195. Uh oh MARINARĂ JOS! | Duminica navigatie

195. Uh oh MARINARĂ JOS!  |  Duminica navigatie

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22 thoughts on “195. Uh oh MARINARĂ JOS! | Duminica navigatie

  1. Be honest now, that sea weed concoction really is nasty isn't it!? You would never catch Mr Jackson drinking sea weed. Ha! <3 😉

  2. …thank you…another happy moment with the best Crew Sailing Sunday ever👍🤩😃…hope you feel much better now Brittni, singing while having a cold….wonderful….stay safe all together ,hugs to super Jackson and the very good looking puppies …..🐾🐾👣👣⛵🍀🥰💚

  3. Fab video guys, just started following would love to make contact with you as just got a GSD and plan to travel, am now starting to watch the previous videos 🥰 get well soon

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