Am fost loviți de fulger pentru a doua oară în 2 ani. Costa Rica este renumită pentru iluminatul său în sezonul umed și, desigur, 3 bărci au fost lovite în această noapte fatidică. Prima dată când am fost loviți a fost în Panama în urmă cu 2 sezoane umede, așa că barca a avut parte de ghinion, inclusiv pereții etanși și, de asemenea, daune cauzate de uragan… SV Parlay este un catamaran Lagoon 450 avariat de uragan, pe care Colin l-a reconstruit împreună cu prietenii. și a început să navigheze în jurul lumii. Au găsit avarii în peretele etanșului catamaranului lor din Panama, așa că au reparat-o și sunt aproape gata să traverseze Oceanul Pacific!! Pentru a ni se alătura pe Patreon și pentru a obține conținut exclusiv și șansa de a veni cu noi, faceți clic aici! Pentru a cumpăra marfa Parlay Revival faceți clic aici!! Toată muzica este de la sunetul Epidemic! Înscrieți-vă aici și obțineți o probă gratuită de luni pentru a vedea dacă vă place! Urmărește-mă pe instagram pentru actualizări zilnice! Pagina de Facebook: Editat de Colin #lighting #livingonaboat #sailing
Am fost LOVIȚI DE fulger DIN NOU!!! – (Episodul 192)

23 thoughts on “Am fost LOVIȚI DE fulger DIN NOU!!! – (Episodul 192)”
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Colin you will bounce back via sponsorship and insurance.
Gawwwd damn that's unlucky, handled it like a champ as usual, nice work tram
Sorry to hear this has happened again to a fellow Kiwi. Your work effort is inspiring. A lightening strike is one of my major fears on our Leopard 48. Your are like the terminator you just keep on going, Epic!!!
I use to hang a chain of the mast during thunder storms.
That's a definate pain guys! You'll fix it and maybe find out ways to keep it from happening again. Question is are you going to the Cook Islands? Looks like they are starting up tourism there. Computer background picture was a beautiful shot so I looked more into it. Glad Jamie and Tom are both back.
"Fuzzy Ball"; Fool Proof Lighting Protection protecting every cell tower on the planet…along with many other Structures and Vessels none of which have ever been struck… Sorry about your misfortune, **it Happens even in Paradise, don't let it happen again…Love your life, will catch up with you soon… S/V 9LIVES
Terrible what happened with Parlay. Colin, this episode is so interesting on how you are applying your engineering troubleshooting skills. You will solve it and get her done!
Does it make sense to disconnect electronics if they aren't going to be used for a while?
For all you have put into that boat by now, I have never heard you speak of installing a lightning diffuser at the top of the mast. Any reason or is there one there and not working?
I don't understand why you didn't get out of the area after you'd gotten the boat good to go after all the work and the mods? When you went through the Panama Canal I was expecting you to kick off a new chapter but the brakes were applied! So stop treading water, Get the fuck out of Dodge my friend lets see Parlay crossing Oceans no excuses!
burnt motors can be rewired.
These are the best episodes, where Collin is repairing or fixing something and Jamie is the comic relief. Just like the bulkhead repair videos, so satisfying seeing Collin figure shit out
Jacinda leaving her last destructive act on our New Zealand brothers before she leaves office as PM.

Hang in there guys things can only get better for our New Zealand brothers and sisters from this point forward ♥️
Nothing fun about lightning strikes, but lucky none of your batteries exploded! I had this happen and i can tell the mess that made wasnt fun to clean but lucky it didnt catch fire an sink the boat!
man what a bad luck, so sorry for all your efforts, … keep it up! fingers crossed for your circumnavigation the planet!
That boat is doomed!
Electricity and salt water have never mixed well. Add in that these people want to put the boat in the tropics with weather events that blow out the electronics, and it's going to be a lot of challenges.
Our hearts go out to you. Being struck by lightening on our sailboat is one of our biggest fears! Thank you for such an information video of your thought process on how to trouble shoot! Love your mentality of this sucks but we have to figure it out and keep moving forward! Best of luck and speedy recovery on getting her ready to sail again!!
I don’t understand why you don’t have a lightning rod installed after the first strike?
There’s no whole boat surge suppressor available?
Need to invest in a megger to test insulation.