eu și marena mergem la navigație [S5E17]

eu și marena mergem la navigație [S5E17]

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47 thoughts on “eu și marena mergem la navigație [S5E17]

  1. Maya, how do you record your violin playing in nature? i never saw a microphone attached to the violin or to your body… but there must be, right? I don't think that you only use the video footage and than record the same piece in front of a mic later… i am so curious! (I play the violin, too) Sending love from the Austrian mountains x Ida

  2. Your videos and adventures are so inspiring! I started filming this year and it’s so scary and vulnerable at first but every video gets better. My fiancé and I have the dream of one day bouncing between a sailboat and converted van, seeing where life takes us. Our free time is filled with lots of sailing and travel research, and maps plotted with points. I love watching your videos because they are so beautifully put together and capture both the beautiful moments and some of the more raw ones too. Sending love✨💛

  3. Hi Maya and Aladino! Quick question for you. I noticed in the video that the mainsheet on Magic Carpet is attached to her boom with a clip. I'm curious to know for what purpose? Thanks!

  4. Imagine Marena must be a fan of John Steinbeck, Doc Ricketts who first documented marine life in the Sea of Cortez… Steinbeck wrote a novel around this time called "Cannery Row" about his experiences there… it's hilarious, brilliant.. was made into a movie with Nick Nolte, Debra Winger.

  5. Here in Arkansas it’s January and we have had a ‘Wolf Moon’??? It’s down on the horizon and looks very big. I love the light that sticks with us so late in the evening.

  6. This summer has not been so much about sailing but capturing moments in time. You have created through a lens and microphone the essence of your experience. You have taken two senses and turned them quite nearly into touch and smell. I can feel those smooth rocks and smell the cool salt air all while the feel of a warm salon awaits after your sunset performance. You have a gift in film making and a zest for adventure that is truly unmatched. Well done.

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