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195. Uh oh MARINARĂ JOS! | Duminica navigatie

22 thoughts on “195. Uh oh MARINARĂ JOS! | Duminica navigatie”
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Get well soon.
Love it
I have 3
Be honest now, that sea weed concoction really is nasty isn't it!? You would never catch Mr Jackson drinking sea weed. Ha! <3
Get well soon hopefully not covid. Baby pups are looking good
Another great Sunday! Sail Safe Guys, Ant & Cid. xx
2:48 buddy getting absolutely hung out to dry on the knuck bump lol.
Great one as usual
like and subscribe!!!
Sounds like you had a 'man-cold'!!! I hope you feel better. Cheers.
It's probably covid, did you get a test?
Hi Brittny' Could you tell me where you can buy the Stugeron? USA?
Have her checked for pneumonia.
'and that is how we popped our floaty'

You guys are the best. Hope you feel better by now!
Cheers guys!
Aren’t All Aussies Awesome!

Jackson was disappointed Ryan didn’t take him him hiking

, but to short….
…thank you…another happy moment with the best Crew Sailing Sunday ever

…hope you feel much better now Brittni, singing while having a cold….wonderful….stay safe all together ,hugs to super Jackson and the very good looking puppies …..

You should be in the Bahamas in 2024! It’s going to be an awesome season!
Always a groovy episode. sorry you were ill Brittni, and Jackson broke your floaty.
Good to see Ryan wearing the traditional Aussie hiking shoe.
Fab video guys, just started following would love to make contact with you as just got a GSD and plan to travel, am now starting to watch the previous videos
get well soon