ADEVĂRUL despre SAILING (navigarea în Italia, Sicilia, insulele Eoliene) – Trăitul pe o barca cu pânze Ep. 2

ADEVĂRUL despre SAILING (navigarea în Italia, Sicilia, insulele Eoliene) - Trăitul pe o barca cu pânze Ep.  2

După ce traversăm insidiosa strâmtoare Messina, acum trebuie să ne confruntăm cu un ocean de dificultăți pentru a naviga către Insulele Eoliene din Sicilia. Aeolus, regele legendar al vânturilor, nu ne va favoriza mult timp și zeul Vulcano nu ne primește așa cum ne așteptăm… Dar în toate acestea, descoperim adevărul despre navigație. Episodul precedent: Abonează-te pentru aventuri săptămânale și lasă-ne un comentariu, vom răspunde cu plăcere. Urmărește-ne pe Instagram pentru actualizări în timp real! @alba.sailing Cine suntem? Suntem Giulia și Mads, un cuplu de navigatori italo-danez cu visul de a naviga în jurul lumii într-o manieră autosuficientă. În 2021 ne-am mutat la bordul barca noastră cu pânze Alba, un Hanse 370e din 2009, iar în prezent explorăm Mediterana în timp ce lucrăm de la distanță.


25 thoughts on “ADEVĂRUL despre SAILING (navigarea în Italia, Sicilia, insulele Eoliene) – Trăitul pe o barca cu pânze Ep. 2

  1. How nice to be able to take your time and explore. Unfortunately we have to make the most of just 90 days in europe 😥

  2. Such beauty you’ve captured and I really learned a lot about the history of the island and landscape. Thank you for adding such flavor to the film.

  3. Det giver et sug at se dansk YF flag her i Middelhavet Hilsen Erik dansker bosat på Corfu sejlede LUFFE 37 i DK tidligere ser frem til flere videoer fra jer.

  4. nice boat, great place, incredible smile, natural philosophy, positive journey, vegetarien food = love it + good info for my next summer sail towards italian islands, grazzi mille

  5. This was a very nice story. I love how you have included the mythology of the surrounding area. You have a very nice narration and I hope we get at some point a chance to meet up with you on your travels. In the coming year we are planning to sail ourselves to the Mediterranean. Our boat currently is in Scotland, but we plan on making our way south to the Med by next winter. I hope your relationship with Neptune and Aeolus never sours and fair winds follow you through your adventures.

  6. Hi Giulia and Mads, Really enjoyed your videos, as a pair of old sailors Silvia my partner and I follow quite a few sailing Vloggers, and came across you guys by chance,, Very enjoyable, You really seem a nice couple and set for a great adventure in a fantastic area of sailing (The Med) So much cultute and History, As you are starting out I would just add a couple of things, Please do not take offence, as we are your audience to whom you are appealing, and any critique if taken well can only enhance perhaps and maybe help grow your subscriber base (of whom now, we are one) You speak very well and your voice is perfect for this, but maybe just a little bit less of the history lesson and phiosophy, some is good, but just maybe a touch overdone, and secondly when quickly showing a sequence of different shots/Scenes, it was a bit Too quick, maybe just a second longer on each would be perfect, We do hope you take this feedback in the spirit it is proferred, because we are genuinely new admirers and very much look forward to following the rest of your journey, and eagerly await the next installment, Best Regards Glyn and Silvia

  7. You're off to a fantastic start. I love the narration as it weaves the new with the old and the mythical with the mundane.

    You also provided some much needed inspiration as we struggle with setbacks with refitting our old boat, so thank you.

    Best wishes and I hope you keep at it!

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