You obviously dont understand the principle.
You live on boat so you can go where ever you like.
No need to suffer in coooold
FYI: if you put felt on the door grooves where you slide your panels in like weather striping it will help to insolate your cabin. Maybe a summer project.
I would do what the city does to avoid frozen pipes on the dock. Cut a 3' piece of that white hose, and attach it to the dock valve and leave it running over into the water. I have a 50' collapsible hose with a shutoff valve. This allows me to store it more easily out of the cold. It would also allow you to fill your water jugs below without having to haul them on deck.
You're making me miss my single-handed adventures on my Catalina 30.
Where are you anchored
How can you survive the cold? Inside how cold?
Next time, don't remove the snow. Use it as insulation.
Gorgeous thankyou. What is the piano music at the end?
Can sombody tell her the snow keeps her inside of the boat warm?
Your create this unique atmosphere of peace… it makes me sit here, …finding peace. Young Lady, that`s great. Powerful. Thank you so much !
Seems like a lonely way to live.
I subscribe to many sailing channels. I dream of owning a small sailboat one day. Liveaboard. I don't have time to watch much.
It was a beautiful peek into your life. Thanks for sharing.
Some excellent cinematography here, ma’am. Just another reason not to port in the north, I guess. Beautiful video,tho.
Great video. Love the quality and way of filming. This is just perfect to watch. With a few edits, maybe even not needed, it could go on Discovery channel and be a better documentary then what we see there! Thanks for sharing. And enjoy boat life; i have one myself too, so can relate to it very much.
wow u so well done
Your joking right?
So there’s thousands of these videos and some of these comments are falling over themselves saying how great it is. Psssssh,
Not seeing anything special here. Cudos to her and her boyfriend who’s behind all the real work lol.
I love the way you bring the coffee making to life…warm..cosy….one can almost smell the aroma.
But alas it's not for me, coffee goes in the top and straight out the back…
Facinante realización !!! increible la estetica lograda en imagen y sonido colocando en su lugar la belleza la naturaleza y la comunion con el velero, Felicitaciones !!!
Love your videos , tend to binge a bit though . I think you are great as a couple . I love it , that you Gillian , are not afraid to roll up your sleeves and get dirty ,or use the tool box ! And your fella is great the way he supports you and always seems to listen and consider your point of view . The camera work is great ,and the area you sail in is beautiful
Makin me shiver! Stay warm. Great videoing.
Stinky, guarantee it!!!!!!
When you get an arctic blast it might serve you well to leave the snow covering the boat it can act as an insulator. Of course not where you need to walk. Stay warm!
Being in S. Louisiana i never thought of snow and sailboats together – quite peaceful thanks for sharing