Alăturați-vă echipajului RAN Sailing ~ pentru streamuri live, conținut exclusiv și multe altele Suntem o familie suedeză care a navigat prin lume din 2016 în timp ce împărtășim aventurile aici pe YouTube. În timp ce încă navigăm, obiectivul nostru principal acum este construirea RAN III, o barcă cu pânze de 50 de picioare pe care o construim singuri. Postăm un episod nou în fiecare vineri, așa că asigurați-vă că vă abonați și apăsați clopoțelul pentru a fi primul care află când există un nou episod! CONECTAȚI-VĂ CU NOI – Site: – Instagram: – Facebook: PRODUSE ȘI CAMERA: https:// Am adunat unele dintre produsele pe care le folosim în viața noastră de croazieră și realizarea de videoclipuri în magazinul nostru Amazon. Dacă cumpărați oricare dintre articolele din magazinul nostru, primim un mic „ka-ching” în pisicuța noastră de croazieră (fără costuri suplimentare pentru dvs.). Mulțumesc mult și mulțumesc programului Amazon Influencer. Credite muzicale: Love, Malin, Johan & Vera
Ne-am răzgândit – Deciziile de construire a bărcilor – Ep. 331 RAN Sailing
29 thoughts on “Ne-am răzgândit – Deciziile de construire a bărcilor – Ep. 331 RAN Sailing”
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So interesting! I can’t wait till your videos come out each week! Thank you for sharing this new adventure.
What is the initial material between the 700mm frames, please.
I guess its thin plywood then covered in fibreglass.
I am really enjoying this
Best wishes to you all
Strong back? Keel?
Great project! Any place there on the farm for volunteers to stay? You are going to need some help with this project. There are many retired skilled people out there (including myself) who would jump at a chance to visit Sweden and help with your project. Hi from Vancouver Island BC Canada 🇨🇦
Wow! I thought you would have it finished it by now! 😉 Just kidding! Watching a big boat DIY build from scratch over a few years is going to be like viewing an insect through an electronic microscope! There is so much in the details!
Set both beams together. Making pencil lines for a layout. Being sure to have them flush at the starting point. Move those in place. Squaring and leveling and fastening them to the the floor temporarily. Then standing the "trusses" spacing and stabilizing with angle bracing or use the barn wall to attach and plumb the first bulkhead. I'd measure the width of boat and ceiling height.
Hi there, this entire video I was thinking what an enormous undertaking, building your boat, assuming Johan always reading plans in his spare time, ordering supplies, while Malin assisting, and taking care of Vera amongst other chores, you no doubt both share. This is actually a beautiful lifestyle when you stand back and look in.
A farm house, your day job next door in a barn, your daughter watching her parents work hard to travel the globe filming and documenting on a very balanced keel, so to speak. You two are remarkable!
It's Cad Cam all the way.Well done.Best wishes for your extremely difficult task.
shoud have cut it up in manageable pieces and hauled it out
Ska ni verkligen ställa hela båten på de smala små benen på formarna?
Hela skrovvikten kommer hamna på dem till slut.
Jag trodde ni skulle låta hörnen i formen (där benen korsar den vågräta tvärslån) vila mot balkarna i vaggan. Betydligt stabilare punkt.
Är det inte överdrivet att fästa gängstänger i golvet också? Borde räcka att palla och kila tills det ligger i nivå?
Some real progress!
Great show!
It’s nice to watch and hear you two guys working so well together and discussing your joint work options, to find ways to move forward. It’s clear you both give equal space and weight to consider each other’s opinion. Such decisions can be the cause of great emotionally charged tension that at times will inevitably arise in the course of the build, but the way you two interact, I’m quite sure you’ll overcome the problems together and find the solution. Malin’s obvious commitment is a positive force for good that enables Johan to be creative.
Don't worry Vera will be able to help with the build soon enough, time goes fast Best of luck with this epic build and I look forward to seeing it progress
the alignment is a big challenge. excellent job so far.
The dual helm looks like it was over engineered.
Did you ever consider a center pedestal pivoting helm with 3 positions, starboard, center and port?
Vera is such a beautiful child. She is so comfortable in and around water at such a young age.
My prediction, Vera will represent Sweden as a member of the swim team in the 2040 Olympics.
So much respect for you guys, lots of succes!
You two compliment each other so well working together. Teamwork makes the dreamwork. Great vid guys.
I loved the great drawing!
Wonderful progress.
Fascinating! Now I understand! Thank you
Scow bow… it’s not too late. Many reasons why it’s worth a look before you are to far set
What an undertaking. I am so looking forward to following you on this journey. You work so well together and are an inspiration to all of us.
Hell of a project. Hope you can do it. Good luck, I'm looking forward to following along. Be sure to read comments many helpful advice will come in them.
Synthetic standing rigging – lower mass, DIY serviceability? Eliminate chainplates by having molded hard points through which you can tie off the stays and shrouds – light weight, and eliminate sources of leaks and corrosion and some very expensive hardware?
enjoy your time together building
Great change.. EXCITED… Your both amazing ✌🏼💗😊⛵
I’m excited for you.
Love your videos and am excited to be involved (watch) in this build. Miss you sailing too.