Ridicarea velelor – Partea 8 – Prima vele

Ridicarea velelor - Partea 8 - Prima vele

Ai visat vreodată că plutești în vânt? Mergi unde ți-ai dorit folosind aerul ca transport? Este ca asta.

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[ Music ]
„Closure” interpretat de Doug Waterman


34 thoughts on “Ridicarea velelor – Partea 8 – Prima vele

  1. Must be one hell of a feeling to be out there on your dream that you made a reality.

    My grandfather had a plaque on the wall in one of the bays in his garage that read, "Make sure brain is engaged before dropping clutch on mouth".

    On the back of his business cards he had this printed, "Always treat your wife like a thoroughbred and she'll never turn into an old nag".

    He and my grandmother were together 61 years when he passed.

    He was in business for 50 years and people would drive from all over the state just to have Meryl work on thier tractors and vehicles.

    Then later in his so called retirement years their hydraulic jacks, forced on him by my grandmother out of her love for him.

    God I miss him…

  2. I agree with your statement about learning from your mistakes. With wood or metal I save most of my errors to use on future projects. These scrap pieces are mixed with the cut-offs and are the 1st place I look for the structure elements on the next project. A positive day is when I have nothing of size in the scrap and have to cut from a new long stick of metal or wood. I wonder if the day will come when the scrap box is empty showing my failures are much less than my accomplishments? Love seeing the sails up.

  3. If you took your crutch to a muffler shop and got them to bend the tubes (man, that sounds uncomfortable) to give a wider mouth to the V to catch the sail as it falls it might be an easier option than re-welding it all.

  4. Good to see she truly is SV Seeker now.

    At the risk of being labelled a troll, you may want to make that top batten quite a lot stiffer, as in I don't think you realise just how much.

    With that kind of deflection, even with a longer doubler you may run into work hardening and consequently fatigue cracking. Something to consider.

    Regardless though, well done getting her under sail. It really is a massive achievement.

  5. Hi Doug I have been watching you for years now. The next time you take off the pullies that removed after cleaning them up, I would put some graphite on the inside off the bushing off those pulleys. And then see have smooth it turns and it will last quite a long time. seeing they are out in the weather. Have a good day.

  6. Would it be advantageous to setup your crutches with ropes or hydraulic to be able to raise them from the pilot house? Just thinking for foul weather/single handed operations. Love watching and yes I'm a bilge rat along for the ride lol.

  7. saw the video of Seeker under sail.. she looks magnificent!!

    would HDPE be a good option for the bushings?? (one of the types with graphite included in the matrix) glad you were able to tweek it and get them working….

    An easy tool to make for your line work with dynema, is a hollow aluminum knitting needle of the right diameter, and you cut back end (disk end) of it off and smooth the edges…then it's used just like the one your friend made. nice thing is knitting needles are easy to get ahold of. (I used it to make eye loops in dynema lines for dog sleds tug lines that attaches the dogs harness to the front of the sled) Doouble loop it thru so it locks on itself, and you can feed the free end up into the standing end to finish it off.

    having a block will reduce the effort needed to raise and lower the sail because each individual line in the block and tackle shares the load. but unless each of the upper block sheeves is hung individually, the net weight on the attachment of the block, will still be carrying the full weight of the sail hanging from it.

    old firehose can be used for a LOT of things like that. chafe points on ladder rails, the saddle of your sail crutches to help cushion when it's holding the sails, rub ponts on the latches where your gangplank rests when it's in the stowed position. it's a great, VERY durable material and many departments will just give you an old retired hose if you ask nicely.

  8. Having watched your channel since it was a pile of rusty metal sheets and an impressive vision, now I must say: This video is REALLY moving. No pun intended. What an achievement of truly epic proportions!
    It's been incredibly satisfying to watch you build and even more so to see you sail now. I can't begin to imagine how satisfying this milestone is for you Doug and Betsy and everyone else who contributed to this outstanding project. Thank you SO much for sharing your journey, what an inspiration.
    Fair winds and following seas!

    PS. I really hope to see Bart sailing with you at some point!

  9. Christopher Havens was in prison near Seattle after being convicted of murder. To pass the time he discovered that he had a gift for math. After exhausting the prison library he reached out, ultimately to Umberto Cerruti a professor of Mathematics in Turin, Italy who took him under instruction to teach him higher math. To determine his level of understanding Prof. Cerruti sent him an unsolved equation. Using only pencil and paper he cracked an age-old math problem. The two of them published the solution in the journal 'Research in Number Theory'. Nobody told him it was unsolved so he did it his way and solved a problem classically trained mathematicians had been trying to solve for ages. Progress! CH now teaches his love of math to other inmates.

  10. Haven't watched any of your videos in a little while. I was always wondering how in the hell the sails were supposed to work. I'm not a sailor, I've only spent time on a couple sail boats….. and didn't know what the hell was really happening there either…LOL. But it's interesting finally seeing how the junk sail setup works… or is in the process of working and being designed. BTW, congratulations on seeing Seeker move under wind power for the first time.

  11. You can hack two attachment points on a yard with a line between them and a block on that line. This allows the point if the load to shift as the sail is raised. There is also the option for a second halyard of a second attachment point for tightening up the peek of the sail.

  12. That thing will never sail. So very heavy and a stupid rig. Power to weight. There's many reasons why nobody uses a junk rig. I'm not a troll just pointing out the obvious you can't yet see.

  13. Maybe I missed it, but what is stopping a really strong wind from knocking the boat over? Or would the wind required just be too great? I do remember the boat sits lower in the water so I am sure that helps stability.

  14. Congratulations Doug it must have been a great feeling to be sailing after so much work getting there. Love your comment about the trolls. People that hide in the trenches and yell from there but never come out in the open. Capt Ian

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