Dacă doriți să susțineți cu donații unice, faceți clic aici – https://www.paypal.me/Plukky Da, miniatura se potrivește de data aceasta…. Nimic decât calitate, echipajul distrându-se printre paradisul din sud-vestul Caraibelor într-un regiunea Panama numită San Blas. Frumoase plaje și insule curate, literalmente în mijlocul nicăieri. Uneori fetele sunt în bikini, alteori navigam, alteori pescuim și facem grătare pe plajă. Practic, distracție la soare. Am menționat apele cristaline, corali și insule pustii? Există și asta. Doar uitați-vă la videoclip….nu pot să-l dezvălui pe tot. Dă-i cu degetul mare dacă ți-a plăcut acest episod! Sistemul de direcție automată a vântului din Atlanticul de Sud https://www.south-atlantic.com.ar/index.html Cod:WYE6IEY8 Acesta este deschis numai pentru primele 50 de aplicații. Ia-ți tricoul Sailing In Freedom Crew: https://teespring.com/stores/sailing-into-freedom Vrei mai multe? Deveniți patronul nostru și obțineți acces la conținut exclusiv. https://www.patreon.com/sailingintofreedom Dacă doriți să susțineți cu o singură donație, faceți clic aici – https://www.paypal.me/Plukky Vedeți câteva echipamente pe care le avem pe barcă: Invertor https:// www.amazon.com/Xantrex-PROWatt-Inverter-Model-806-1220/dp/B002LGEMOQ/ref=sr_1_5_mod_primary_new?dchild=1&keywords=marine+inverter&qid=1616102481&sbo=DF3%2481&sbo=DF3%2481&sbo=DF3%2FV2&sbo=2%2FV2&sbo%2F3V2 5 radio portabil https://www.amazon.com/Standard-Horizon-HX210-6W-Compact/dp/B07KN6LKVG/ref=sr_1_6?dchild=1&keywords=marine+radio&qid=1616102542&sr=8-6 Asociat câștigați din achiziții eligibile și apreciez foarte mult sprijinul dumneavoastră!) Urmărește-ne și pe Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/sailingintofreedom Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/sailingintofreedom Site-ul nostru: https:// www.sailingintofreedom.comDă-i cu degetul mare dacă ți-a plăcut acest episod! Ia-ți tricoul Sailing In Freedom Crew: https://teespring.com/stores/sailing-into-freedom Vrei mai multe? Deveniți patronul nostru și obțineți acces la conținut exclusiv. https://www.patreon.com/sailingintofreedom Și acum pentru ceva complet diferit. Acest canal este similar cu canalele de la Delos și Vagabond. De asemenea, o mențiune notabilă sunt Gone with the Wynns, Sailing Uma și Sailing Doodles. Și doar pentru a varia conținutul aici, am pus asta.
Ep. 417 Fetele vor fi fete – Miștoașe din Paradis

29 thoughts on “Ep. 417 Fetele vor fi fete – Miștoașe din Paradis”
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Got hit by 18 plus again. Uploaded 3 times with still the same result and then put the warning and now it seems to be Ok. What a waste of bloody time. I wish the wind would blow all the petals away….
You are way too serious. You should try to have a little more fun. Hahaha.
That was great, all these crew will remember these adventures forever with admiration, that says it all, sorry you missed out on a piece of cake, thanks Pluckys weight watches
Plukky's weight loss system! Join NOW and you are guaranteed to lose weight in 2 weeks or less. Don't believe me? Crew on Sailing Into Freedom today!
Great to see you having fun again Plucky. Love the surf kiting. I wish you only good luck in 2023. I enjoy your videos.
Such wonderful neighbors, like a floating restaurant. More sugar.
Have to find out what can be restricted on this. Was a finger in frosting. O bother. Should see some other stuff about YT …
Nice warning. Girls seem happy when you're gone, more food hahaha
Take a video about this , The world is now ruled by one community of people, the world Satanic elite, you can also call them the committee to meet the Antichrist and prevent the 2nd coming of Jesus, Trump called them the deep state, at the moment it consists of about 10,000 people, the main ones there are Rockefellers, Rothschilds, Windsors, Baruchs, they, their ancestors, descendants and other people who enter there have the mark of Lucifer, which, if they bring the antichrist and do not allow the 2nd coming, they will receive eternal life after the x hour, and the rest of humanity, for all the time that they have lived, they won't get anything, so all people should know about the existence of a world government
Another awesome video

LOVED the Warning. Great segment.
Peter! Good stuff!
Are we Finally getting the leaf bikini?
here is a clue for the sooks, watch something else
So how's the oversized aussie mop doing lol?
Remember to play dot to dot with the redhead mate!
Getting to the real question how long until you are starting to build the new yacht mate because with all the bad luck you've had I think you need a bit of good luck with the new yacht and it sounded like a great design to build with actual engineers and so on and your own suggestions being included?
Whats the point of being sorta young and having a boat if not to load it with giggles and coconut butter smellin girls My first watch but pretty good group. .
Bikini where ?
God love you Australian cuts, only way to feel better is to make another feel shit or embarrassed!
Your a race with a huge chip on your shoulder you can't bare. Your not indigenous and have huge hatred to those who are! Australia is like stepping back in time with mentality. I'm glad I left in early 2000's
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PLUCKY!!! Keep doing what you do and just do you… it's awesome!! Wish I was there
Correction: you have been in such shallow water once before. How soon we forget.
Sorry but how can you sell this video as having a maximum of 1080p quality? It looks to be 480p at best.
I refuse to watch crap quality videos in 2023.
Your forward notes on the video were epic (lol) its amazing how many people have a criticism for a video they dont have to watch. Im glad to see you having fun and still at it! Small jealous minds really need to go get a coffee or a nap and stay off Youtube… Keep sailing along and giving me something to dream towards!
Pedro! 17:25 behind your head. Your sheet is fraided bad that is hanging on the boom!
Another Top Notch video PeePol! You can now advertise your chartering as a weight loss program as well as sailing! Keep up the great work!
Even when on holiday I still look forward to my fix of sailing into freedom.
I don't watch all of your vids, but they are fun when I do. Thank you.
Common man iv definitely seen you in shallower water then that……
What speed do you accelerate to on your kite board?