Debrief-ul | Singapore Sail Grand Prix

Debrief-ul |  Singapore Sail Grand Prix

Abonați-vă aici: Like SailGP Pe Facebook: Urmăriți SailGP Pe Twitter: Urmărește SailGP Pe Instagram: http://sail .gp/Instagram Rămâneți la curent cu buletinul informativ SailGP: SailGP navighează redefinit. Înființat în 2018 și cu sediul la Londra, SailGP este un campionat sportiv anual, global, care oferă tehnologie îndrăzneață, de ultimă oră și atletism uimitor. Cursele de coastă, centrate pe fani, au loc în unele dintre cele mai emblematice porturi de pe glob și culminează cu o cursă de meciuri de 1 milion de dolari în care câștigătorul ia tot. Echipe naționale rivale din Australia, Canada, Danemarca, Franța, Marea Britanie, Noua Zeelandă, Spania, Elveția și Statele Unite se luptă cu catamarane F50 supraalimentate identice, proiectate pentru curse intense la viteze electrizante care depășesc 50 de noduri (aproape 60 mph/100 km/h). ). #SailGP #PoweredbyNature


9 thoughts on “Debrief-ul | Singapore Sail Grand Prix

  1. Go Kiwis…!! 😀 Do think the penalty points were really harsh when you look at the actual incident, -4 regatta points plus then -2 overall for that? Get they don’t want contact, but should be different scales according to the different factors of contact/options to avoid etc..

  2. I am enjoying Denmark getting a great result and rather think that they are closing in on an event win. I would also not yet rule out the final. Nice, consistent, and very competitive improvement!

  3. Hat’s off to SailGP for getting the event completed under such lackluster circumstances. Had to be up at 1am here in the USA to watch but wasn’t disappointed.

  4. Highlight was the Kiwi kids comebacks and Danish consistency. My predictions were 2/3 for the event and CH first win. So happy to hear that Martin K and the entire moving crew aboard Amokura were not seriously injured. Summer storms slingshots ships surrounding Singapore Strait!

  5. Great work getting this post GP debrief up & running Lisa & team !
    Sorely needed IMHO !
    It's not a fair dinkum post race presser, but I like hearing from every team afterwards.
    The lightning strike has got to be the icing on a great weekend of racing. So glad everyone is going to be Ok.
    Bring on 'Steak & Kidney' !
    Maintain the rage gurl !
    Warrick in Melbourne

  6. All thrilling to watch. My heart was in my throat for much of the events. Just a fantastic time! Looked as thought the whole Singapore audience were just loving it – and why not. The lightning bolt was a dead set worry though. Fortunately everyone OK though.
    Sydney is going to be a rush and a lavish sight!

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